Yes, I read it a few years ago, it's definitely one of the best out there, webtoons are underrated on MAL sadly except for solo leveling which somewhat became a trend now. Have you read something which has a similar vibe to 'Something About Us'? I really want to read something similar :)
Have a great day & take care sorry for the intrusion!
Heroines is approved, still ongoing though. The other one can't be approved since there isn't a physical version, only digital. It might get approved at some point since it's published under a proper LN label...
Its fine,these people are rabid fanboys. they think by it being praised everywhere they'll get validated. seeing someone attack it is an attack on them. they don't know regardless of it being praised as a masterpiece/garbage or not. the problem isn't on the Manga itself anyway.
Haha,we have the same opinion. i think pre-timeskip is best.but yeah people would never accept that due to the cool eren moments (that were retroactively ruined) which i agree were cool. but there was no mystery like before. and the ones we had like ymir and the worm and other character intentions were ruined.
Haha. Jo, geht seit anfang eigentlich nur noch bergab mit der Wertung. Mittlerweile hab ich keinen Schimmer mehr worum's eigentlich geht. LN soll ja die Probleme nicht haben und deutlich besser sein, aber keinen Bock da 20+ Bände zu lesen, um das herauszufinden. Ich mag die Charaktere noch und die Action ist not bad, aber ansonsten ist der Anime wirklich nicht so gut. War ja eigentlich schon immer mehr Railgun fan. Ansonsten, wie läufts denn so? Schon lange nix mehr von dir gehört!
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Have a great day & take care sorry for the intrusion!