All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 221.7
Mean Score:
- Watching107
- Completed477
- On-Hold0
- Dropped0
- Plan to Watch260
- Total Entries844
- Rewatched30
- Episodes13,304
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 12.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries385
- Reread0
- Chapters1,398
- Volumes240
All Comments (388) Comments
Sorry if I've been slow in responding.
Lately I've been working on a fantasy novel and since I'm an amateur it would be great to get your opinion about it. I welcome any feedback. So please if you have the time please take a look at it. I have of course more chapters but just haven't decided to publish them yet.
How are you?
Been a while!
You watching/reading anything interesting currently? :D
i need to run the CMD right..
okay i will try it...
i think i can't ask the IT dept to unblock only for my PC...
it will become an issue...
thx god my house internet is okay now...
u can help my internet problem...
actually...i always open during office hour...hehe...
then they blocked the connection for entertainment & arts...
i tried a lot of unblock software...but i think there's a prob wif my PC
thx for accepting too...
quite fine here...but sorry for the late reply...
got problem with my connection....
Your Animangathon recommendation has arrived
"Feel free to share your thoughts with everyone in the thread, In 20+"
NP. I guess we're opposites where you're only watching anime and I'm only playing games. If you want any recs on games let me know.
What types of anime are you into? I was checking out your scores and it seems we share a gentle scoring curve (although yours are slightly lower than mine). I've heard people complain about others scoring too high and they do have a point since mine are all 6 or higher, but I generally choose popular shows so I don't watch crap.