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Haikyuu!! Karasuno Koukou vs. Shiratorizawa Gakuen Koukou
Sep 30, 2017 8:34 AM
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You like drawing nice clothes, don't you? :P I can't draw clothes at all, so my characters tend to be wearing simple stuff.
Yup, I watch other cartoons and lots of TV shows and movies. I don't care for the new cartoons now, but I loved stuff like Johnny Bravo, Dexter's Lab, Powerpuff Girls, As Told By Ginger, The Wild Thornberrys, Pepper Ann etc.
Nope, I don't collect nor do I cosplay. I'm a big anime fan, but I'm not like most of the stereotypical kinds that collect posters, cosplay and go to cons. I just really like it.
I started watching anime when I was a young child. My parents started me off, when I was a baby. So I have literally been watching it all my life.
I draw off and on, but my brother is the artist in the house. I sketch now and then, but I'm no good. Nope, the pics on my profile are not my own drawings. These are though:
I did it on Microsoft Paint, so it doesn't look very good.
I used to read reviews when I was younger, but once I started writing them, I stopped reading them as well. It's a general rule that I don't read other people's reviews on a particular thing I plan to write about because I don't want their ideas to subconsciously affect what I think about it.
I religiously read reviews from certain reviewers though. Erica Friedman is one of them, she writes reviews for yuri anime, manga and other material. Of the MAL reviewers, there are fewer people whose reviews I read. Generally I read the ones that my friends write, and a few select others. Of the more known reviewers, I tend to follow Skadi, Beatnik, YoungVagabond and Archaeon's works more than others. There are also some newcomers whose works I am looking out for because I think they have great promise.
I used to read THEM Anime Reviews and from a really old school site called the Anime Critic, I don't know if you know those. But their style of reviewing is vastly different from mine.
How I started watching anime really evolved. I went from renting to then DLing crappy files, to buying DVDs, to streaming, and now I download HD/HQ/Blu Ray versions once they are available. I'd still prefer to buy, since I like watching anime on my TV rather than my computer.
I've never bought manga, only DL the chapters or read online depending on how the mood takes me.
Haha, a lot of people think I'm an otaku because I've seen this much anime, but I assure you, I own no paraphernalia. Not even a key chain. No figures, no posters, no collectibles. The only time I owned anything anime-related was a Pokemon stationary set, a Pikachu t-shirt, a Pokemon calculator shaped like a Pokedex... actually, the only anime thing I will willingly collect is Pokemon stuff. It's my favourite anime.
Japan? Meh, it exists, really. I'm not into countries and travel etc. I appreciate the country for making anime, but outside of that, I am most comfortable in my home town.