My name is nessa but i go by Victor because ima transgender and i want my name to be victor so if you please repect my wishes. Thank you. I love black butler and hetalia. I can memorize sences and lines from butler butler since i watched it like 5-6 times. Lol like when they are investigating houndswroth and sebastian and ciel are talking.
Sebastian: im not too found of dogs. To be frank i hate them,
Ciel: -silence- woof
I can memorized a little bit more. I'm just a big fan lol. I have cosplayed. I cosplay L, undertaker, ciel on wonderland, and Beyond Birthday. Follow me on twittier @xoxo_BOTDF. If you have a DeviantArt, Kontonclan is me. Ummmm i love BOTDF (blood on the dance floor) oh and if you have a XXVictorXXX.
Pairing i love

more about me
Birth name: Janessa M. Cobb
Age: 15
DOB: may 1 1997
Blood type: -O
Height: uhhh 5'6"
Eyes: dark brown
Hair: long curls and dark brown.
Drink: COLA!!
Flavor: valliana. I love valilina.
Smell: freach valliana.
Parings: SebastianXMey-rin, AmericaXCanada, North ItalyXGermany, FranceXEngland, RitsukaXSoubi, TamakiXKyoya, KyoyaXHaurhi.
Animes: kuroshitsuji, hetalia, soul eater, ouran high school host club, Phantom: Requiem for the phantom....and many more lol. OH AND LOVELESS!
Voice actor(s): umm J MICHAEL TATUM ALL THE WAY! also Todd and Vic. But michael is always gonna be my first fave.
Colors: black, red, dark colors.
Bands/singers: BLOOD ON THE DANCE FLOOR! BOTDF. And Exist†trace. And Lady GaGa
Songs: Ginger by Exist trace, true by exist trace, S my D by botdf, Unforgiven by botdf, and Still doll by kenin knockashima or however you spell it. It's japanese lol.
Own any cosplays?: yes. I have L, Beyond birthday, Undertaker and im gonna get Ciel in wonderland hopefully soon. Like this month.
Gone to any Convetions?: yes, Sakura con 2011. I miss that so much. Cant wait til i go next year for my sweet 16!
Chocolate or vanllia?: vanllia.
What are you planing to do for the rest of you life?: after highschool my goal is to move to Oragon with my friends and girl friend, then after gohopefully go to Portland Universtiy for acting if i cant do that then go down to texas and go for Funimation Enterainment. I wanna do voice acting. Then get my girlfriend preggo (yes it is possible) and get married. By then hopefully i'd be on Tes. I'll have my sex change by then. Yes i'm transsexual. Deal with it xD.
Got any pets?: yes two dogs. There are Akitas. Japanese dogs.
If you could have any celeb at your party who would it be and why?: ...thats really tough i'd say Botdf becuase i'm in love with them so much and if they came to a birthday party of mine...i'd fangirl all the girl which i rarely do. Lol
What will be your furture child's name?: umm i could only have girl because males carry the Ychorstone ir something, but my furture girls names are Raymond Saints, her full name is gonna be Raymond Katlen Monore Jamia Saints. The other one is gonna be Annie Saints. The full name, Annie Alica-lindsey Jaxine Saints.
Whats your future dream wedding?: MEDIEVAL lol. me and her deciced. It was first Alice in wonderland and Steampunk but we changed it even though we no nothing about medieval lol.
What are your future cosplays?: all this.. there is so much..
~BlackButler~ ★Ciel in Wonderland ★Drocell ★William ★Claude ★Ronald ★Prince Soma Asman Kadar
~Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom~ ★Reji (Zwei)
~Rosairo†Vampire~ ★Tuskane ★Mizore (yes ima cosplay a chick finally xD)
~Hetalia~ ★Italy ★America ★Canada ★Australia ★France
~SoulEater~ ★Death the kid ★Crona ★Spirit
.....told ya xDD
Well thats it. Sooooooo bye.
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