Medium sized bipedial creature, in weight,and round 170 cm high. Dark red/ brown fur covers most of the body.
Bit wide around the waist
Though nomadic in nature, prefers either cooler climates or if in warmer area's habitats near water.
Erratic. Depended on diet, temperature and reproductive success.
Can consume vast amounts of any type of food, but shows preferences for anything sweet (esp chocolate products), caffeinated, alcoholic, heavily spiced or anything barbecued.
Born in California, moved to Argentina when 2, and developed a taste for outdoor cooked food. During this time first introductions to anime, and trips to the US and Oz. Then a move to the UK around 6-7 years after birth, with again trips to the US and Oz. After studying at St Phillips and Downside Schools (London and Somerset respectively) move to Chester and on to Edinburgh.
After migrating south to the isle of Wight for a summer now a forest dweller in Epping.
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