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hello guys it's me goodboyjojo. im just an autistic dude that likes anime and the typical nerd stuff. i have an interest in the internet and the niche communities within it. i often join online communities to see what the culture is like and interact and learn what the culture is about. im very interested in sci-fi and its many interesting sub-genres(cyberpunk being my fav). i am a armature game dev that likes to goof around and make games for fun, also, i like learning computer programming and computer hacking. i enjoy the old-school internet more than i do modern social media.
you can visit my website here:
my instagram:
my interests are mostly tech related and im anti big tech and i hate that tech oligarchs run 99% of the internet. also i like researching hacker culture and the history of computer hacking.
also i post some cool websites to visit.
cyberpunk database
- a cool website that catalogs cyberpunk media
catgirl care
- a guide on github on how to care for your cat girl
- a cool tech ezine
computer hacking ezines
appsec ezine
textfile ezine
also i believe people should have their own personal space on the internet to express themselves without it being controlled by a big tech conglomerates and a good way to do that is to have your own website.
- a pretty decent web-hosting service to host simple websites
lastly i want to show you pubnixes. basically its a shared computer server with services that the users with acess can use. it's pretty neat
- a website with a list of pubnixes to join
- one of the oldest pubnixes around. started in the 1980s
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