Been watching anime ever since I can remember :D. Growing up, I watched Doraemon, Lupin III, Detective Conan, Voltes V, Daimos and absically any anime available on our local channels. I've only started watching anime for real quite recently and I've watched some anime titles I haven't recorded here since I'm not that sure if I really did finish them since I probably watched them long ago. Meh. I'll just rewatch them over again (FUN!).
I try watching whenever I have free time (Not. My school work takes A LOT of the heat XP) Kinda hard 'cause I'm in college right now and I'm desperately running for honors (a bit of a grade conscious. LOL). But seriously, I reserve my weekends for anime fun. :))
As for manga.....I'm kinda too lazy to read and my list is seriously outdated. I'm focusing more on anime right now. I'll update my list later when I have time....I guess? XD
Oh, and my favorites aren't really arranged in order :))
hmm. I don't really have a specific genre I like. Anything goes basically. Whatever is available, interesting and fun. And no I'm not a yaoi or yuri fan.
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