All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 228.9
Mean Score:
- Watching64
- Completed550
- On-Hold119
- Dropped70
- Plan to Watch264
- Total Entries1,067
- Rewatched38
- Episodes13,827
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 62.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries239
- Reread0
- Chapters9,181
- Volumes851
All Comments (20) Comments
Es la compatibilidad más alta que he tenido con alguien.
PD: Kaiji tb ruls
Lo de Dead Leaves y Gurren es normal, el mismo director siempre fuma lo mismo y tiene los mismos traumas.
Hamijito del halma :3
but when you're looking for a free space, check if it supports PHP version 5.
those functions you've mentioned are php5 functions but some servers still operate at php version 4.0 to 4.3.
Myanimelist makes for every user feeds wich are stored like xml and can be accessed from outside of MAL. look at your profile at the bottom of the left bar, there you'll find your own feeds.
I got my own httploader class but afaik you can read it in with the php5 function file_get_contents and then parse it with something like simple_xml_load.
you can also ask in the Signature scripters club for what might be the best method to load and read the feeds since my method isn't the only one ;)