I'm too lazy to edit my profile (including my favourites) so I'll just add it here. I've completely given up on watching anime, and now I just read fuck tons of manga. I update my manga list every few weeks. I used to be super active and keep up with all the seasonal anime. And now...well shit.
EXTREMELY lazy at keeping up with seasonal anime, though I keep starting new anime and then just eventually forgetting about it, then coming back weeks/months later.
Add me if you want. Haven't been watching anime for too long but I absolutely love it. Check out my list. All my ratings are my overall enjoyment of the anime/manga with minor scaling on the quality of it.. If you think that any of the anime/manga I've dropped (i tend to drop quite easily) is actually worth my time then tell me and I may pick it up again.
Feel free to recommend me some anime, my favourite genres are (no specific order): drama, ecchi, fantasy, harem, psychological, romance, school, shoujo, shoujo ai, slice of life and supernatural. Genres that I'm not a fan of/don't enjoy most of the time are (no specific order): historical, mecha, military and police.
I read a lot of lewd dōjins (thanks r/doujinshi) and here is my favourite one. Enjoy :)
All Comments (8) Comments
I see you're a man of culture as well
It's quite a unique show that's amazing in its own sense!