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Oct 16, 2016 2:58 PM
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Kimi no Na wa.
Kimi no Na wa.
Oct 11, 2016 10:06 AM
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Zutto Mae kara Suki deshita. Kokuhaku Jikkou Iinkai
Zutto Mae kara Suki deshita. Kokuhaku Jikkou Iinkai
Oct 11, 2016 7:28 AM
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Akai Mi Hajiketa
Akai Mi Hajiketa
Aug 24, 2016 6:21 PM
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Nemurenu Ou ni Sasagu Yogatari
Nemurenu Ou ni Sasagu Yogatari
Aug 24, 2016 9:31 AM
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Aru Asa Okitara
Aru Asa Okitara
Aug 24, 2016 8:46 AM
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hakan02 Feb 7, 2021 2:06 PM
xenofire Sep 20, 2016 5:20 PM
That’s quite a fun thought. It would be just another peaceful day on eyeball-ville when suddenly a fly named ‘James’ flew straight onto your eye. The organisms on your eyelashes would panic gesturing for the fly to go away before it’s too late, chaos erupting, organisms gesturing madly, implied screaming. James would try to free himself only to see your hand approaching. Meanwhile you’re just like ‘ow’ as you rub your eye.
Tis true. 64 Zool Lane was the result of months of intensive research into wildlife in my vicinity. A colleague of mind scolded me saying that I was looking out the wrong window at my neighbor’s plushies, whatever those things are, but I think he was just jelly of my groundbreaking research. He’s an astronaut now. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how things turn out in terms of seeing snow and/or hail. Global warming really is rearing its head on the environment, I just hope we find a way to slow its progression down sooner rather than later.

It’s important to remember that the opinions of strangers carries as much weight as my opinion on lettuce does (it’s round and green… the lettuce I mean, not my opinion). Involving oneself in drama only acts as a precursor for others involving you in their drama, and we both know that’s a complete waste of time and energy if there ever was one. Be yourself, and let those you consider close to you know you for you.

It’s really disheartening, I can tell of a similar story here, when I was a kid, with 1 Rand (around 10p back then… probably) I could get fistfulls of really nice sweets, now for the same amount of money I can only get one sweet which tastes like rubber (mmm… chemicals, my favourite after Chlorox bleach).
You’re not allowed to put anything on your walls? That’s worrying, if it’s not too prudent for me to ask, um… why?
That would be pretty cool though, investigating just what though, is the question. Who’s the real Lain? Is Shrek really an ogre? Or if Youtube really is owned by pterodactyls with gnome hats sewn from the tears of the cast of Home Alone?

That’s some seriously messed up stuff. Extraterrestrials will cruise over our planet, widen their eyes in shock at the slaughter on Earth as one of the aliens at the back of the room uncomfortably mutes the funky soundtrack blaring through the audio. Their spaceship then proceeding to hover away from Earth awkwardly.
Also, slick pun there, it gave me a good chuckle. I spent quite awhile trying to think of a pun as sharp as that but alas, I have failed.

Perhaps the choice is left to whoever is stuck with the ’festive season’ evening hours at the broadcaster. And the only person willing to work those hours is a huge fan of The Snowman and Harry Potter.

“… the chef wanted to see the world, to feel thornbushes against his glorious cheeks, so he ran away and …”

I think so too, I always thought that it was L’s intuition that told him he was about to die, considering he relied so much on it when he was trying to solve the case. The bells making him recall his youth, and therefore his mortality and the approaching conclusion to his journey.

Precisely, people responsible for such crimes only feel remorse for being caught and not for what they did. I really wish there were more articles focused on the people who have done great things rather than always the more disturbed members of society. There may be a wall behind you, but there’s a psychopath in all of us… (Seriously I think I should write horror stories, this stuff is deep). In older psychopath stories, I can sort of understand why the police were so ignorant, between certain paganistic practices and lack or organization in their towns and villages, I can imagine they had their hands full trying to sift through everyone’s reports. But now? Especially since the 90’s, I think the surveillance and paper trails people leave behind are all too telling for police to stop with their bureaucracy and take act on reports.

I forgot to draw in the trays… ;-;

Now this is what I call a prediction, whoever came up with this chart must’ve been on par with Nostradamus I tell you. The only logical explanation I can come up with is that this is witchcraft, I mean, this is accurate to the day! (… this is the part where I run away).

If they tried to stop him it might’ve been classified as religious intolerance or something, since in his eyes he probably didn’t see himself as ‘dying’, and to that end I suppose they could take the police themselves to court. It was a long time ago, I forgot the details, but perhaps they were so occupied with the bureaucracy of it all that the guy just went and killed himself while the authorities were looking the other way.

