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Days: 40.5
Mean Score:
- Reading77
- Completed556
- On-Hold184
- Dropped2
- Plan to Read833
- Total Entries1,652
- Reread126
- Chapters3,008
- Volumes768
All Comments (142) Comments
Oh, education there must be really tough (compared here, though I'm going to school and now i'm college, it seems as though I learn less and less at school, maybe I should just study by myself LOL)
Oh that's nice, graduating from school, and after that, you'll be free! hahaha :)
Hmmm... there are a lot of things that I want to do but I'm still not sure what work should I get after I get, yeah, that scares me too. But so far from now, I'm thinking to be a translator :)
Heh, I think that's really not a problem for you, what you want to do afterwards (LMAO, because I remember you're a bright kid~ kyahahahaha). Well if there's really something that you want to do then just do it, if there may be hindrances around you, just don't mind them (OmG, I just said some good words~ hahahahahahahahaha:) sorry for being wierd)
why? what's wrong? (or is it me? Am I that annoying? LoL)
yep~ yep I'm fine, more like i really feel relaxed now because I don't have anything to worry about* School's finnished as of today :) Yay!
It's just that our comments aren't simultaneous as compared from before :) So I feel like it's been really a long time :) (LOL, I'm just exaggerating ~haha)
yeah, it's one of the best thing that happens every year~ haha (>w<)
OhO~ your vacation's also near, you can do it, just bear the 3 weeks remaining :) haha*
Oh, my vaca is only 2 months long (gaaaah~* then only two years more before I graduate~ there, there, time really flies so fast~)
oh, why?
yep it's been a while , I feel like a year had passed and I didn't receive any comment from you, LMAO :)
yep! yep! only two days to go and it's my vaca! yay! how about you?
haha :) yep I'm just doing fine I guess~
OMG! it's you! LMAO XD yep, i'm doing fine, just two months to go before vacation! yay! really, you're too kind~ hahaha :))
[actually i was wondering just a few days a go, your reply is so too late so I just recently checked your profile and knew that I was the cruel one who didn't reply yet* ...until now---my deep apologies ana-chan*]
ahahahaha XD
there-- there.., hope you understand and hope you're doing fine XD
(but our comments are one month worth i think!? LMAO)
yep, but when I'm JUST in the mood though., if i'm not, then i'm a useless person, ahahahaha.
maybe not too bright but not too bad, maybe the average? or even above the average, you know the bright persons are not aware that they are.. ahahaha! (i got a friend who's like that, she keeps on denying she's good, but she's actually our top student in our whole class^^)<---I think you're also like that??
right! it's hard to lose such a good instructor! :((
oh, i actually changed my mind and switched to another course (sadly, i was really discouraged---ahaha, not so long after, i changed my mind:(
but in fine arts, you'll always draw, draw & draw lots of plates and you'll even paint^^
i think it's interesting but really a pain, and it's hard to find a job in that field---
there, there, now i understand!!* thanks, what a bright student you are, ana-chan! ahahaha!*LMAO
oho~~ can i go there in Germany, for like right now??? ROFL, you could stop attending and could go back whenever you want? that's kinda cool** & you could choose the subjects that you want?? that's awesome! LMAO (well here you could also choose the subject you want for the meantime but there are really alloted subjects in every year that we have to take no matter what**)
Don't worry I understand it now--- ahahaha*
oh, in 7 weeks?(then it'll be really soon!! aww! so envious! so, how long does your vacation ends??)
yup! yup! have fun! have fun! & don't be stressed! ROFL that'll be bad for your health, seriously**
eh?? not in the mood??---- would be that bad to your health??? LMAO---hahahahha* kidding, well i am also sometimes not really in the mood(well actually right now, i'm pretty much not in the mood to watch & read , and i don't know what's my problem, ahahahaha, maybe oshare kei addiction??ahahahaha)
yes! yes!!! check him out! and you'll not waste your time!! (i mean his songs are awesomeness & not to mention he's a good looking guy!)
&& check out the kiddie!!! their songs are so sweet!** really good!!! trust me! ahahaha(thanks to them, i'm not really in the mood to read manga, i think---ROFL XD )
haha,here; there are lots of people who're paid less eventhough their work is really hard compared to those people who're just sitting in an office; they get millions of money lol~
oh, oh, i love making reflection once in a while(and i could make good if i'm in th emodd, lol) but it's annoying if it's for everyday(like in my situation last time, i got a subject that , for each lesson we have, we should do a reflection, well at first i was very lively in making them(actually my teacher praised me when he read my reflection and he said i was the only one who wrote something like that in our class, and i was really flattered---->) but months after, i was so lazy in making them `cause i'm starting to get tired of it cause you see, we do it everyday! hahahaha!
oh, you're probably a hard working& bright student that's ahy you're liked? lol~
oh that's too bad, losing a great teacher is really sad ( we also lost a great teacher just recently too, and it's a bit sad since he's a teacher that we can lean on our problems and we could learn from him that much, well i've already graduated so i think it's okay now, hahaha!)
oh, i attended 8 years for elementary school and 4 years for highschool---then now (starting june} i'll be a college student for 4 years(and i'll be taking fine arts, good luck for me! rOfl~)
oh~ Germany has a different world,. haha, oh so education in Germany lasts up to 12/13 years??? oh, so do you have different subjects like math, english something like that every year too?? or you just learn different stuffs every year??(sorry, sorry... i'm not that knowledgeable about other country's educational stuffs, you may see that i have lots of Qs, hahaha,)
ahahaha, vacation is really fun but somehow boring(since i do the same stuffs everyday @ home) oh, so when is your vacation? or should i say do you still have vacation? Lmao~
oh, eventhough you have lots of stuffs to do, still! don't forget to have fun! lol~ just like reading some mangas! hahaha!
oh, oh, do you know matsushita yuya!?? <-------he's a great, talented guy! rOfL
ah! && H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y !! again!
that's totally fine, I, too have busy days ya know and can't comment back immediately so it's Okay! (>w<)
Well, if you had fun about it ,then it's okay if you're not payed, rofl~
(Oh,I love making reflections, `cause i could say all my feelings about a certain topic~)
,, that's great, probably you're a good writer, that's why your teacher LoveD it! haha..
Ah, my exams went well, and my high school life already ended and buy the next school year i'll be in college!^^.,
Oh, and i'll not be busy these days, `cause it's my summer vaca right now!^^ YAY!
Have a sparkling, fun, fuwa fuwa b-day tomorrow! LOL~
oh that's cool! you got a work?? wow speech therapist, that sounds fun, hope you're doin' fine there
oh, how's my life, it's been pretty fine, we got this certain thesis that we have to do , and aside from that i'm reading manga everyday, Rofl*,