I knew you would bring that up
Huuh, are you suuure you don't like lolis? They can be still legal, you know? I want my Master to like me....
How about neko lolis then? I wore cat ears not long ago and I'm pretty sure I looked damn cute in them, at least that what my friends told me, I dont think I'm cute at all :C
Hmm, she isn't best girl, but she is damn awesome and you have no reason for hating her :C (You said affected you, huuh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yeaah, I love his other work too! Nier:Automata especially, BUT IT'S TO DAMN EXPENSIVE FOR ME OKAY? :C I'LL PLAY IT ONE DAY! And don't be lazy/selfish share your Overwatch album!
Just so damn awesome ; - ; And that's the girl from Fate/Night or whatever it's called, it has to many anime of it, seriouslyy
Meh, you have to agree that Emilia's design is way more unique and awesome then Rem's. Rem is just blue haired in a maid dress :/
What? Who is "Ravenna"?! Jk, jk :'D (But you should remember my name by now :/) And I still suck at drawing, especially digital... I have to finish my Widow stiill which looks pretty good until I remember that I just copied it from the game....
I think she would be confused... Waiiit apparently JunkxMei is a thing too... Is it just me or is this very cringy? x.x
I didn't find them all which was expected, but i'd say I found more than half soo, it's still good. :P
Huuh, why are you asking me??? I'd say maybe one of the casual ones? I like the Pharah and Tracer best, but that's not my call :/ It's verrry difficult :O
Yeaah, I don't think you can pretend to be the Mr. Pure any longer after all the jokes you've made, but yeah, the faces are... "interesting"( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
I'm sure you liked that part the best, you pervvv :P
I think it's awesome so far, and the foodgasms are really something ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yeah, I rewatched it some time ago, I think it's a beautifull movie but the 1st time experiencing it was trully something magical, and yeaah I totally cried but that's not the point okay?! It was really sad and I can put myself easily into other people shoes.. :<
But, but! I was so excited to see the notification from my phone, when I saw it's from you :C The comment was 5 days ago, and I do put a lot of time into them, if you don't want to talk to me just say so ; - ;
Saame, I kinda wanted to turn my pc back on and play more but that would be like kinda betraying you o.o So I spent some time watching videos, kekek :'3
As if somebody would try to flirt with someone that looks like she is still in primary school.
Mhm, yes, if you say so!
I was looking for material to convince you that she is best grill, isn't it obvious? :PPP
I am sure you love it, you pervert :3 Gotta start counting hours till the 8th now :II
Btw, when Jeff said Roadhog is getting nothing at all, does it mean he will get a skin where he is wearing nothing at all? O.O
Yuuup, I know the feeling. I have my background change randomly through a folder but I still don't wanna risk it x.x
^this is one of my background pics, I have a loot from Wlop too, he is my favourite artist :'3 He does anime stuff too!
Here are some of them :'3
^This one is by far my fave one
Aww, Zarya looks cute in a moustache :D
It's a whole different thing when D.Va literally could be Mercy's daughter! -.-
And they were in the album you sent me, ekek
Soo, apparently MccreexHanzo is very popular, lol xD
Found these too, Family Au's are the best xD
How much time did I spent looking at these? x.x
Wtf, SymmetraxJunkrat is also a thing? I'm not sure how I feel about that....
KAKEGURUI IS FUCKING GLORIOUS, BUT WE WON'T GET AN EPISODE FOR 2 WEEKS! At least we'll get another one the very next day -.-
Well, she ended up sleeping under the bed because it was hot, oops :C
I don't even know how you survived this long :'3
It was fun, I didn't meet anyone new in particular. I was with my family anyways, so it's not like I can hit on any boys either OwO and by that I mean my cousin that I talked about before and my grandma, a small company but it did fineeee. We slept in a tent, near the bach :P The new swimsuit is perfect for me but my older one not so much, since it's a little too big for me, I almost lost it a couple of times since the waves were quite big >.< At least no one saw me -.-
I am sure you 'accidently' found some of them ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
How dare you, she is perfect with and without them, you hater.