I suppose that ‘could’ work, though I’d be incredibly hesitant to put any trust in any wooden construct which proudly advertises itself as being held together with toothpaste. But hey, on the up-side you’d have your house smelling of toothpaste which… is, uh, hygienic! 9/10 dentist recommend fluorine bonded furniture after all.

I live in a place where burning down a library is considered an act of courage against the ‘system’. I’m really not in a position to say what I think of the situation beyond that Edgar Allan Poe meme so take what I say with a grain of salt, I’m just interested in your opinion. But on the whole I think it’s a terrible choice, to turn on a union which provided so much in terms of trade, simply because of nationalism… I just don’t get it. But I wouldn’t worry, Britain is a strong country lead by charismatic leaders, good and bad, so whatever happens with Brexit, I doubt it’ll mess up Britain’s position in the world as much as people say it will, but it will aggravate racism and xenophobia as people will blame the consequences of Brexit on what Brexit managed to antagonize, and that is everyone who isn’t British. I’d almost call it a Trump card (capitalization and pun intended).
xenofire Jun 24, 2016 5:11 PM
The thing is, I think you know who YOU is. You would know since… you know, you’re you, and you know… yoouu…
… I no longer have any idea of what I’m talking about…
… and our abusive use of this pronoun has now officially given me split personality.

Heh, no doubt you are extremely thoughtful, so much so that I have no doubt the maggots cry in graciousness at your presence for spreading word of their glorious existence. I trust one day they’ll accept you as their queen. My condolences to your friend, I’m sure she had a super tasty meal in mind to eat before her imagination infested it with slug-like organisms. Next time tell her that every time an eyelash gets stuck on her eye and she rubs it, she’s squelching the organisms’ innards across her eye.
Ah, well I learn something new every day. ‘Never trust what you see on shows’ should have been solidified in my mind by now. Still you got a couple of minutes worth of snow, could be worse, it could be acid rain. When I was younger our city used to get carpeted in small hail stones, that’s pretty much the closest thing I’ve ever experienced to snow. The fact that you said ‘a lot of people’ proves that you’re more in tune with understanding this country than most of the people around you, and to that end I’m glad, and thankful. Though humorously, there’s a game reserve 5 minutes away from where I live, and while there are no lions there, there are other animals… heh, the idea that I live that close to a giraffe doesn’t help the stereotype …

That would be pretty interesting though I’d imagine their opinions to be less than benevolent. Though, given, the strangers wouldn’t know you and thus their views would be very general, the people you expect to be talking behind your back know you and they usually have a vendetta.

It’s a good things e-books exist now, it’s kind of flabbergasting how books have been with humans for so long yet they still cost so much despite the advancements in printing. Perhaps you could pick up calligraphy as a hobby? It would make good use of all those fountain pens… and give you an excuse to buy even more. As for the post it notes, maybe you could create one of those ‘organized chaos’ post it diagrams on a wall? Investigating where the other sock went when you were sleeping, or something.

I’d call it ‘Sorry to Burst your Bubble’. I’d also attach a needle to the chest of every contender so that no matter what they do, the moment the make contact with the bubble, they’ll burst it. They’ll plummet to the ground dumbfounded as to what’s happening. I guess that would work, although I’d imagine it would have to be a lot of bubbles in order to provide a force strong enough to push against the tectonic plates.

Don’t forget this country was a former British colony, the cultural influence is felt quite broadly over here. Though, it does seem American television has overtaken British television in terms of popularity with the youth over here. Though this doesn’t stop our television stations from airing re-runs of Mr Bean’s Christmas specials every Christmas.

“… of which was met my booing and hissing by the land of lobsters, upon hearing this he…”

Of everything Light did in the show, killing fake L felt… brash, even for Light’s standards. I agree although at the same time I think that someone doing the stuff Light was doing would inevitably be caught if he didn’t retaliate to the police’s efforts. I think that, as the hunt for Kira turned more desperate, L’s actions would reflect such desperation. I wish we knew more about their pasts, it would help us understand why the two of them were so similar yet turned out so different in terms of their motives with such different goals.

I wonder if they ever feel remorse. It’s impossible to see whether the remorse they display in court is honest since they could be sorry they were caught, instead of being sorry for their disgusting actions. Well, you never know, they could be in the house next door to you, outside your front door, or even riiiight behind youuuu (oooooo)… yes, I’m incorrigible. Although I’d imagine a corpse wearing maniac would stick out from the crowd quite visibly, or at least smell quite nasty.

