My name is Muriel (hinkeldepinkel). I'm twenty-four years old and I live in the Netherlands🌸
I like games (league of legens a lot), anime's, books, cosplays, candy, music and writing novels.
One of my hobbies is cosplay and I'm trying to create better and better cosplays all the time.
My favorite has to be Muay Thai-- whenever I play with that skin I seem to do infinitely better.
Where am I from as in where exactly in the 'States?
ADC is a very taxing role, but it does wonders to help you learn mechanics and improve at the game. It's a shame that they're worthless this meta though. I like Ashe too, simply because of the Project skin. Jinx isn't bad as well, with Star Guardian and all.
I usually play Jg or Bot lane, but this season I've started playing jungle primarily. (In ranked) I'd say it takes a while to learn, yes. Because you have to adapt to each game as well as understand jungle pathing.
He's known as a high-skill cap/ceiling champion, so I'd suppose so.
I play on NA.
She also has a fair amount of poke on with q on such a short cooldown. Is Sona your only favorite champion?
Hoe komt het dat je zoveel vrije tijd hebt?
Ik ben ook mijn watching lijst aan het leeg maken.
Zoveel animes waar ik minder dan 10 episodes nog van moet zien. :/
All Comments (39) Comments
Nope. I am from the states. Minnesota to be exact. What made you think I was from EU?
Where am I from as in where exactly in the 'States?
ADC is a very taxing role, but it does wonders to help you learn mechanics and improve at the game. It's a shame that they're worthless this meta though. I like Ashe too, simply because of the Project skin. Jinx isn't bad as well, with Star Guardian and all.
He's known as a high-skill cap/ceiling champion, so I'd suppose so.
I play on NA.
She also has a fair amount of poke on with q on such a short cooldown. Is Sona your only favorite champion?
And ah okay, you playing on EUW makes sense.
Her power chord is pretty good when you build some ap.
What server do you play on?
By not normal, do you mean you build her AP?
Ah, okay. Do you play ranked at all? Sona is pretty easy to be honest. :p
Mensen ontmoeten van het internet etc
Ik ben ook mijn watching lijst aan het leeg maken.
Zoveel animes waar ik minder dan 10 episodes nog van moet zien. :/