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Hitozukiai ga Nigate na Miboujin no Yukionna-san to Noroi no Yubiwa
May 5, 2024 9:34 AM
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I am playing a 10bit video and it plays flawlessly :)
My other laptop could no way in hell render these video's i guess it has to do with the intell HD graphics compared to my old nvideogo6100
Next im going to try some games on it like world of warcraft or something, nothing extreme, i just want to test it to see whats it capable of. I am also going to use those software that you reccomened to test temps and what not.
Its the direct X SDK update, so hopefully its the right one.
In any case im installing the full Microsoft package with the excel, power point, word, etc. Then i am going to see what that file is, i downloaded directly from the Microsoft website.
Now what i did was i exported my favorites from my other computer to an HTML file and now im going to try and import them to my new laptop, hopefully it saves all my passwords and IDs and what not, cause it would be a real pain to get all those pack.
Pretty soon ill be ready to start transfering all my files and data from other computer to the laptop i just wanted to make sure its secured first before i did that just incase i may of had a virus on my other computer.
Im going to start installing the CCC pack here soon.
Do you i need to keep all this or which stuff can i delete?
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The track pad is actually a different material, its made of plastic where as old laptop had kind of a smooth texture finish on it. But the downside to that is finger prints and it gets smeared real easy, this one won't have that problem, but i have to figure out a way to fix the touchy track pad.
Ok ill back up my current windows settings, its going to take around 5 disks though it said.
I have 85 processes running and i havn't even installed anything yet besides google chrome. 8 of those processes are google chrome from reason though, and i only have 1 page displayed and thats MAL, so thats kind of strange.
What kind of antivirus or fire wall would you reccomend, i have used avg before but it never really worked out for me, i still get viruses quite alot. I usually use MSI and avg, and then i download like spybot for a spyware tool and like antimaleware for scanning the system for maleware if i get it.
Right now i just finished updating windows, what are those software you told me before that you wanted me to use to test like temps and stuff and what not. First i need to get a video player on here to lol and check it out see how hot it gets well playing video.
Anyways the laptop did not come with any drivers, any dvd's of any sort, it just came pre installed with windows 7 home premium and alot of other software on here i have no idea what it all does. One of them is "RI recover" its telling me to create a back up of my windows on a disk. THat is one thing i guess ill have to do my self, if i ever have to reformat the HD, ill have to look up the asus drivers my self since it didn't come with a disk. I also have other software like "Battery saving" which enables me to switch from battery saving mode and "high performance mode" my other laptop didn't have that so not sure what the benefits of high performance mode is.
I also got a bunch of other stuff like "asus life update" which im assuming updates all of my drivers and what not. "asus sonic focus", "Asus Vibe fun center" and "Asus tools" those are the applications that are on my desktop.
I have not played any videos on it yet, i just now hooked it up and its charging the battery currently.
So if their is anything you want me to test, look into, let me know since your a tech and know alot more bout laptops then i do. Just letting you know that i finally got it.
Jets | 27 minutes ago
Will you be gaming on it?
In terms of having it for general use (like school stuff, watching anime, etc), I think it should be able to multi-task just fine.
I think it should run well and be reliable since those Taiwan PC brands have that reputation.
That's definitely a great deal. Much better than paying extra for a Macbook Pro, which honestly to me is just a 'status symbol.' Like sure, if you're an artist, it's more practical.
Did Bestbuy try to annoy you into buying their black-tie protection plan??
Nope best buy was actually really awesome, just when i was bout to buy it, i swear no more then 30 seconds passed and the price changed on the site from 329.99 to 399.99. I called up best buy and told them my situation, she talked to her manager and said just go ahead and let him have the deal, i was like HELL YEAH!. I actually missed the deal but they gave it to me anyways.
Regarding the protection plan, its actually through the manufacturer which is "asus" instead of best buy which is the unfortantly thing because i have a local best buy real close by. I think best buy will still allow me to bring my laptop in thier though and have it serviced to some extent, just not replace by warranty, have to go through asus for that.
Know its not really for gaming, though i could probably play games like world of warcraft and alot of emulator type games with the i3 core CPU. But its not really meant for high end gaming like skyrim, or battlefield 3 or any of the new MMO's like terra online. But i have a desktop for that, so its all good.
I am mainly going to use it to for high end software, video encoding, photosohp CS5, premiere pro, networking software, mostly college work and watching tons of anime hopefully in 1080p with no issues.
This laptop currently can't even do half of that stuff.
I guess will just have to see what it can do when i get it. This guy from the same discussion is going to walk me through some tests he wants to evaluate on my laptop to see what it is actually capable of.