Here to watch anime and have fun.
2017-2021: 91 completed, 12 anime
January-February 2022: 10 completed, 4 anime
March 2022: 4 completed, 0 anime
April 2022: 2 completed, 2 anime
May 2022: 1 completed, 0 anime
June 2022: 3 completed, 3 anime
July 2022: 2 completed, 0 anime
August 2022: 1 completed, 0 anime
September 2022: 0 completed, 0 anime
October 2022: 0 completed, 0 anime
November 2022: 1 completed, 0 anime
December 2022: 4 completed, 1 anime
January 2023: 2 completed, 2 anime
February 2023: 0 completed, 0 anime
March 2023: 2 completed, 1 anime
April 2023: 0 completed, 0 anime
May-December 2023: ? completed (nothing substantial), 0 anime
January-March 2024: 3 completed, 1 anime
April-May 2024: 2 completed, 0 anime
June-August 2024: 1 completed, 1 anime (I forgot I had watched Ponyo and didn't mark it until December)
September 2024: 1 completed, 0 anime
October 2024: 5 completed, 3 anime
November 2024: 0 completed, 0 anime
December 2024: 1 completed, 1 anime
January 2024: 2 completed, 0 anime
The 'anime' count may be inconsistent with the total amount of anime I've fully seen. What I count as a full anime has changed over the years (franchise including all movies and seasons, substantial chunks of a franchise like DBZ, DBS, etc), and I may have counted shows twice (i.e if I finished a show, then another season came out, and then I caught up with that other season, or for any other reason). Sorry.
First anime:
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
First completed:
Boku no Hero Academia
100th completed:
Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3
3500th episode:
Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Duel Monsters Episode 4
4000th episode: I forgot to keep track of this, but probably something from
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3 - Stardust Crusaders,
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3 - Stardust Crusaders 2nd Season,
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 4 - Diamond wa Kudakenai, or
One Piece
4500th episode:
Naruto: Shippuuden Episode 345
(this also may be somewhat inaccurate. I delete certain shows I've seen less than 3 episodes of from my on-hold to lighten up my backlog).
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Thanks for the friend request
How are you doing, watching anything good lately?