Anime Stats
Days: 45.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries277
- Rewatched5
- Episodes2,627
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Manga Stats
Days: 89.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries118
- Reread3
- Chapters11,947
- Volumes512
Last Manga Updates
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All Comments (1432) Comments
*immaculate taste* heheh and you for recognizing that ;D
are they haha- i usually @ you if i have something to say/show & that too pretty randomly so that makes me glad to know you dont mind too much >> lets lets!
and thank you so much for the fish, im on & off when it comes to genshin but ill never stop liking my dearest prinzessin ♡
oh btw btw idk did you ever end up using that hyouka dp i made for your birthday>?
thank YOU for being my precious friend aa DEF FEEL THE SAME WAY AS YOU, y'all saved my life istg 😭🫶
not weird dw!! i'll always be there for you too! :D also talk to me anytime!! replies might be late at times but i swear i'll always get back to you! :D
again tysm for the stunning scara card???? that's literally the picture i uploaded to mal yesterday hahah did you read my mind?? 🤣 also nonononoa hahaha my nickname just keeps getting longer xD
oh yea btw i saw the monogatari name thing you sent hahaha i remember that it was so funny xD feel free to pick one for me hehe, i trust your nickname decisions fabulous knight-san ;D
i betrayed you hahahha i'm no longer a part of the funny username club now xD how do you feel idfk_san ;D
merry christmas ivan!! I thought about it
and didn't want to flood your discord dms
even more so here I am haha :P tysm for
being my friend, talking to you is always
fun :D oh and tysm for introducing me to
NIKI (she's so amazing istg). (take this
humble offering since you're the biggest
NIKI fan ik)
wishing you all the best! :)
ive watched babylona like five times now (watching it again with friends as we speak) so thats why its back right now haha
love to see more love for eresh <3
this is my "ive done goofed" delivery
for those who saw my announcement at
magic shop, you'd know that i messed up
in my omcs v2. the reasons were:
1. theres a layer that i didnt unhid. it's very
minor, but it bothered me a lot so i made
sure that the layer is on this time around
2. your omc number was wrong. in the thread,
there were some of yall that had the previous
omc v1 already but i mistakenly typed the wrong
one on the cards which led the requests after
that to have wrong numbers as well silly me 😭
you can find your fixed card(s) here. please use
these from now on when requesting <3 im very
sorry for the mistake TT TT please let me know in
my issues center if something else looks off
- ren
merry christmas and happy holidays idfk! hope
you have a great day whether you celebrate it
or not :D thank you for being my friend this
year (lol ill never forget how we became friends
through username slander xD)
pro tip from juno - how to make friends:
laugh at your usernames together :)
best wishes for next year!