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Welcome to my Profile!
First off, some rules for my profile: - 1. If you spam me, I'll think of evil things to do to you.
- 2. If you make my friends cry, you better start running.
- 3. Giving me attention is ok, but don't start stalking me.
- 4. If you talk to me on AIM, MSN, or Yahoo... If it says I'm on my phone or I don't answer DON'T KEEP TALKING TO ME!
It means I'm busy and I really don't want to have to block you.
- 5. I don't like my pictures being taken... whether they're my drawings or my friends.
- 6. If you pick on me or anyone I'm friends or family with my dog will perform Karate on you.
- 7. Do not criticize my driving! If I talk about my driving and you don't like it tough. My mom used to be a race car driver and yes I have some of her bad habits such as speeding.
- 8. I'm normally very sleepy in the morning, so if I don't respond wait and I will as soon as I'm awake.
- 9. Yes I get very into video games and sometimes talk to them. Don't judge me.
- 10. Follow the rules or I'll use brute force, and yes weapons may be involved, mainly verbal.
- 11. Go ahead and enjoy the rest of the profile and the Lucky Star-ness
Welcome Once Again!
Feel free to message me with questions about anime or manga, I’d be willing to help ^~^
92% of teens moved on to rap music. If you're part of the 8% that rock out everyday, put this in your profile with one of these icons.
- "Everyone around here says they're in a financial crisis.
But did you ever think about the other people in the world?
Over seas millions of people don't have half the things you do, most live on 1 to 2 dollars a day and have for their entire lives.
Most don't have clean water, heat when it's cold, clothes to put on their back...
And you say we're in an economic crisis?
- Dean Kamen - Time for you to get out of here, yes I mean You!
Alright then, See you Later!
All Comments (2) Comments
I posted new chapters of my story in http://warwolf2009.deviantart.com/, you should check it out if you like and if you read it I also hope that chapter 4 part 2 wont' be too offensive :D
how did you like and why or why not no reason for asking this just curious about how you feel please respond if you want ok also if you want to ask me a question look at my anime list and ask about one i am watching or have already seen and ask about if i like one or not if you want.