How I interpret the rating scale:
10 - Absolutely flawless or damn near so.
9 - Minor flaws but still something I wholeheartedly recommend.
8 - One or two significant flaws that detract from the work, but not enough to hurt my overall enjoyment.
7 - Two or more significant flaws that hurt my overall enjoyment of the work, but there's some redeeming value to be had. I start every series at an 7 and add/subtract points as it progresses.
6 - There's enough significant flaws that I thought about dropping this series, but it was either fun enough or the narrative had enough redeeming value to make me finish it
- Anything below here is usually a drop -
5 - Like a six, except I did actually drop it.
4 - Serious flaws that barely kept it past the three-episode test, if at all.
1-3 - The absolute worst-of-the-worst, reserved for series that I somehow kept past the three episode mark for the sheer heck of it or for series that introduced something I found reprehensible.
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