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Baman Jan 8, 2011 10:52 AM
And that's the thing, we do always try to not harm our environment. It's just that it sometimes happen as a regrettable side effect.

Ah, so there is right and wrong now. Pray tell, when did this happen? What are they and how are they anything other than human made interpretations or ideas? The whole concept of right and wrong is entirely manmade, and thus subjective. There are no objective moral truths in this world that we know of. That's just how it is.

You're also mistaken about nature's balance. Nature is unbalanced plenty of times. How else would you explain species being wiped out throughout the ages? The whole concept of evolution is based on the weak being wiped out, which obviously wouldn't be possible if everything was one big happy balanced circle of life.

You also seem to speak of this balance as if it was some sort of purpose of nature. But it isn't, nature has no inherent purpose that we know of. The balance is only a side effect of evolution, as every species adapt to the already existing surroundings and thus enter a more or less balanced state. Nature and evolution is not governed by an intelligent process. Which is why it's both at times unbalanced and capable of spawning a species like ours that have the potential to bend nature to our will.

The prospect of a forever balanced and harmonic world sounds like a Orwellian nightmare to me, forever doomed to wallow in mediocrity. Progress and change is always fueled by chaos and carry the risk of destruction, and mankind is nature's finest example of this. We carry the gift of intelligence and creation, but the higher we climb, the deeper the abyss below becomes. But is that a reason enough to stop climbing and die in obscurity on the slopes of the mountain?
Even if we destroy things around us, we will at least be able to carry on their memory as long as we survive, maybe even resurrect extinct species in the end. With our technology, we are the only ones that can ensure our culture and Terra's biosphere survive and spread. But if we were to lay down in fear of destroying something, we'd all go extinct along with the entire planet in the end.
So when you look at the big picture, some sacrifices for the greater good are unavoidable.
Baman Jan 4, 2011 8:41 AM
There is no right or wrong in this world after all. We have the "right" to do anything we want really, like I said, the only natural "rule" in this world is survival of the fittest. And being the undisputed champions, the Earth is ours to do with as we like.
The suffering of lesser species is unfortunate, but not a reason enough for us to step down our game. Animals don't stop hunting each other to be nice, so why should we? And there's even animals that kill for fun.

Of course, we should know better than to spread needless destruction, especially since the Earth is essentially our own property. And it's not like we go around burning down rainforests or spilling oil for fun either. Most of the damage we cause are due to accidents or shortsightedness, but we're still getting better at avoiding these events.
But in the end, if the question stands between pursuing mankind's destiny or babysitting the lesser species that's lost the evolutionary race, I don't see any reason at all to chose the latter.
Baman Jan 3, 2011 5:42 PM
Life and the evolutionary game is a battle to the death. Species gets wiped out in the fierce competition whether we do anything or not. And it's in this brutal cutthroat world that we've made it to the top. Obviously, that makes us the best ones, we're the winners so far. Survival of the fittest is the only objective rules in this world.

Talking about making the world better is sort of pointless, since "better" is just a matter of personal opinion.
But for contributing to the world, we have done what no creature has ever done before us, we have created culture and civilization. We have even made a great effort to master nature and our environment, broken free of the chains of instinct and are even able to create new lifeforms by manipulating nature.
Simply put, we're on a whole different level than our primitive competitors and have the gift of intelligence and creation. That's "better" than anything any other creature has ever done if you ask me.

And even if we damage nature around us, we are, after all, the Earth's ultimate product, so our actions are perfectly justified by nature's own laws.
Baman Jan 3, 2011 4:15 PM
Of course. We're on the top of the evolutionary chain, nature's random hand selected us. If the lesser creatures can't adapt, that's their own problem.
Obviously we shouldn't aim to waste the resources we have at our disposal, but if it's necessary for the continuation of our civilization, the extinction of lesser species is a small price to pay.
Kreltar Jan 3, 2011 4:09 PM
No problem. Glad I was able to help.
Kreltar Jan 3, 2011 2:33 PM
Well, at least in my interpretation, those two new characters don't have much to do with the story. They're more of a symbolization of what Misuzu and Yukito's life could have been if Misuzu didn't have her condition. KEY does things like that a lot, not to really confuse the audience but to more or less, make them think. I think symbolization however is shown a lot more in Air than some of their other works.
Kreltar Jan 2, 2011 9:14 AM
Uh, well. Air (now I last watched it a year or two ago so I can't remember all the names) is about the blonde haired girl who wants to be free by being in the clouds, hence the name Air. Well the gray haired guy comes along and is all "well whatever, I'll let you do as you please but I'm leaving soon" but he becomes attached to her because his goal is to accomplish his mother's goal, "find the girl in the sky", which happens to be the blonde. Her "mother" isn't really her mother at all, but her aunt. So basically, overtime, Misuzu (I believe that's the blonde's name) has this condition which alllows her to become weaker and weaker. Her dad shows up near the end and tells the aunt he wants his daughter back but the aunt refuses because of Misuzu's declining condition. Soon, she forgets nearly everything and everybody. The aunt is panicking and one last time, they go to the beach where Misuzu ends up dying. By dying, she completes her goal of reaching the clouds or sky so she is set free. All the stuff that dealt with the past, like episodes 8 and 9 were about Misuzu's ancestors.

So I hope I helped clear something up.
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