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Myself; Yourself
Myself; Yourself
Dec 26, 2007 3:08 AM
Completed 13/13 · Scored 8
Fate/stay night
Fate/stay night
Dec 15, 2007 4:31 PM
Completed 24/24 · Scored 7
Shingetsutan Tsukihime
Shingetsutan Tsukihime
Dec 14, 2007 10:19 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 8
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ladyline_fr Sep 29, 2023 6:30 AM
Haha lol, fine, I'll send you the link. BE PREPARED FOR OUT OF CHARACTERNESS =D
"I was bored so, " " lol READ IT HERE. Let us know what you think '^_^ I might start the new one later.

AND you want links to other fics. Hummm, any genre? Any particular pairing annnnnnnd, any particular lengeth (long story, short story, novel length story LOL xDDDD)
hinotoriii Jan 5, 2008 4:02 AM
Haha lol, fine, I'll send you the link. BE PREPARED FOR OUT OF CHARACTERNESS =D
I was bored so, lol READ IT HERE. Let us know what you think '^_^ I might start the new one later.

AND you want links to other fics. Hummm, any genre? Any particular pairing annnnnnnd, any particular lengeth (long story, short story, novel length story LOL xDDDD)
hinotoriii Jan 4, 2008 10:50 AM
Ouch lol, that's properly what I would be like if I ever had to stand up and talk LMFAO. Or I'd tell some random story xDDD
Gah, I want to write lol =D All last year, I kept trying to tell myself to write more fanfiction, but I didn't wanna. So on New Years, I wrote one. I really enjoyed writing it, but since I read the replies I got off of, I just wanna write more LOL xDD
hinotoriii Jan 3, 2008 9:09 AM
I don't like Halibel. Her outfit is just blerrrgh, and seriously, there's not enough story of her within the show like there is for the other Arrancar. Like, Grimmjow had that whole backstory for himself, and Kaiencar was basically how the hollow took his spirit, Nnorita is a freak so he needs no story, Ulquiorra is the saddest clown in the world so no backstory... etc etc.

It was so cool! Szayel vs. Mayuri, two evil, mad, insane scientists fighting against one another, for in there view, FOR GREAT JUSTICE XD *as Tousen would put it xDD*
hinotoriii Jan 2, 2008 3:16 AM
Aww, that sounds sweet xDD but then again, I'm always a sucker for sweet stuff like that :D
I shall take my own tiara, lmfao xDD I'll be the princess of the prom, because I never liked the Queen title that much.

Well, I dunno if he died, but he got sealed away for 100 years or something, and every second feels like 100 years to him now. He got stabbed in the hand, and because his reactions are so slow, he'll have to feel the pain for 100 years or something.
Nnorita is a spoon xDDD Lmfao, well his costume reminds me of a spoon, he freaked me out a bit. He tattoed his own tounge. Lol, wtf??
Icephoenix Jan 1, 2008 4:27 PM
So I basically just had a mini-marathon of Lovely Complex to finish up the series. And remembered that you wanted me to tell you when I finished.

I liked it for the most part, the character's personalities just got annoying at some points haha. But it was really enjoyable so thanks for suggesting it to me!
hinotoriii Jan 1, 2008 4:22 AM
Lol, Happy new year to you too!! It kinda still feels like 2007 to me lol xDD

Oh yeah, the London eye. Yup that's in London, you mean the huge glass one??
Lmfao, I should go wearing a bright orange one to stand out xDDD Or not you know LOL xDD
I dunno if we have prom queen and king over here. Oh well, I won't get it LOL. xDD

Grimmjow, I haven't seen alot about in the manga. He kinda disappeared months ago, same with Ulquiorra. Szayel's now gone goodbye though, which I quiet like but also don't at the same time because I liked him even if he was a physco didn't wanna die guy xDD
Well, Byakaya came to help Rukia, Kenpachi came and helped Ichigo... err kinda. He just kinda shouted 'what the hell do ya think your doing dying around here Ichigo?!' and then went on a rampage to fight Nnorita, the Arrancar they were fighting. Hanatarou came, some other healing people came to heal Rukia, Chads awake, and Maryui and Nemu came too xDD
hinotoriii Dec 31, 2007 4:49 AM
Well you do have a point that I'll be the one wearing it LOL. xDD
I still want it, but I think I'm gunna wait till neaer the time. I'm going to London soon for my birthday so I'll take a look then xDD I want a special one though, not a common one that everyone else would wear. Which is why I wouldn't go for red.

