All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 192.5
Mean Score:
- Watching12
- Completed350
- On-Hold52
- Dropped48
- Plan to Watch181
- Total Entries643
- Rewatched111
- Episodes11,441
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 48.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries225
- Reread2
- Chapters6,998
- Volumes602
All Comments (265) Comments
It's good hear that you are doing okay and felt excited about starting anew by moving to a different place to attend university. I didn't have that opportunity when I was studying for my bachelors degree a few years back since there was a very good university in the city that I lived. But I'm planning on changing that when I go for a Masters in a different country in the next 1-2 years (when I save enough money for it).
Hope you've had fun so far in university xD
As for my job, it's been the same this year as well. The only change that is happening is the ever increasing number of offices that I need to set up every winter/summer season, which also means that I need to interview and take even more employees. I'm still enjoying it but I'll probably move on to full-time software engineering after I move abroad to finish my degree.
Hope you are doing alright these days as well.
I'm glad you're doing good. Look forward to the experiences :))
Small circles are better than having a huge ass friends group with insecurities. Trust me on that
You've a discord? I'm adding you.
It's okay lol. University is stressful as hell. We all get to know that sooner or later.
Sure,take your time. Hope you get some time soon enough lol
And I know how you feel, life is harsh. Welp, at least anime is a nice escape from this cruel reality lol
For me, life is going good, I guess. Nothing too interesting though.
I wonder what's happening with you though? You seem like you are depressed.
And yeah, I finished F/SN VN ^^
One of the best fuckin story I've read in my life was Fate. UBW was also decent. As for Heaven's Feel, it made me cry so much (not as much as Fate though, it's ending was way more emotional) especially the normal ending. HF's true ending was great!
And no, I didn't continue Fate/Zero yet. I plan to continue it now because I recently completed F/SN VN.
♡ Saber is my best girl, my beloved wife and I love and cherish her a lot. ♡
Btw I agree with this. Saber best girl!
Ich habe die erste Folge von S1 geschaut, aber es hat mir nicht gefallen und habe es dann gedropped :weary:
Hoffe Eden wird dir gefallen
Wie gefällt dir der TG RE Anime? Habe gelesen das die einen ganzen Arc geskipped haben lmao.
My friends call me Kash or Am, You may call me either :)
What name would you like me to address you by?
My random friend request may have come as a surprise to you. I've actually been meaning to add people on MAL and start talking to them for a while now, I think it's always nice to talk and learn more about people that share the same interests. Maybe I might find something you may like or maybe you would recommend something I would like :)
I'm also always up for conversations/discussions about anything really, from anime to tv shows to even world related events if you're interested haha!
It will be a pleasure getting to know you friend! I hope you too feel the same way :D