All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 52.7
Mean Score:
- Reading41
- Completed105
- On-Hold8
- Dropped16
- Plan to Read134
- Total Entries304
- Reread2
- Chapters4,790
- Volumes1,040
All Comments (45) Comments
Hmm I've mostly been working and re-watching some of my favo anime series, there are only a few newer series that are still interesting to me so yeah, not been watching as much anime as I would've liked to but if there are no interesting series there's not much to be done I guess?
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Yo minna- san
--New Voting of the month is up -here-
You paint for work? :O I didn't knew that, when you say painting you mean stuff like portraits etc or more like painting walls etc? :P
Hmm yeah I found a job, it was a bit boring and in a quite cold room but it the pay was good so I was kinda happy with it ^^ I have a convention this friday, officially it's 3 days but I'm oly going 1 since I couldn't book a hotelroom in time :( (the animecon is in a theatre hotel) but I'm looking forward to it! :D
Ohh yeah I could recommend some, what kind of are you looking for (it's quite hard to just name some good ones)? Something like action/romance/slice of life etc...
I have summer vacation so I'm not thinking about school at all :P In a few weeks I'll have to go back to that hellish place though *sob* xD
Byeebyee ~(^^)~
So, how's life? :) I hope you're doing fine ^^ Do you already have summer vacation? I'm still waiting for mine to start, so depressing haha :P What are your plans for the summer, going somwhere nice or staying at home?
Do you still like the manga D.Gray-man? I've read some spoilers and I don't really know what to think about it (I've read some spoilers about the latests volume) but I guess I'll start reading it again once there are a few more volumes out, I don't like to wait so long for a new volume to come out :P
Haha sounds like a childrens fight indeed, it's quite depressing when you start thinking that they are making the decicions, ne? :P Did the politic party (? is that the rght word) you voted on win the voting? :)
Hmm that's about it for now, I hope you'll get a chance to reply soon ^^ Bye Bye ~
Hmm there were some teachers abesnt, I think they were sick and well if you have like 3 classes cancelled and still got 1 class at the end they sometimes say you can just go :)
Haha well yeah that's true, I'm thinking of working in a restaurant but I'm not sure...
Ahww but do you like your job? Cauz it would be a bother to keep doing that kind of work if you don't even like it a bit, right?
You shouldn't read any sad manga in public places then :P I think I've cried one or maybe twice while reading a manga but at least 15 times while watching an anime xD
Omg you bought vol 1-18 in one go? What if you don't like it? And wow how much did that cost? I'll really hope you'll get them since it's always risky, right? I never buy from Ebay etc since I just don't trust other people enough :P And I like to be the first one to read the manga, it's not that I dislike 2nd hand manga's (in fact I have some xd) but it's just that if I can choose I would prefer the new ones? :P
I'm glad to hear you're doing fine, where do u work? :)
Kimi ni Todoke and Yotsuba, hmm? I liked the first season of KNT a lot but the second season is annoying me for some reason. I want romance and all I have seen till now is misunderstandings. I also have the feeling the char development went backwards... You know most of the time such an anime starts with a really shy and insecure female main char and she grows, becomes mroe confident and happy etc. Well I have the feeling she's back at the start o.o" But I guess I'm the only one since there are a lot fans of it...? :P
It's so strange there isn't an anime of Yotsuba don't u think? :O
School is okay, last week was like hell but this week is really calm and relaxed and a lot of classes are cancelled :)
Hmm I'm currently busy with Visual Novels :) I'm also re-watching Gintama, some arcs of it, but I haven't set it as re-watching. Also I'm catching up with the ongoing anime's since I haven't had the time to watch the latest episode of them :P Oh and I'm watching Fate/stay Night ^^
As for manga I'm reading Gintama, D.Gray-man, Alice in the country of hearts and some other series :)
Ahhhw man I'm so envious of you! I was supposed to go to an animecon somehwere around January but the tickets were already sold out :( But well there's a big event coming up in May so I'm really looking forward to it :D I hope there will be a lot cosplayers, I'm not going to cosplay since I don't know as who I should go and I can't make/buy a costume :(
Hahah well it has to be addictive otherwise there wouldn't be that much fans of it... I personally wouldn't read it since I don't like such story's but it does sound like a good story/concept :)
See ya later ^^ ~