OMFG that bit was so sweet in the manga. Ichigo was so damn worried he was gunna turn back, but then Ulquiorra came out of nowhere and ruined the whole plan LOL xDD Stupid Ulquiorra, couldn't he arrive a BIT later, when like Soul Society turned up lol.
hinotoriii Dec 30, 2007 1:22 PM
Haha, you can see the dress here I think, it looked better when it wasn't on that model though O.o They changed the picture D:
Properly get a different one though lol =D

LMFAO, well I didn't know I was gunna get hit. Well I did, but I still found it funny. Haha, I'm strange, lol. I think I thought they'd stop. I knew nothing of road safety xDD

OMFG YES. KAIEN!! I can't get over how quickly they caught up to that scene, haha, I remember reading it in the manga months ago. So awesome =D
hinotoriii Dec 29, 2007 5:11 AM
Haha yeah, there's boy's there xD All the really popular annoying girls were sorting out who there going with like, 3 years in advance and I was like 'O.o Dude... it's three years from now' and three years later... LOL now it's dress planning xD
I think I know which one I want. I said I wouldn't go black for a prom, but I saw these REALLY pretty dress, and the pink one makes people look like a fish O.o but the black one, OMG awesome =D

I once had that nail polish stuff that you put that's meant to taste disgusting. I put it on my nails.... didn't work, I carried on biting them lol.
Whenever I'm nervous, I either bite my nails, shiver, or just feel sick lol. '^_^

Ouch! I've had expirences like that, which is why I gave up. I was once riding down this hill, and, I couldn't control the brakes, and I almost went into a road when a car was coming. But than my dad came and grabbed hold of the bike, so I fell off onto the pavement xD Lol. I found it funny. My Dad didn't though O.o
hinotoriii Dec 28, 2007 8:50 AM
If I can, I'll get pictures, post them to my journal, and then give you the link xD I'm still debating wheather or not to go. Apparently it's really, meh and not all what it's cracked up to be, but, still, I kinda want to go.

Oh god, tell me about the nail biting. I stopped and then kinda painted them purple (haha xD) then once the purple was gone, I was back to school and biting them again. It's nerves I tell you, nerves xD

You can't ride a bike either?! Same. I can never get balance on it =D My dad tried to teach me when I was a child, but I ended up almost going into a road, oops xD that idea was quickly put aside =D
hinotoriii Dec 28, 2007 5:23 AM
LOL, well that's good stuff xD Oh.. I do have a prom coming up next year for the end of school... that should be, interesting xD
But yeah, god I need to stop biting my nails too lol. I can't help it, I get nervous easily (especially when I forget to hand some work in O.o) Haha xDD
And.... what is this exercise you speak of O.o LMFAO, yeah I was gunna like, go swimming every Saturday. I made a pledge but, it never got anywhere LOL
hinotoriii Dec 28, 2007 3:31 AM
Haha, I don't have anything particularry special lined up for next year that I know of. Other than my birthday xD but that's like, 3 or 4 months away lol.
Last year was quiet hetic because we had loads of weddings and stuff to go too, so hopefully this year will be a bit more relaxed lol xD
How about you? Anything planned?
annangel Dec 27, 2007 8:10 AM
ah THANKS!! =] i hope you'll enjoy baccano ^^
hinotoriii Dec 27, 2007 3:53 AM
Aww, no traditional christmas dinner?? Well, at least you ate something nice =D
We just had a turkey and all that shizz, with the gravy and- yeah =D I didn't make it, my mum wanted to be the traditional christmas cook this year lol, so, fair enough xD I'd properly end up burning something anyway LOL.
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