how can she say she does not know what good music is when the album is literally called "i am music" !!
also it's deffo not his most best album and this is coming from a casual listener....but i unironically play this album in the bg and get chores done because it's very good background noise
Thank you! ^^ I watched episode 17 just half an hour ago and I'm stunned. This is brilliantly put together. I agree, the characters are very good, at first I was skeptical, I thought they will be all about the cute vibes, but they are much more than that. I think I'll make some space in my favorites for it, probably replacing AOT. But I know this won't be enough to persuade certain people that my taste is not all "shallow mainstream stuff"
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Guess I'll stop teasing u about him haha
Sorry about that. Thankfully my exams went well but things this semester will likely not be as fortuitous.
also it's deffo not his most best album and this is coming from a casual listener....but i unironically play this album in the bg and get chores done because it's very good background noise
قلـت: ألا آذكروها علـى قبـري لتحيينـي
You're getting blocked Kioshi
chuskipop says this as he continues to stream it
also, right answers only; is she a carti fan 🕺