10 - GOATED/All anime that holds a special place in my heart - Highly Highly Recommended!!!
9 - Belongs to the Best Anime of their Genre/Most would be 10 if not for the limited slots - Highly Highly Recommended
8 - Near-Perfect/Highly Enjoyable/Beautiful Anime - Highly Recommended
7 - Very Good/Enjoyable/This should be the standard for Anime - Recommended
6 - Good/Still enjoyable but some parts lack impact - Recommended
5 - Average/"Trashy Anime" you can't help watching - Barely Recommended
4 - Mediocre/Highly forgettable/ Nothing redeeming about the anime - Not Recommended
3 - Bad/A lot of flaws/A chore to watch/Almost all of it is boring - Not Recommended
2 - Very Bad/Almost unwatchable/Boring all throughout - Not Recommended
1 - Painful to watch/No enjoyment at all/Annoying to watch/Boring all throughout- Not Recommended
0 - Anime that resides in the abyss/The difference between 1-10 is as big as the difference between 0-1
Anime with scores 8-10 are must-watch that have a chance to be considered as classics in their genre.
Interestingly enough, some of my 10 are not even the unanimous best, timeless and revolutionary anime acknowledged by many and I agree with that sometimes. These anime are in fact what I consider to be my "subjective best" based on the strong emotions that they gave me. Basically if the anime made me feel "that thing", no matter what its objective qualities are, I will still consider it a 10.
The "objective best" can mostly be found between 8-9. Which I scored based on story, art, music, characters, ending and enjoyment. Btw, the most important parameter is enjoyment. No matter how good the other parameters are, if the enjoyment is low, the best it can possibly get is 5.
Most On-Hold anime belong between 0-3
Dropped anime are just garbo
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