Yeah. It seems most of the VNs I'm interested in Jast just so happens to have their fingers around and you don't ever hear anything about them ever again. Why won't anyone translate the VNs I want to play? ;_;
That would be nice.
Haven't played any VNs in a while. Still waiting for Sumaga. Fucking, Jast. Man, what I wouldn't do to get Baldr Sky translated, though. It's one of those VNs that's been stuck in translation limbo for ages.
Same. I thought Bake was great, and I had previously read the Kizu LN, so I was expecting Nise to be really interesting, but I guess it didn't turn out that way.
I saw the screencapped posts about the MH waifu thing, but I never took the time to read it. Will probably do so if they ever get posted again.
I was watching Nise, but I lost interest around episode 6 or so. I'll probably finish it once all the episodes have aired though. I found that there was WAY too much fanservice. I don't mind fanservice mostly, but I don't want it to be the main focus. I'm also watching Milky Holmes S2, which is great.
Man, I haven't play A Link to the Past in years. Such a good game. My favorite Zelda game is Majora's Mask. Dat atmosphere, man. Speaking of Zelda, I haven't played Skyward Sword yet. I really should, don't wanna spend any money though.
Overnight stocking at a Michaels. Hours were usually 5-10AM, which normally wouldn't be so bad, but since I'm not a morning person and the store was a good 25 minutes away, even with no traffic, I pretty muck woke up at 3AM to get to work. The pay was shitty considering the work I was doing. Cashiers made the same amount, except their job was ten times easier, and they didn't have to show up so early, and they got more hours too. I only worked two days a week, and because the pay was so low, after the cost of gas I was literally only making like 50 bucks a week.
No one knew fucking anything either. I had to go through so many hoops just to get fucking paid because no one had any idea, not even the managers. "Well, the only way we can pay you is THIS way, so log on here and input this information. BUT, we don't have any of your information, good luck logging into the 3 different websites, all with different log in info."
It was pretty absurd. It was hard to see it as a job. It was more like "that really annoying obligation I have to show up for twice a week." Worked there for a few weeks before I got tired of no one knowing anything and the hours fucking up everything else. Would've stayed if the pay wasn't to absolute shit, but ehh, it wasn't, so fuck that.
Have you played Muv-Luv? It's pretty great. The hype for it on /a/ really died down, though. Everyone was going apeshit for anything Muv-Luv related for a couple months, but now it doesn't really get mentioned often. Some guy was supposed to be translating some of the side VNs, haven't heard any news on that stuff in a while. The last VN I was playing was Symphonic Rain, right after I finished Muv-Luv, but I kinda lost interest.
I don't really do much honestly. Assuming I'm at home, which is 90% of the time, I'm on the computer. Watch some animu occasionally, haven't really in the past few weeks though. Sit around wishing I had money to buy all the cool shit I see on the internet. I used to have a pretty impressive vidya collection. Owned stuff like Radiant Silvergun, Panzer Dragoon Saga, complete versions of rare RPGs.
I sold off most of my collection though. I haven't really played video games too much in the past couple of years. I find that they don't really hold my interest anymore, outside of a few exceptions. I got into figure collecting, but it's a slippery slope and not having any money is suffering. I had a job at a restaurant, but shitty business got me taken off the work schedule, and its been about two months since I've been called. I had gotten another job, but holy shit it was awful and there were pretty much no benefits to working there, so I quit. Now I'm back to doing nothing all day. Every day.
I enjoy visual novels. I'm kinda picky when it comes to them though, so I haven't played one in months. Really looking forward to Sumaga, whenever that's gonna get released. And Muramasa, and Baldr Sky, if the guy working on it ever gets anywhere.
All Comments (52) Comments
Haven't played any VNs in a while. Still waiting for Sumaga. Fucking, Jast. Man, what I wouldn't do to get Baldr Sky translated, though. It's one of those VNs that's been stuck in translation limbo for ages.
I saw the screencapped posts about the MH waifu thing, but I never took the time to read it. Will probably do so if they ever get posted again.
No one knew fucking anything either. I had to go through so many hoops just to get fucking paid because no one had any idea, not even the managers. "Well, the only way we can pay you is THIS way, so log on here and input this information. BUT, we don't have any of your information, good luck logging into the 3 different websites, all with different log in info."
It was pretty absurd. It was hard to see it as a job. It was more like "that really annoying obligation I have to show up for twice a week." Worked there for a few weeks before I got tired of no one knowing anything and the hours fucking up everything else. Would've stayed if the pay wasn't to absolute shit, but ehh, it wasn't, so fuck that.
Have you played Muv-Luv? It's pretty great. The hype for it on /a/ really died down, though. Everyone was going apeshit for anything Muv-Luv related for a couple months, but now it doesn't really get mentioned often. Some guy was supposed to be translating some of the side VNs, haven't heard any news on that stuff in a while. The last VN I was playing was Symphonic Rain, right after I finished Muv-Luv, but I kinda lost interest.
I sold off most of my collection though. I haven't really played video games too much in the past couple of years. I find that they don't really hold my interest anymore, outside of a few exceptions. I got into figure collecting, but it's a slippery slope and not having any money is suffering. I had a job at a restaurant, but shitty business got me taken off the work schedule, and its been about two months since I've been called. I had gotten another job, but holy shit it was awful and there were pretty much no benefits to working there, so I quit. Now I'm back to doing nothing all day. Every day.
I enjoy visual novels. I'm kinda picky when it comes to them though, so I haven't played one in months. Really looking forward to Sumaga, whenever that's gonna get released. And Muramasa, and Baldr Sky, if the guy working on it ever gets anywhere.
And if you have Steam you're always welcome to add me on there. I'm usually on.