Aww... Ana and Pharah casual fanart are the best... Wait how much time did I spent looking at that album? o.o
Pharmercy shall live on
Is it just me or am I seeing a lot of HanzoxMccree lately -.- It's not that I am completely against it buuut
And D.vaXMercy too! Isn't Mercy like twice her age tho? o.o
Probably isn't going to happen, copyright issues and all that :'C
Sorry, can't help you. You have to be a girl for it to work or very rich, I am afraid you aren't either of those >;3
Oh and btw, I learned today that my cat is a tsundere, so that's good to know :'>
And how are you liking Kakegurui so far? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nope, I won't! I am just teasing you :PP :33
Oh youuu!
I don't know... Is it? o.o
C'moooon! You know you love her! Symmetra is waifu
Ofc I know! Don't insult me! It's from Haruhi
That pick up line is the best! I SHIP IT!!!!!!!! OOOOOwOOOOO
Ooh, sorry! What about now?
I mean, when the 1st rule of the internet is "There are no girls on the internet" they may be interested to find someone who is able to bypass this rule :3
What are you talking about? What did I not tell you? o.o
I knoooow, it sucks :C That's not fair! I want to play with you!
And the servers are down right now and I cant play! I have 2 loot boxes saved up! And I opened 3 in a row and got legendary currency. I now have 1,200 money, and I don't know how to spend it! Please help me Jali!! :C
I swear I will not die this time! I have servants that can save me anyway, so don't worry >:3
Ikr? The edgelord can't even take his mask off at christmas, so rude.
You're a nice person? Oh stop it you! you're making me laugh. :P
That Sombra arg was just Blizzard teasing and then cock blocking us! God damnit Blizzard!... At least the animation short was amazing.
Yes, sir! I will be sure to notify you if I find one!
Awww, Soldier's VA is such a sweetie. He knows the dad jokes too! I can't believe that's his natural voice. And Sombra called him dad too!
But that's not fair because Roadhog and Winston has such easy dance emotes while for example Genji or Lucio have like this break dancing and stuff. Ooooh, are you starting to like Symmetra? :3 I knew you'll understand your mistakes eventually!
Hehehehe, the Pharmercy is real >:3 Let's hope they're both not taken. But how about Lucio and I ship it! JUST LOOK AT THIS!
If this doesn't prove that x Lucio is real I don''t know what does, I mean did you saw how nervous he was! He even started sweating! Poor guy :D
Just because you love doing it, it doesn't justify it! :C You meany!
Well, my English pronunciations are not the best and I still have a very childish voice, let's hope people don't think I am a young boy, or maybe that's for the best. If I ever get enough courage, we should definitely try talking with voice chat while playing >.<
Yeah, I mean it's not that rare to see a girl player, especially in Overwatch but I don't understand why people would try to insult them just because they're girls. I saw a video where a girl Mercy main was playing (she is in grandmaster but was smurfing) and everyone blamed her for their mistakes, they said she wasn't healing enough and wasn't reviving, even tho she did her best. And they asked stuff like "Why do girls only play Mercy? Why are all girl gamers bad?" Ughh, I just felt her pain through that. And there was one where someone said they'll rape her, sooo that's a thing :C
Yes! They should all honour me like the servants they are! >;3
You're to pure you say? It's not like I'll write it for you, baaaka! >.>
I am really sorry! I really was looking forward to playing with you, but I don't think I can play at night any much longer :C My parents aren't very happy that I stay up till 3 am playing games, I am still a kidteen after all. I am very sorry! I suppose you can't log in at an earlier time? :/
By the way! I am going to the beach tommorow! I am sooo excited! I'll be back the other day so don't worry!
Well too bad because I am not sharing it with you!
Awwww, the 3rd one is soo cute. Don't mind me just "Save image as...'' and done :3333
What do you mean, Sombra main? You're the one who stole her from me! And mind you, I won my first quick play with her today (that's not a joke, i have like 10% winrate with her, ahahhhhhhh end my suffering)
Oops, how did that one get in there...
Sometimes the memes are so good they could be an art form on their own, I would love to major memes in college tbh, that's like the dream major.
