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Uchiage Hanabi, Shita kara Miru ka? Yoko kara Miru ka?
Aug 16, 2017 7:45 PM
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Days: 55.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries215
- Reread0
- Chapters7,301
- Volumes1,108
All Comments (137) Comments
Wish you all the best!
Why Norman jadi jahaaat?
hm? mau coba dong nya yang pak ian itu. XD
Noooo!!! Norman suka sama si Emma, please nooo. flag mati mah... (u u,) kayaknya ada. lagi nyiapin diri ini. UPDAAAATEEEE!!!! YAKUSOKU NO NEVERLAND UPDAAAATE!!!!
Bener ya... apa gue coba ngajar di bimbel dulu gt ya daripada di privat? waktu itu seleksi di tridaya gimana sih nyaw?
EH! pas lo fieldtrip ntar, bawa oleh-oleh berupa foto yak. foto tempaaat hahaha bukan foto siswa XD
ngerti kok nyaw, ai sekarang gimana? kamu masih kontak?
Bentar, tapi kalau baca komiknya bakal ngurangin feel nonton animenya ga?
...belom ditonton, wkwkwk. ok deh, natsume dan hibike cuuussss
waaa langsung dibaca :"D syukur belum jauh, tiap chapter baru muncul... senengnya tiada dua hahaha penasaran sih.
Iya, gue juga rada takut si norman mati terus si Emma dititipin ke Ray (ToT)
anyw, sedikit update dari gue.
...harapan gue, cukup malaikat, kita, orang Indo di MAL yang maen ke profile lo dan kepo, dan penghuni internet insignifikan dalam hidup kita yang tau soal apdetan ini.
3 bulan setelah kelulusan ini gue mencoba hidup sebagai NEET (ok, masih ngajar di eskul sih). Gue ngerti "orang tua seenek apapun sama kita tetep nerima". Tapi gimana pun juga gerah sendiri, makin sensitif, dan on the verge of depression. or already in depression kalau berdasarkan test mah.
Makin parahnya lagi, ketika gue pernah ngomong kalau si Mr. D itu "rising". sementara gue sendiri sekarang lagi mode Choromatsu rising juga. Rasanya... pathetic. Bilang ke ayah ibu kalau gue mau coba cari kerja sementara kenyataannya gue belum gerak sama sekali.
Akhir-akhir ini yang bikin gue tambah down adalah:
1. Jret, gue kenapa jadi Choromatsu gini.Rising.
2. Kayaknya sih overthinking, tapi sms Am* dan perkataan Teh se*, dari soal traktir, kebohongan gue pengen ketemu... bikin gue ngerasa rendah sebagai manusia.
3. ok, kayaknya gue harus berhenti. Jam 1, susah tidur, dan otak sepertinya dalam keadaan mabok. ciao
Tapi satu hal yang patut disyukuri, dalam keadaan seperti ini pun... gue tetep bahagia waktu denger si kiki diterima kerja dan segala update-an lo yang berwarna... meski pun riweuh dan pengen main (lol, hayu atuh pas kamu off). Weird brain? (= =_)
My favorite is comedy and slice of life, because those genre are very easy to watch lol xD but I actually okay to watch anything, but I didn't like reverse harem lol xD I prefer short-period than long-period, maybe 12 episode worth or the longest is 25, I think I will drop anime that have too long episode, drop from downloading I mean lol xD. I already watch and read School Rumble, my very first favorite anime that I read its manga lol xD (because I'm sure Initial D is my first favorite, but I didn't read its manga lol) , I even read School Rumble Z to know who end up with whom lol xD did you already read that? Yeah I watch Nichijou and Danshi Kokousei no Nichijou too, I like them both, very funny anime xD and seriously, for Danshi Kokousei no Nichijou, I thought it will be some kind of Gundam Adventure anime thing lol, since it's a collaboration of Sunrise and Square Enix lol, and they explain it in first episode lol xD. Oh yeah, you said you didn't like mecha right? So you didn't like gundam, did you?
