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Ok so.... facts about myself should come first. name is Annie. I'm currently in 8th grade (going into high school next year blaghh). I am ABC, American-Born-Chinese, meaning that I was born in America with Chinese parents. I am fluent in 2 languages, English (duh...) and Chinese. I am a professional procrastinator and grammar snob. Live with it. I guess I can be pervy sometimes, but not as much as some of my friends, well... just one actually. She's the kinda person that would yell random obscenities, namely human reproduction parts, no matter where she is. I love manga (not so much anime anymore...), dystopian novels, and most of all... sleeping! I love being random, and just saying whatever I want whenever I want. Yes, even in the middle of conversations. Most people are used to the fact that it is very likely for me to suddenly just shout "OMG! I FORGOT TO GET *namerandomobject* FROM MY LOCKER!," slap myself on the forehead, and run off. I'm not a very healthy person to be around... especially when I'm hyper.
I haven't really known about anime for that long - only for 3 years, actually.
My first japanese animation experience was probably first Pokemon (although I don't really consider that as an anime...), but I was a little kid then and didn't know what anime is.
My first anime experience was probably Tokyo Mew Mew or Sailor Moon, although I didn't know about anime when I watched them, and Sailor Moon was dubbed (badly...), and Tokyo Mew Mew was dubbed (chinese - it was actually quite good...).
My first REAL anime experience was probably just a few years ago, when my older brother showed me a few episodes of Bleach. The first few episodes of Bleach are really quite brilliant.
One of the proudest moments of my life was probably when I realized I got a girl in my grade hooked onto anime through Bleach. I don't know if she's still obsessed though... *sigh*
By the way... I'm a proud yaoi fangirl that hates Junjou Romantica.
Current Goals:
* Complete 50 Anime
* Complete 100 Manga
* 1,000 Forum Posts
* 50 Member Cards
These were too awesome to not post!
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and new voting is up
Yo Minna Votings are up:)
~~couple of the Month
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for the couple of the month october
lol k, sorry. but i'm glad you added k-on! on your top anime (= it really is awesome, huh? btw, season 2 is a LOT better, it's k-on without all the crappy repeated stuff!
Living in China must be cool.:)
My name's Annie. I'm Chinese, I was born in the USA, & I'm going into HS next year too. I laughed.:)
I accidently clicked your name on the Beast Master FC.xD