I have seen majority of these! You can tell these guys love their job, Sombra and Lucio are my faves because they are like copies of the real thing.
Watch this too if you haven't seen it! I have seen it 3 times and it's still awesome :'3
Winston, Genji, Mccre and Lucio voice actors are all surprisingly hot as fuck, wait I didn't say that
That gif is very creepy and no! Ofc I dont want to play with you! You just bully me because you are better at the game! ; - ;
Woow, rude! Winston doesnt need any aim too but you seem to enjoy playing with him!
Oh and I saw this shitpost earlier and had to share it with you
I hope shit like this doesnt happen when I actually get a microphone and can talk on team chat, hahahaha *nervous laughter* pls no,
i am just a gamer no need for special treatment
Well, I absolutely love swimming and I did go to swimming classes for I believe almost 2 years when I was younger, but I was nothing special, I almost always came last in the competitions. And ofc I was the weakest in our group because I was the only girl. But I quit because I couldn't handle the training and they made the lessons every day. I didn't want swimming to become a job for me, I just wanted to casually enjoy it, I didn't know they were going to try to make us word class pros -.- And trust me, I really scared myself when I thought how deep the water is in the lake! I usually just swim in my pond which has 4 meters depth max, but this lake (I googled) has 33 meters max depth
It was pretty good, I barely got enough sleep because I had to sleep with my 2 cousins but other than that I guess it was okay. There were some other problems like family drama and stuff and other one that I am too embarassed to talk about, buuuuut.... I give it a 7/10
Uuugh, I hate those kind of people. At least try some other stuff out.
Wow, WidowMommy is becoming a thing, huh? It weirdly kinda works
Don't ask what this is, but it still made me laugh xD
There should be a not safe for Pharah mains acronym at this point, NSFPM, haha xD
Oooh... WAIT you are moving to Spain? I thought it was just a trip? :O
And btw do you know these kind of videos? I know it's an old meme but I just watched it for every single hero and I want more! XD
And this is far, the best one (psst, turn on subtitles)
And watch this one xD
Awww, I really needed that after all the torture
Will you be online today? It's not like I want to play with you, baka! I just.. uhm.. want to get the additional 20% xp!
Hoi hoi hoi! I am back! It was a ton of fun! I barely got any sleep but whatever.... Yeah soo this happened. We were just swimming yesterday and it was windy, so my little cousin accidentlly dropped her ball and it just started flowing away with the waves. And ofc I had to be one to get it, and I ended up chasing it almost through the whole lake maybe like a 0,7 km distance. I UNDERSTIMATED THE STRENGTH OF THOSE WAVES. I ALMOST DROWNED IN THERE, FOR A FREAKING BALL. I think that event may caused me trauma or smth. So like 2 hours later my other cousin (the one who played Overwatch with me, and is only 1,5 years younger than me) 'accidently' kicked the swimming wheel or whatever they called in the lake. I wasn't even in my swimsuit then and I just thought "Nope, I am not risking my life or mental health again for a freaking wheel that costs like 4 euros, fuck that". So it ended up floating away into the bushes, we tried taking it from the land but that didn't work out.. So thinking what to do, it just happened that someone was swimming with a boat and they were kind enough to get the wheel for us.
Shh, don't you ruin it.
Nope he isn't a weeb, he doesn't even know what anime is I believe. But I believe he would be one of those 'fans' that only have seen Sao and claim that is the best thing ever and that it has no flaws... WAIT! WHAT DO YOU MEAN ONLY WEEABOOS CAN APPRECIATE GENJI?
I don't care what anyone says, memes and especially shitposts are just something incredibly enjoyable. And Widowmaker shitposts are weirdly.... magical in a way.
This one is for you, Pharah main :3
I am really bad with him, I mean not as bad as with Mcree but still... Anyway he is not my kind of hero.
After you reminding me how bad I am with Mccre I almost regret that I didn't drown that time :'3 Anyway, we'll just have to play that! When are you around?
And btw with the new highlight system, I got a POTG with Symmetra where I get a solo quadra kill I called it "Symmetra isn't broke, stfu" Is there any quick way to send it to you? :33333
Yay! I am glad you like them! I especially love the ED they did for Overlord!
