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Days: 240.7
Mean Score:
- Watching130
- Completed779
- On-Hold10
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- Plan to Watch101
- Total Entries1,037
- Rewatched6
- Episodes14,424
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 73.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries119
- Reread11
- Chapters10,559
- Volumes508
All Comments (24) Comments
how did you like and why or why not no reason for asking this just curious about how you feel please respond if you want ok also if you want to ask me a question look at my anime list and ask about one i am watching or have already seen and ask about if i like one or not if you want.
I also get a bit of guff for being left-handed, and that it's evil etc. Are you Muslim? Since it sounds like a Muslim superstition.
I for one don't agree with you on factors such as the art and OST adding to enjoyment. It can make the experience more aesthetically pleasing, but it does not make it better. Some of the butt ugliest and poorly animated series can manage to keep me entertained. If I were to humanise Kara no Kyoukai, it would be that broody good looking girl who does not seem to have any personality but everyone is attracted to because of her looks and the aura around her. I'd rather pay more attention to the sloppy looking loser in the corner who can interest me with good conversation.
And yes, I realised I typed Touka when I meant to type Touko. It wasn't that I don't know her name--it was a typo. I'm used to typing Touka lately and the letters slip off my fingers when I'm typing blindly.
CANAAN did for me in two episodes what Kara no Kyoukai couldn't do with four movies. Had me on the edge of my seat, involved, thirsty for more, entertained, captivated and intrigued by the characters, their personalities, their motivations and their interactions.
Critically, I find it to be a mixed bag. Each movie is too inconsistent for me to enjoy the series in its entirety. I liked the first movie, didn't mind the second, I loved the third and hated the fourth and I haven't seen anymore after that, but I am pretty sure that none of the future movies will move me in any way since I don't care about the story or the characters.
High quality does not mean good quality. The movies have amazing technical values, yes, but it lacks substance for me. The storyline is patchy and uninteresting, and yes, I am aware of the scattered chronology, but it doesn't work for me here. It worked in The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya because despite the confused chronological order, the anime still made perfect sense. In Kara no Kyoukai, it just seems like a gimmick to make a boring story have more interesting progression by making the viewer intrigued as to what happened before or what will happen next. For others, I am sure they were thrilled. For me, I was unimpressed.
Furthermore, the characters are exceptionally bland. Shiki has no depth or personality. She is a mediocre character at best. Just because she can fight/kick ass and is a cool character does not make her good. Cool =/= developed. She surely is cool. I had many pictures of her in action and whatnot, because she's a good looking character with some impressive fight skills. Outside of that? Do I care about her? No. Does she have three dimensions? No. She has two. One is that of Shiki the killer and the other is the Shiki from the past. Just giving us flashbacks as to why she is the way she is does not mean that the writers did their job providing her with depth. A backstory and reasoning does not make a character rounded. Her internal dilemmas are pretty typical for characters of her type. If you want a more rounded character who is like Shiki, look at Canaan from Type Moon's latest anime. SHE is perfectly rounded, having several aspects to her personality outside the fact that she's a killer with a tragic past. What makes her better than Shiki is that being a "killer with a tragic past" does not consume her entire characterisation. She has a personality outside her persona.
The supporting characters are even worse. That boy with the glasses is a prop. He doesn't even qualify as being a character in my books. There is only one person worth watching that movie for, and it's Touka. Why? She's got something different about her than the other characters. Maybe it's because we see less of her, but every scene she is in feels heavy and important. She doesn't waste words and she doesn't do unnecessary or out of the way things. In fact, she has perfect control her herself in her scenes. THAT is what I call a developed character. Someone with depth outside what the creators want us to see.
I am not easily impressed like everyone else. A hot chick who can fight and pretty graphics are not enough to win me over. Something has to be astounding, not just "good" for me to love it.
TYPE MOON has only made one anime to date that hasn't bored me to tears and which I don't think is overrated, and that is CANAAN, which surprisingly, nobody seems to like as much as Fate/Stay Nighr or Kara no Kyoukai. I figure it's because it requires more thoughts and emotional involvement, and TYPE MOON fans are lazy. Plus, there's no loser male character for the fans to self-identify with in CANAAN. Everybody has a purpose, and they're not worthless to the story.
DtB is great I really love the story and the character too.
The season 2.. hm I think it is a sequal.. but I will watch the season 2 and maybe is the season good, I hope it.