Actually,while I like many anime that are simple, I also love those with a lot of depth and complexity to the plot and characters. This holds true for all entertainment genres. I read hundreds of books every year that span from historically relevant social commentaries (e.g. Machiavelli's 'The Prince' or Upton Sinclair's 'The Jungle') to popular fiction and literature (historical and contemporary). I have a very broad perspective in this area.
It is not that I don't get this anime, I just didn't like it. It was slow, boring, predictable, and uselessly violent. I don't have a problem with violence as long as it is believaqble and there is a driving purpose behind it.
Ultimately, I felt there was nothing new here that I haven't seen a bagillion times somewhere else; and while that in and of itself doesn't automate a poor grade from me, it doesn't help either. I felt the story had all the same bad guys, and all the same events and elements as many other stories. If they had spent some time allowing us to connect to the characters it would have been more enjoyable. Quite frankly, this show provided neither simple entertainment nor interesting or complex depth in my opinion.
That I don't share your view on your beloved anime is not a personal affront to you or your taste, it is simply my opinion. You don't have to agree to it, you don't have to like it, and insulting me is certainly not going to change it.
If you really care about what I think of this anime, then I challenge you to try to change my perspective. However, that will require you providing me with logical (emotion and insult free) discussion of why you think this is "one of the best anime series ever made".
PS: I reviewed this anime, I didn't bash it, and I didn't even hate. I just thought that it was average, and not special in any way. 5=average
All Comments (2) Comments
It is not that I don't get this anime, I just didn't like it. It was slow, boring, predictable, and uselessly violent. I don't have a problem with violence as long as it is believaqble and there is a driving purpose behind it.
Ultimately, I felt there was nothing new here that I haven't seen a bagillion times somewhere else; and while that in and of itself doesn't automate a poor grade from me, it doesn't help either. I felt the story had all the same bad guys, and all the same events and elements as many other stories. If they had spent some time allowing us to connect to the characters it would have been more enjoyable. Quite frankly, this show provided neither simple entertainment nor interesting or complex depth in my opinion.
That I don't share your view on your beloved anime is not a personal affront to you or your taste, it is simply my opinion. You don't have to agree to it, you don't have to like it, and insulting me is certainly not going to change it.
If you really care about what I think of this anime, then I challenge you to try to change my perspective. However, that will require you providing me with logical (emotion and insult free) discussion of why you think this is "one of the best anime series ever made".
PS: I reviewed this anime, I didn't bash it, and I didn't even hate. I just thought that it was average, and not special in any way. 5=average