My rating system:
10: Legendary. A masterpiece I can watch again and again. Absolutely amazing. The pinnacle of storytelling in animation. “WHOA!”
9: Amazing. Almost a masterpiece, but isn’t quite soul-shattering enough to qualify (ie. I have no desire to watch it again). “Wow, this is so good! I love it!”
8: Great. Wonderful, but not so wonderful to be called part of the elite. Solidly enjoyable and not too many problems to detract from its entertainment. “Hey, this is really good.”
7: Good. 70th percentile or above. At least three and a half out of five stars. Enjoyable, but has noticeable issues that overshadow its enjoyment level. Or just not to my personal taste enough, but still undeniably good media. Recommendations stop here. “It’s good, I guess.”
6: Okay. Pieces that should be enjoyable, but just aren’t that good. Six and seven are hard tiers to define and separate due to the MAL system being weighted unevenly (5 integers above average, but only four below). The so-bad-it’s-good zone starts here. “It’s okay, but...”
5: Average. The land of the predictable, the trashy naked-for-no-reason OVAs, the home-release bonus featurettes, the blandest play-it-safe writing this side of the moon. A wide category. Not offensive enough to be bad, but not enjoyable enough to be good. Probably not worth watching. “Meh.”
4: Noticeably bad. There’s something about this show that offends my sensibilities. Still good for a laugh if you’re into watching trash for the sake of watching trash. The so-bad-it’s-good zone ends here. “It’s bad, but...”
3: Actually terrible. So bad it’s genuinely hard to watch even ironically. The take-a-shot-if zone starts here. “I really don’t want to be watching this right now”
2: Appalling. Either incomprehensible, rage-inducing, or just pathetic. Still, it does resemble an anime. Vaguely. “The 🐬 🐬 🐬 even is this garbage?”
1: Insults to the anime medium. Only the worst of the worst get this dubious honor. “...the world might be a genuinely better place if this didn’t exist.”
Take it all with a grain of salt or ten.
Remember, even terrible shows can be fun to watch.
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