Hi welcome :D
Feel free to chat with me anytime! Just PM me or leave a comment below
Fav genres: Drama, Romance, Slice of Life, Comedy, Shoujo, ... kind of stuff
I'm also literally Danganronpa trash. Absolutely love the entire Danganronpa franchise
Some key anime in my life (in no particular order and not necessarily my favourites):
All of the shows in 'On Hold' is all the anime I watched in previous seasons but just didn't keep up with it and the season is already over now so I just stuff all the shows I didn't finish in there.. I technically didn't drop these shows and I don't want to drop them AND sometimes I DO end up finishing them up later. xP
- > actually going back and cleaning the list up... Don't trust my On Hold, Dropped, nor Plan to Watch lists (pls no hate for dropping iconic shows)