This is a little bit about myself if you want to know ^^
Hello there...
I'm malaysian...And English is not my first language...
So maybe some of my sentences are confusing....And I'm sorry for that...
I can't help it...
But fyi, I do try my best to communicate here....
I am new to this site... And to those who have welcomed me... Thank you so much... *touched ^^*
I am addicted to anime and manga... But i read manga a lot more than I watch anime...^^
Btw... If you guys know where i can download anime do let me know... Thanks...
Other than reading manga and watching anime...I also do sketching...
Just a little...And... I don't play games...
Hrmmm... I don't know why...My siblings are all addicted to games... ahaha...
What am I talking about...~,~So... That's all about me I guess....^^
I have seen that the club seems a little down even if we are still active.
So I'm sending this newsletter to bump you up and invite you to pass by the club~
(He misses you ^.^)
There is gonna be a new change. It consist on opening a card theme ever WEEK. So go and pass by to ask for the card and not lose the change to collect it.
There is also the Creation Card Contest (C.C.C.), remember that if you win first or second place you are able to ask all the cards of an edition from linette (me ^^').
That's all, have a great summer and we wait for you in our club~
Last set of the month to be added tomorrow. If you wish for a specific theme message Illusions about it and it will be added with the new card list tomorrow for the month of JULY.
Stay active not in just the games, but why not comment us? Not like we bite or anything. If you can't be active you don't need cards or anything of the sort.
If you wish to be staff we are still looking especially for someone to help me with all the claims since I am the only claim maker now.Apply here
Im trying to keep this club alive and working my ass off being the only active main card maker/claims maker and so on while others are away mostly. So are starting to come back as well to help. But if we cant have activity whats the point in us trying?
New layout to be added in a few hours with a very different video. It's a video that Injection/Illusions did herself and you might be able to better understand her more even though it will not cover everything. Take the time to watch it when you get the chance. You may be shocked, speechless and so on when you read it dont really know since ppl react different to things.
If you have any questions or comments feel free to ask Illusions about them.
Annddd since everyone is asleep and most my newsletter people are dead in the club right now and so on. I want to say this before hand. If it says not open you can still post when you get the news letter. If it says post 20 you can go to 30 since you are getting this by only 2 people right now and we have a lot of members to deliver to that being said the following are open:
And we are still looking for staff. Some are about to leave since they refuse to work and me being the only SUPER active card maker (since most are busy and so on) I need help with claims, cards, banners and so on. Apply here
Heey peeps,
There isn't much activitie going on in the club and to be honest I don't see why we should try, I've send letters out but only a few respond to that one.
My idea was to change it into a card club.
If there are no objections I will do it soon.
On all the cards/badges you have all requested will be "RIP Sky academy"
I want an answer by tomorrow because I really want to change it if there aren't any objections
Greats for the last time maybe
The Headmistress ( Amaterasu)
Following one will close tonight even if limit isnt reached Ordinary Life RE
Contests to be coming soon one for the new layout of Request Paradise if you wish to join keep an eye out for that one unless admin claims the spot to do one in 2 more days otherwise not waiting anymore.
I have reopened the lottery for active people only Lottery I will be doing it this time as fill in until the person suppose to be doing it comes back.
I have re-opened the old dp request thread of Angelics and took over her position making it mine.
New cards to be open tomorrow on scheduled time. They are also now added for you to easily find in the Navigation section
Awards should be done today for the winners I however, will be going around to collect the winnings before giving you your prize since some have not turned them into me yet.
We are always looking for staff apply here if your interested. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Hopefully new layout to be up soon for the club if not I will make a contest of it.
New contests will be added soon if you have any ideas for some send Illusions a message.
Next cards to be open tomorrow on time.
If you would like to be staff feel free to apply we are always looking for some since many are on haitus right now apply here to join us anyone is welcome to.
Admins someone when they opened didnt put the staff edit post so it has been added and you can edit for the cards you want in the following sets[*/b]
Admins be expect a newsletter soon from me coming around and I dont want to hear any complaining. Remember to stay active by games, why not talk to us as well we dont bite? We'd love to hear from you thats for sure.
I will try to work on some claims and have them open by the end of this week I know I have some done but you have to be patient since I am the only one doing so many and I have over 70 card sets just from request paradise to do while Im suppose to be resting
If you wish to be staff you may apply here: Staff hiring
I would like to inform all that did not know AngelicXI is no longer staff and has been perm ban from MAL for hacking my account and removing all staff from request and another of my clubs. I got into with the admin who ban me until IRC chat was over I have gotten my staff powers back and in turn added all staff back but she is perm ban and no longer as well in request paradise. Cards you request they will not be delivered I'm sorry about that.
May and june birthdays will be posted soon once I get everyones character as well. Sorry those are late and below are the results of all the contests that have ended. Winners need to message me their banners/cards etc. And I will send them when them info when they need to open their cards.
Results for Best Drawing:
1st: Reaction
2nd: AbbeyANGEL
Results for Best Poetry
1st: mintykittycat
2nd: Kuikirylia
3rd: Reaction
Runner Up: Viz
Results for Best Story
1st: Kuikirylia
2nd music7car
3rd: Reaction
Here is the final results for the Best DP:
1st: darkreon07
2nd: blueunicorns
3rd: AbbeyANGEL
Runner Up: Adyka_Shalwa
Voting results for BEST CARD MAKER of MAY:
1st place: Adyka_Shalwa
2nd place: darkreon07
3rd place: Merue
I will try to get claims done asap to re-open if anyone would like to help with that your welcome to. Questions ask Injection.
All Comments (241) Comments
Hello members~
I have seen that the club seems a little down even if we are still active.
So I'm sending this newsletter to bump you up and invite you to pass by the club~
(He misses you ^.^)
There is gonna be a new change. It consist on opening a card theme ever WEEK. So go and pass by to ask for the card and not lose the change to collect it.
There is also the Creation Card Contest (C.C.C.), remember that if you win first or second place you are able to ask all the cards of an edition from linette (me ^^').
That's all, have a great summer and we wait for you in our club~
The Dark Side of the Cards Deliveries
Cards can be found Here
tell me if there's anything wrong
sorry for a very late delivery
Pancake Limited Edition
100+ Limited Edition