I mean, it's not like I care about you or anything, baka! I am not a tsundere irl, btw! But I still love you :3
Sooo, you didn't answer me! When are you leaving for your super-amazing trip to Spain?
Ye, ye ,ye I understand #NoHomo but you have to agree, Genji does have a realli nice ass ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I meaan.....
OMFG THE LAST ONE XD I'm dying, my cousin was sitting right next to me and I just scrolled up as hard as I can :'D I gave him to try some Overwatch too, just as predicted. He plays mainly Hanzo and Genji, kekek.
Ahh, the feels... The feels are just too much.... Uhh, here is a funny meme!
What the hell is that guy? Is he even mortal o.o? Ahhh, how can someone like Mcree be so useful. Anyway who won? Japan or Australia?
I have seen some. It's definitely very fun to watch, it's like they're on a whole different level then us (well, in a way they are :x)
Btw! Doomfist is out and there is the 1v1 arcade mode where you can only choose from 3 different heroes! We should play that when we can play next! I want to see how better you are than me! :333
Well, have you heard of MYTH&ROID? I love them! They are seriously so crazy good. They only have like 13 songs atm, but I love them all. Their album eYe's is veri veri good, 10/10. They also have done some of anime soundtracks,kekek.
Aww, I appreciate that you stay awake at 3 am just to write back, but please get some rest! I am more worried about you not getting normal sleep hours than you replying me later than usual :0
Btw, when are you leaving for the trip? I'm going to camping tommorow, but it's only for a day, so I will be back in Sunday. Will we be able to play then, maybe?
Yup, he went to Zenyatta so he can learn to accept his new 'body' and it seems to be helping. I swear all the Genji and Zen memes are the best!
Genji does have a nice ass tho...
Oh wooow, you just had to go there again, didn't you? Why do you always have to make things sexual x'D Just accept theyir love for each other and don't be jealous. And pls don't make me imagine things like that again x.x
She killed him herself, when he was asleep and run away to Talon. Overwatch presumed that Talon were the one who did this and kidnapped her again but they will never know the truth. Actually Widow still had at least some of her emotions when she killed her husband, but there are lines in the game when Widow says "You know nothing about him(her husband)" so it can be that Talon revealed something about him to her that made her disgusted with him.
Ofc I have seen the perfectness that is Sakamoto desu ga? ! That show is just so genuinely beautiful, Sakamoto is beautiful. Literally perfect.
Omg! That one is my 2nd favorite! Woah! My 1st place is ofc to the original one
I watch it time to time, I need to catch up with it tho, it's been a while. I always start watching a match and when it's break time go do something and forget to finish it.
Uhh, yeah *nervouls laughter* I am such a good Mccree but I can't tell you anything since the video isn't showing.
And why did you write this comment at 4 am your time? I thought you were sleepy? :3 Couldn't sleep?
Yeah, I mean who else could have saved him? And there is a voice line where Mercy says "I was too late again" or something similar like that
People are speculating that she says that when Genji kills someone, so it may be that he feels very guilty for all the people he has killed... That's depressing, so here is something I found while looking for that video. Apparently some guy wrote to Blizzard if he can marry Mercy
Aww, that comic was so sweet. At least he got to celebrate with them in the end. But what's the chance that there would be the scarf that she wanted in the gift? o.o And also we saw that Widowmaker visited her husband's grave! People think that she is starting to regain her emotions and may eventually be human again! But she must feel a lot of sorrow and regret for all the people she killed. God damnit, it got dark again :C
That theory tho, I liked the tl;dr part "Ana and Reinhardt fucked, had a baby, and she inherited half of their skins, each." And people thought Pharah may be Soldier's and Ana's daughter but Blizzard debunked this saying they are only friends (poor Daddy, getting friend zoned :'C)
That's cool! I like when games give something when you pre purchase the game early. You better play with Widow next time show you're amazing skin and hopefully even more amazing sniping skills.
