All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 168.0
Mean Score:
- Watching25
- Completed937
- On-Hold3
- Dropped12
- Plan to Watch144
- Total Entries1,121
- Rewatched24
- Episodes10,561
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 97.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries267
- Reread0
- Chapters16,270
- Volumes1,732
All Comments (189) Comments
Can we have a link to watch it? cause it's nowhere to be found out there
E-learning > normální chození do školy all the way
I am doing good ^^ have watching anime and playing games ^^
Also how are you doing? It's been awhile ^^
Other than that I'm enjoying Bakarina and yesterday wo uttate which is feel is a good realistic depiction of relationships and people.
Tower of god has also been enjoyable though I guess the pacing is a bit faster than I expected in the recent episodes. Though doesn't look as bad as webtooners are telling. Guess they skipped a bunch of explaining to maybe fit it in later. I mean the world building is huge and there are tons of character so I guess compressing it is gonna be difficult. Still premise is interesting.
Enjoying this season pretty well tbh.
Some good shows this season and a bit different from the usual. So I'm having fun.
Which shows do you like the most this season?
If so, that's a first for me. I've seen people picking up manga after the season ending or binging while the next episode comes out.
Do you compare the adaptation vs source?