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Amagami SS
Amagami SS
Jan 26, 2011 3:35 PM
Watching -/25 · Scored -
Koharu Biyori
Koharu Biyori
Jan 24, 2011 12:29 PM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
Pokemon Movie 04: Celebi Toki wo Koeta Deai
Pokemon Movie 04: Celebi Toki wo Koeta Deai
Jan 21, 2011 2:35 PM
Completed 1/1 · Scored -
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Kurohime-T Mar 6, 2011 9:07 AM
haha i was the life of my prom... doesn't really say much :L
do you not find some people literally don't know how to talk when they're sober? lol

haha i suppose i should try it out since it comes so highly reccomended :L maaan i'm feeling mega hungry right now ahaa

eugh had a netball tournement and i swear i caught the worst bloody cold. ¬¬ i hate english weather lol

hehe okayy so
question of the day: favourite holiday? why? (i might have to start making question of the month with the lateness of all my replies lol sorry) ^^

trzr23 Feb 16, 2011 6:56 AM
Hello there, fellow Otaku Paradise member!

As you might know, Genshiken was voted the "Anime to be watched" for the month of January.

After completing that, we set out on making a review of it from the Otaku Paradise reviewing account.

The review was finished a while back and is available for viewing over HERE. Don't forget to vote and comment!

The poll for next month has already started and on behalf of the club, I would like to invite you to the voting process over here.

Ciao and peace.
Kurohime-T Feb 13, 2011 9:36 AM
hehe that's a plan. that kind of idea never passes through my mind :L
awesome tell me what you think of the ending, cause i find that and ending sometimes ruins a show :(

ahaa lol i think my hwk trading days might be coming to an end cause i'm finishing up my gcse's n then my mates moving schools... what a blow to my system ¬¬

i had my prom on friday. its was soo dry it was funny lol at least the after party was good. what are the proms like over your side? lol ^^

haahaa how do you eat grilled cheese and soup? do you put the cheese in the soup? :L

i LOVE a roast dinner :L i could literally eat it every day, maybe even twice a day. a little bit of heaven it is :D
Kuma-Kuma Feb 6, 2011 9:53 AM
my all-time favorite is Lucky Star...but other notables are Clannad, Kanon (2006), Baccano!, Toradora!, xxxHOLiC Kei, ef - a tale of memories, ef - a tale of melodies, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, and Higurashi no Naku Koro ni...basically anything i rated a 9 or 10.
Kuma-Kuma Feb 6, 2011 4:33 AM
i like all kinds of anime so long as it keeps me entertained

so do you have any favorite anime?
Kuma-Kuma Feb 5, 2011 11:47 AM
cool...i started in 2005 but it was in 2010 that i saw 156 out of the 409 anime shows that is on my completed list.

so what kind of anime do you like?
Kurohime-T Feb 5, 2011 6:56 AM
finally getting a chance to reply. sorry for the long wait ^^
haha i tried to buy a dango pillow, like one of those travel type pillows but i couldn't fin one. it was so upsetting 8'(

i'll put it on my plan to watch list and give it a go when i get a chance. if i don't like it i'm holding you responsible ;) lol

lol well i end up liking the randomest songs. ikr screaming isn't music gosh. i mean i could do it but you don't see me getting paid loads to scream on a stage, do you? man life's hard :L

naah the best part of english is descriptive writing. i love writing stories XD i wanna publish a book (just one) as one of my things to do before i die hehe

LOL that's jokes though even though they're my favs i get answers from my friends too if i cba to do all the hwk. aha i had a system with my friend cause she's like you and likes english and stuff so we traded hwk. i did her science questions and she wrote one of my english essays :L they're just so loong ^^

question of the day: favourite food? why? :)
Kuma-Kuma Feb 4, 2011 11:35 AM
that's good :D

so how long have you been watching anime?
Kuma-Kuma Feb 2, 2011 4:55 AM
you're welcome :D

so how do you like MAL so far?
Kuma-Kuma Feb 1, 2011 3:24 PM
Kurohime-T Jan 25, 2011 1:52 PM

yeah same like for example today i had a netball tournement and right before my eye swelled up(for no reason) and i spent most of my games having an intimate relationship with the floor :L but i still got player of the tournement XD

haha taking the easy way out lol. i like english but there's waaay too much writing in it and the poems and books we read get killed for me by having to anylise it... so i'd have to say my fav subject is Chemistry/Physics lol sciences are generally more my strengths :)
Kurohime-T Jan 23, 2011 7:44 AM
So ^^

Here we goo :3

Ahaa i used to wanna be a tennis champion... not so much anymore lol
Lol your probably getting confused but i meant soccer when i said football. cause i live in England and here: soccer = football, and football = rugby. i'm not really a rugby fan. it's too violent for me lol
gosh it's alright for some. i broke my ankle, was on crutches for 6 months, out of sports for a year and right now i'm still have to wear ankle supports and carry nurofen plus with me when i play sports to be on the safe side lol
i get the feeling i'm slightly accident prone :P

Question of the day: Favourite subject at school? ^^
Kurohime-T Jan 21, 2011 9:59 AM
No probs :)

yeah i know but i've found a few of us youngens lol
so to get down to why we're all here allow me to fire off a round of questions ^^

lol i see you like sports. me too! >.< i prefer netball and tennis though cause i've had traumatic experiences playing football (soccer) lol
maan its been so long since i've heard someone say soccer, i used to say it when i was in australia but everyone here where i am now says football :L
Chuunikshimi Jan 21, 2011 7:03 AM
DeliriousPanda Jan 21, 2011 1:52 AM
Haha no. You hear about it from time to time. Not sure why it happens, lol.
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