Yeah, I don't watch much anime too since all my free time goes to Overwatch. But I just finished episode 25 of Nichijou and almost cried from all the amazing jokes and the ending was so freaking adorable.
I usually play at the evenings, I will poke you if you're online then! That's a deal. Of course, only if you want to play with me and carry my ass. But I can carry you with my 'amazing' healer skillz xD
And you're actually a very good Pharah and (not so much with Sombra tho, I'm still salty about that, god damnit Blizzard :I I didn't get to spam my new 'Boop' voice line :I)
Hmm, isn't it canon that Mercy saved Genji's live? Or am I just making things up? Well I doubt that Blizzard will make any couples as to not angry the fangirls/fanboys. Not that that would stop them from shipping it, lol.
Yeah, i doubt that we will get a couple between the heroes :C We'll probably just get a lot of flirtatious voice lines to get us hyped for nothing :'c
It's fine! But I think Blizzard debunked the theory that Mercy doesn't age, I'll try searching it... Finally I found it! This took forever...
She joined when she was 17, apparently she was some kind of genius and finished medical school early.
Rein being Pharah's father? I find that hardly believable, but it's not like it can't be true. But then Pharah should be an Egyptian and German mix but she looks pure Egyptian to me.
I want this pray in Overwatch now
The German one is called Eichenwalde (don't ask me how I remember, I have very good memory especially for pointless crap like that :')
That's what happens when you already have 90% of stuff in the game. But I watched a video saying that in the next update they're going to add so that you basically need to have everything in the game to get duplicates. I can't wait! Doomfist is coming out in Thursday too! I am so prepared to play Sombra at counter attack his ass. Too bad I'm terrible at aiming with her. Only 30% accuracy, fml
When I browsed D.Va skins it was purchasable but maybe if I would have pressed unlock it wouldn't have let me?
Oh, I don't have it, yet! I'm just thinking about buying it. This one is my favourite too, but don't you get it by pre purchasing Overwatch? I don't think this is the origins one.
Pfffft, as if a cheap-ass like me would pay 20 more euros for skins in game. Don't make me laugh.( I wish tho, the Pharah, Soldier 76 and Tracer skins are bae) What about you? :3
Anyway, are you going to be free anytime soon? I would love to play with you. I bet you are not as bad as you say you are!
All Comments (51) Comments
Maybe not animated/anime music videos, but music videos yes, for sure. It's more likely that they will be based on movies and shows this time.
Have you ever done any AMVs?
I knew you would bring that up
Hmm, she isn't best girl, but she is damn awesome and you have no reason for hating her :C (You said affected you, huuh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yeaah, I love his other work too! Nier:Automata especially, BUT IT'S TO DAMN EXPENSIVE FOR ME OKAY? :C I'LL PLAY IT ONE DAY! And don't be lazy/selfish share your Overwatch album!
Meh, you have to agree that Emilia's design is way more unique and awesome then Rem's. Rem is just blue haired in a maid dress :/
What? Who is "Ravenna"?! Jk, jk :'D (But you should remember my name by now :/) And I still suck at drawing, especially digital... I have to finish my Widow stiill which looks pretty good until I remember that I just copied it from the game....
I think she would be confused... Waiiit apparently JunkxMei is a thing too... Is it just me or is this very cringy? x.x
I didn't find them all which was expected, but i'd say I found more than half soo, it's still good. :P
Huuh, why are you asking me??? I'd say maybe one of the casual ones? I like the Pharah and Tracer best, but that's not my call :/ It's verrry difficult :O
I'm sure you liked that part the best, you pervvv :P
I think it's awesome so far, and the foodgasms are really something ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yeah, I rewatched it some time ago, I think it's a beautifull movie but the 1st time experiencing it was trully something magical, and yeaah I totally cried but that's not the point okay?! It was really sad and I can put myself easily into other people shoes.. :<
As if somebody would try to flirt with someone that looks like she is still in primary school.
I was looking for material to convince you that she is best grill, isn't it obvious? :PPP
I am sure you love it, you pervert :3 Gotta start counting hours till the 8th now :II
Yuuup, I know the feeling. I have my background change randomly through a folder but I still don't wanna risk it x.x
^this is one of my background pics, I have a loot from Wlop too, he is my favourite artist :'3 He does anime stuff too!
