10-Crafted by the gods themselves.
9-Excellent. Not perfect, but almost every aspect is done right. A select few have attained this prestigious rank.
8-Great. Solid for the most part, but may have had some hiccups along the way. You can't go wrong with these shows. Handful of series are placed here.
7-Good. Some glaring flaws in some departments, but generally something you can finish through wanting for more or at least satisfied. Most of the series belong in this ranking in my opinion.
6-Decent. Watchable, but is more of an afterthought. Definitely for fans of certain genres or if you have time to kill. A lot of series fall in here as well.
5-Meh. Same as 6, but really nothing new is put on the table. Don't get your hopes high. Again, quite a number of shows fit in here.
4-Bad. Now we're treading in muddy waters here. Not enough to make you hang yourself after it's done, but go do something worthwhile immediately. Mostly forgettable one shot OVA's 'round these parts.
3-Worse. I use these to troll friends or in a drinking game. I can think of a few that should be given this "award."
2-Worser (Not a word, I know.) If you want to put yourself or others under mental torture, give these a try. Satisfaction guaranteed. Like 9, only a few have creep so low on the scale.
1-Fecal matter. What I dump on the toilet looks better than any of it in here. I can think of one series that's cutting it close to receive this insidious rank, but I'll be nice and bump it up to 2.
0-No rank, but I rarely do this.
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