Anime Stats
Days: 152.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries849
- Rewatched20
- Episodes8,964
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Manga Stats
Days: 42.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries507
- Reread1
- Chapters4,718
- Volumes712
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All Comments (189) Comments
Nice to see you there my friend :3 Sigh I wanted to be special but you have so many people commenting on your dash as well ahaha
So.. MAL thinks we have high anime compatibility which is amazing and see.. we're meant to be friends *waves around with a wand not sure why though*. And now if you excuse me I'm going to stalk your anime and drama list so if you feel like someone's stalking you that's just me yay~
Hope you have a nice day and week as well :3
Anyway I've been watching alot of their (SHINee) live concerts lately and I've noticed that Onew sounds the best live!!! He sounds like exactly like he does in the studio versions which are audio tuned so that goes to show how skilled Onew is :) Have you noticed it to?
~yes, spread the dubu love
So, you are just an Onew fan, right?
I think he is amazing! When i saw him singing "Nessun Dorma" i was like... "Omg he can sing like that?! Thats fantastic!!" :P
And he is sooo sooo funny. When i was watching Hello Babe i couldn't stop laughing because of him, he can really make my day better ahah!
I'm not saying this because i don't like Taemin. I think he is amazing and his voice is getting better...
Jak bys znalazla jakis fajny Low Rate i chciala pograć to podaj bo chetnie zagram :))
a i juz nie noobie jak dawniej :D! 4 dni i rebirth *show OFF* :*
mam nadzieje ze zoooOOoObacze znowu Nonke'