Aww, Zarya looks cute in a moustache :D
It's a whole different thing when D.Va literally could be Mercy's daughter! -.-
And they were in the album you sent me, ekek
Soo, apparently MccreexHanzo is very popular, lol xD
Found these too, Family Au's are the best xD
How much time did I spent looking at these? x.x
Wtf, SymmetraxJunkrat is also a thing? I'm not sure how I feel about that....
Well, she ended up sleeping under the bed because it was hot, oops :C
It was fun, I didn't meet anyone new in particular. I was with my family anyways, so it's not like I can hit on any boys either OwO and by that I mean my cousin that I talked about before and my grandma, a small company but it did fineeee. We slept in a tent, near the bach :P The new swimsuit is perfect for me but my older one not so much, since it's a little too big for me, I almost lost it a couple of times since the waves were quite big >.< At least no one saw me -.-
I am sure you 'accidently' found some of them ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Aww... Ana and Pharah casual fanart are the best... Wait how much time did I spent looking at that album? o.o
Pharmercy shall live on
Probably isn't going to happen, copyright issues and all that :'C
Sorry, can't help you. You have to be a girl for it to work or very rich, I am afraid you aren't either of those >;3
Oh and btw, I learned today that my cat is a tsundere, so that's good to know :'>
And how are you liking Kakegurui so far? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oh youuu!
C'moooon! You know you love her! Symmetra is waifu
Ofc I know! Don't insult me! It's from Haruhi
That pick up line is the best! I SHIP IT!!!!!!!! OOOOOwOOOOO
Ooh, sorry! What about now?
I mean, when the 1st rule of the internet is "There are no girls on the internet" they may be interested to find someone who is able to bypass this rule :3
I knoooow, it sucks :C That's not fair! I want to play with you!
And the servers are down right now and I cant play! I have 2 loot boxes saved up! And I opened 3 in a row and got legendary currency. I now have 1,200 money, and I don't know how to spend it! Please help me Jali!! :C
I swear I will not die this time! I have servants that can save me anyway, so don't worry >:3
Ikr? The edgelord can't even take his mask off at christmas, so rude.
You're a nice person? Oh stop it you! you're making me laugh. :P
That Sombra arg was just Blizzard teasing and then cock blocking us! God damnit Blizzard!... At least the animation short was amazing.
Yes, sir! I will be sure to notify you if I find one!
Awww, Soldier's VA is such a sweetie. He knows the dad jokes too! I can't believe that's his natural voice. And Sombra called him dad too!
But that's not fair because Roadhog and Winston has such easy dance emotes while for example Genji or Lucio have like this break dancing and stuff. Ooooh, are you starting to like Symmetra? :3 I knew you'll understand your mistakes eventually!
Hehehehe, the Pharmercy is real >:3 Let's hope they're both not taken. But how about Lucio and I ship it! JUST LOOK AT THIS!
If this doesn't prove that x Lucio is real I don''t know what does, I mean did you saw how nervous he was! He even started sweating! Poor guy :D
Just because you love doing it, it doesn't justify it! :C You meany!
Well, my English pronunciations are not the best and I still have a very childish voice, let's hope people don't think I am a young boy, or maybe that's for the best. If I ever get enough courage, we should definitely try talking with voice chat while playing >.<
Yeah, I mean it's not that rare to see a girl player, especially in Overwatch but I don't understand why people would try to insult them just because they're girls. I saw a video where a girl Mercy main was playing (she is in grandmaster but was smurfing) and everyone blamed her for their mistakes, they said she wasn't healing enough and wasn't reviving, even tho she did her best. And they asked stuff like "Why do girls only play Mercy? Why are all girl gamers bad?" Ughh, I just felt her pain through that. And there was one where someone said they'll rape her, sooo that's a thing :C
Yes! They should all honour me like the servants they are! >;3
By the way! I am going to the beach tommorow! I am sooo excited! I'll be back the other day so don't worry!
