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Days: 82.5
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- Plan to Read185
- Total Entries720
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All Comments (11) Comments For instance this performance (good girl band girl) I only really stan monsta x, and know of bambam through memes. Yet im obsessed with everybody in that performance, I know nothing about BAP or BTOB but I was still freaking out watching their members in that dance. But then for the GG cover of the INFINITE song I just casually watched, like they did a great job but I just dont get as excited.
I do like way too many groups lol mostly K-pop since it's the one I listen to the most
even so I like all of them, If I were to pick a bias from the actual group I would be torn between Xiumin and Lay =3 those guys are just too lovely. Every time one ends discovering a hidden charm in each one of them ♥ xD
I do like them =3