I haven't watch all of those movies, I will add it to my plan to watch. I cannot recommend you anything more, since in our shared anime, and in my unique anime, it's too tiny, and I can't recommend you anything, but Gundam lol xD, but you said you didn't like mecha, so yeah, I won't recommend it lol xD. And for movie I like a deep meaning stories too, and that mystery stories too are very interesting to watch, but I didn't watch Conan since it's already have too much episode, too lazy to download it lol xD. Oh I like movie too, but I rarely watch it, even if I already download it, didn't have that much time to watch it lol xD
I watch Haikyuu too, it's the best! Lol, I love volleyball, even I'm not that good playing it, but I love it every time I play volleyball, and Haikyuu is great volleyball anime, I love it lol xD. Yeah I love watch sports anime too, and I already watch Haikyuu, Diamond no Ace and Kuroko no Basket too, as long as they are not yaoish, I'm okay to watch it lol xD. Oh but I don't like sport anime that didn't mind the rule of game, or the author do whatever he/she like with that sport, like Days (TV), it's so much irritating to watch that anime -_- and I don't like a crybaby character for sports anime main character, because a "girly" and crybaby person (a male) in sports club is always get bullied (at least in our country), so it's just like telling me a lie...
Ah I already download it in kissanime too, but yeah, it's a lie 720p lol xD, so I deleted it and patiently wait for the real 720p, I usually download it from masterani, they never lie about quality, and they haven't uploaded Kimi no Na wa xD, the moderator said they wait for blu-ray version xD
I haven't watch it :( please wait until I watch it okay lol xD
I haven't watch Yuru Yuri, I don't know what kind anime is that lol xD
makin ke bawah makin bodor XD
pantesan, line gue juga didiamkan *huks*
Arigatou! far much better love story than twilight :'D
o ya, udah baca
broken heart?!! ceritaaaaa. curug dago cukup jauh ;)
Now I'm curious with how you teach xD I hope someday I can see you how you teach lol xD maybe I fall in love with Biology too lol xD well, actually I like animals, they are interesting, and my favorite animal is falcon, as you can see in my profile picture lol xD
Want me to teach you? But I don't think I can, because I'm not sure if I really capable to teach someone xD
Yeah I know you are very busy xD. Oooh I want to learn Japanese too, but I'm not have that much spirit to start it lol. Lol, you already have so much things to do as a teacher, and you still have to do some homework that given by your sensei, well actually you are amazing! I'm sure if I were you, I will never do the homework xD
so, I and your sister are quite similar to this lol xD
ah yeah, we should talk about anime! xD
well, what else? there's only anime's affinity and manga's affinity in here, and the highest one is anime, so, yeah it's anime. Is there other affinity in here? xD
Then, do you have some recommendation for me? since your watched list is larger than me.
My recommendation for you is "New Game!" anime, this anime is what give me a spirit to find a job, but if you didn't like "cute girl" anime, you'll probably will not like it. If you like cars, you should watch Initial D, I'm just kidding lol xD I don't think there is a woman who watch Initial D and like it lol xD
BTW, it seems since you add your anime list, our affinity is growing, it adds around 4% if I correctly remember, now I'm pretty sure your recommendation will be great for me lol xD
Oh yeah, a few days ago, I see you add Kimi no Na wa to your watched list, which quality is it? 720p? or 480p? I can never find 720p, even if the file said 720p, I can tell it's a lie just by looking at the first minute, and it's actually a 480p, and I think the blu-ray is not released yet, so my "anime supplier" hasn't uploaded it.
yeah hahaha xD it's quite interesting tho, that double integral xD
Real Analysis, Abstract Algebra, and still many thing lol you should try learn it lol, it's a "base" of mathematics, we even try to prove that 1 is greater than 0, looks like "kurang kerjaan", but it's actually not, maybe lol xD
I agree to your sister, because in math (well, in my universities at least, but now it's already removed) there is a Computer Science field of interest, I choose that, and yeah, there are relation between computer and math. But I don't want to tell it to you, because I'm not sure too why is that lol xD better google it
I am very enjoying it, programming feels like playing a puzzle game, you need to solve it, pieces to another pieces, and combine it to become something greater and better, and I love solving something xD
Did you think I'm weird? xD
Me... umm... it feels like in the pit of negative feeling so I guess hanging out with me in this state wouldn't be fun. our convo will be so angsty. bleh