Awwww, the 3rd one is soo cute. Don't mind me just "Save image as...'' and done :3333
What do you mean, Sombra main? You're the one who stole her from me! And mind you, I won my first quick play with her today (that's not a joke, i have like 10% winrate with her, ahahhhhhhh end my suffering)
Oops, how did that one get in there...
Sometimes the memes are so good they could be an art form on their own, I would love to major memes in college tbh, that's like the dream major.
I have seen majority of these! You can tell these guys love their job, Sombra and Lucio are my faves because they are like copies of the real thing.
Watch this too if you haven't seen it! I have seen it 3 times and it's still awesome :'3
Winston, Genji, Mccre and Lucio voice actors are all surprisingly hot as fuck, wait I didn't say that
That gif is very creepy and no! Ofc I dont want to play with you! You just bully me because you are better at the game! ; - ;
Woow, rude! Winston doesnt need any aim too but you seem to enjoy playing with him!
It was pretty good, I barely got enough sleep because I had to sleep with my 2 cousins but other than that I guess it was okay. There were some other problems like family drama and stuff and other one that I am too embarassed to talk about, buuuuut.... I give it a 7/10
Uuugh, I hate those kind of people. At least try some other stuff out.
Wow, WidowMommy is becoming a thing, huh? It weirdly kinda works
Don't ask what this is, but it still made me laugh xD
Oooh... WAIT you are moving to Spain? I thought it was just a trip? :O
Oh okay! Here is the link :333
Enjoy >;3
And btw do you know these kind of videos? I know it's an old meme but I just watched it for every single hero and I want more! XD
And this is far, the best one (psst, turn on subtitles)
And watch this one xD
Nope he isn't a weeb, he doesn't even know what anime is I believe. But I believe he would be one of those 'fans' that only have seen Sao and claim that is the best thing ever and that it has no flaws... WAIT! WHAT DO YOU MEAN ONLY WEEABOOS CAN APPRECIATE GENJI?
I don't care what anyone says, memes and especially shitposts are just something incredibly enjoyable. And Widowmaker shitposts are weirdly.... magical in a way.
This one is for you, Pharah main :3
I am really bad with him, I mean not as bad as with Mcree but still... Anyway he is not my kind of hero.
After you reminding me how bad I am with Mccre I almost regret that I didn't drown that time :'3 Anyway, we'll just have to play that! When are you around?
And btw with the new highlight system, I got a POTG with Symmetra where I get a solo quadra kill I called it "Symmetra isn't broke, stfu" Is there any quick way to send it to you? :33333
Yay! I am glad you like them! I especially love the ED they did for Overlord!
I mean, it's not like I care about you or anything, baka!
I am not a tsundere irl, btw! But I still love you :3
Sooo, you didn't answer me! When are you leaving for your super-amazing trip to Spain?
I meaan.....
OMFG THE LAST ONE XD I'm dying, my cousin was sitting right next to me and I just scrolled up as hard as I can :'D I gave him to try some Overwatch too, just as predicted. He plays mainly Hanzo and Genji, kekek.
Ahh, the feels... The feels are just too much.... Uhh, here is a funny meme!
What the hell is that guy? Is he even mortal o.o? Ahhh, how can someone like Mcree be so useful. Anyway who won? Japan or Australia?
I have seen some. It's definitely very fun to watch, it's like they're on a whole different level then us (well, in a way they are :x)
Btw! Doomfist is out and there is the 1v1 arcade mode where you can only choose from 3 different heroes! We should play that when we can play next! I want to see how better you are than me! :333
Well, have you heard of MYTH&ROID? I love them! They are seriously so crazy good. They only have like 13 songs atm, but I love them all. Their album eYe's is veri veri good, 10/10. They also have done some of anime soundtracks,kekek.
Aww, I appreciate that you stay awake at 3 am just to write back, but please get some rest! I am more worried about you not getting normal sleep hours than you replying me later than usual :0
Btw, when are you leaving for the trip? I'm going to camping tommorow, but it's only for a day, so I will be back in Sunday. Will we be able to play then, maybe?
Genji does have a nice ass tho...
Oh wooow, you just had to go there again, didn't you? Why do you always have to make things sexual x'D Just accept theyir love for each other and don't be jealous. And pls don't make me imagine things like that again x.x
She killed him herself, when he was asleep and run away to Talon. Overwatch presumed that Talon were the one who did this and kidnapped her again but they will never know the truth. Actually Widow still had at least some of her emotions when she killed her husband, but there are lines in the game when Widow says "You know nothing about him(her husband)" so it can be that Talon revealed something about him to her that made her disgusted with him.
Ofc I have seen the perfectness that is Sakamoto desu ga? ! That show is just so genuinely beautiful, Sakamoto is beautiful. Literally perfect.
Omg! That one is my 2nd favorite! Woah! My 1st place is ofc to the original one
I watch it time to time, I need to catch up with it tho, it's been a while. I always start watching a match and when it's break time go do something and forget to finish it.
Uhh, yeah *nervouls laughter* I am such a good Mccree but I can't tell you anything since the video isn't showing.
And why did you write this comment at 4 am your time? I thought you were sleepy? :3 Couldn't sleep?
People are speculating that she says that when Genji kills someone, so it may be that he feels very guilty for all the people he has killed... That's depressing, so here is something I found while looking for that video. Apparently some guy wrote to Blizzard if he can marry Mercy
Aww, that comic was so sweet. At least he got to celebrate with them in the end. But what's the chance that there would be the scarf that she wanted in the gift? o.o And also we saw that Widowmaker visited her husband's grave! People think that she is starting to regain her emotions and may eventually be human again! But she must feel a lot of sorrow and regret for all the people she killed. God damnit, it got dark again :C
That theory tho, I liked the tl;dr part "Ana and Reinhardt fucked, had a baby, and she inherited half of their skins, each." And people thought Pharah may be Soldier's and Ana's daughter but Blizzard debunked this saying they are only friends (poor Daddy, getting friend zoned :'C)
That's cool! I like when games give something when you pre purchase the game early. You better play with Widow next time show you're amazing skin and hopefully even more amazing sniping skills.
Yeah, I don't watch much anime too since all my free time goes to Overwatch. But I just finished episode 25 of Nichijou and almost cried from all the amazing jokes and the ending was so freaking adorable.
I usually play at the evenings, I will poke you if you're online then! That's a deal. Of course, only if you want to play with me and carry my ass. But I can carry you with my 'amazing' healer skillz xD
And you're actually a very good Pharah and (not so much with Sombra tho, I'm still salty about that, god damnit Blizzard :I I didn't get to spam my new 'Boop' voice line :I)
Yeah, i doubt that we will get a couple between the heroes :C We'll probably just get a lot of flirtatious voice lines to get us hyped for nothing :'c
It's fine! But I think Blizzard debunked the theory that Mercy doesn't age, I'll try searching it... Finally I found it! This took forever...
She joined when she was 17, apparently she was some kind of genius and finished medical school early.
Rein being Pharah's father? I find that hardly believable, but it's not like it can't be true. But then Pharah should be an Egyptian and German mix but she looks pure Egyptian to me.
I want this pray in Overwatch now
The German one is called Eichenwalde (don't ask me how I remember, I have very good memory especially for pointless crap like that :')
That's what happens when you already have 90% of stuff in the game. But I watched a video saying that in the next update they're going to add so that you basically need to have everything in the game to get duplicates. I can't wait! Doomfist is coming out in Thursday too! I am so prepared to play Sombra at counter attack his ass. Too bad I'm terrible at aiming with her. Only 30% accuracy, fml
When I browsed D.Va skins it was purchasable but maybe if I would have pressed unlock it wouldn't have let me?
Oh, I don't have it, yet! I'm just thinking about buying it. This one is my favourite too, but don't you get it by pre purchasing Overwatch? I don't think this is the origins one.
Pfffft, as if a cheap-ass like me would pay 20 more euros for skins in game. Don't make me laugh.( I wish tho, the Pharah, Soldier 76 and Tracer skins are bae) What about you? :3
Anyway, are you going to be free anytime soon? I would love to play with you. I bet you are not as bad as you say you are!