An image is worth a thousand words, so allow me to share how I imagined this scenario of yours play out in my head

I define mysteriousness in a person as to how they carry themselves and how they answer the question ‘How are you?’ So considering I’ve never met you, it’s hard for me to call you mysterious, though you may be. I treat horoscopes as something to occupy my imagination. I like to keep an open mind, so while I wouldn’t bet a cent on their validity, I find it interesting to see what actions I take in life match those projected in my horoscope and which don’t, just to amuse my mind, if that makes any sense.

On that note, when I was younger I remember a curious news story. A priest said he was going to prove that god existed by suffocating himself (he somehow got himself or someone to get him into a plastic bag) and after 3 days would be miraculously resurrected, it was actually on national prime-time news. Well, he did die (doctors verified he had no pulse), unfortunately he never came back. Suicide is illegal here so to this day I still wonder how the authorities allowed him to do that.
There is little in this world I can say with confidence, but trying to win an argument on Youtube is like trying to glue wood together with toothpaste… or some other wittier analogy of which I cannot conceive at this time. It’s difficult to see when people are trolling or really that dense. Also, I tend to find that people who say things like ‘atheists don’t have a strong father figure’ are the people themselves who lack a strong father figure, a bit of the pot calling the kettle black.

And don't worry about it, there's no rush in answering these messages ^^ Just take care of yourself, I've heard zoning out can sometimes get you to strange places, Donnie Darko style.

…also, to address the elephant in the room, Britain is leaving the EU?

xenofire Mar 11, 2016 12:59 PM
Curses be upon this cruel gust of air that has knocked me off my legs. If only the Overlord did not open the cellar door with such cruel gusto I would have employed my secret ability of standing menacingly still in the corner. I call it ‘Nothing’, people go crazy over ‘Nothing’. Indeed this is a humiliation no spider should endure. Newborns? What is The Overlord going to imply beat the living hell out of me with a baby chew toy? Surely they could not be that cruel.
Yes, almost too funny. But even their name, YOU… is suspicious, perhaps it’s an acronym or a disturbing ‘signature’ for a far more sinister character. I don’t suppose YOU have any clues as to who this YOU is?

Well, as you suggested I searched for “maggots in teeth”. Can’t be that bad, right? All I can say is that I can think no more compelling a way to enforce people to keep their mouths clean than this. Imagine showing these images to a bunch of 6 year olds… while they’re eating. Also, as my righteous vengeance, google for images of ‘tree man illness’.
I guess you could say he was told to freeze… I’ll show my way out. But that surprises me, I always thought you got a lot of snow over there. Shows like Dr Who and Mr Bean which show plazas covered in swathes of snow don’t help. Although then again, most people think of South Africa as a barren wasteland.

I’m so glad I found someone who understands! I always tell people that second nose of mine is totally due to genetics, but no-one believes me. Then they have the audacity to tell me that the cheese in my fridge is the wrong colour. Well, I watched Accel World, and yeah it was a lot better, I really liked the character designs.

The same, although having perfect memory would be a bit iffy considering I’d be able to remember the bad stuff in perfect detail. But I’d still like to have perfect memory, imagine how much faster learning stuff would be.

He seems to test and watch people before he offers them the opportunity to join him. And he’s very wise, so I’d assume he’d be able to at least vaguely predict what kind of a person someone is by their immediate actions and predisposition to him. But he does seem to get surprised quite often. Quality scrap paper (especially those softly textured). I always assumed they make a big deal of it to make students feel ‘proud of their achievements’, and for the rest, scrap paper which made students feel like they were writing on the closest thing to parchment. A teacher of ours once told the lot of us that we should ‘frame every single achievement we get’. I shan’t mention the raucous laughter which ensued.
I guess it’s because it’s just a customary tradition, and also to show off wealth in the face of friends and such, people seem to like being envied. As far as I know, the engagement ring is replaced with a wedding ring. The engagement ring then usually kept as a memento. Although I think women can wear both but most don’t. So yeah, total waste of money.

If only something existed which could make bubbles truly indestructible from pressure, imagine climbing on a bubble and floating off. Getting down might be a problem though. I assume you’d just fall straight through to the other side since I don’t think a planetoid of bubbles can really produce enough of a force to create a magnetic field of its own, but… maybe if the bubble was ginormous? But then again, I don’t think bubbles can even exist in space due to lack of atmospheric pressure… I think.

I like British comedy, besides the fact that I grew up on it, I find it… I don’t know, witty? I guess that a lot of foreigners don’t like British comedy in that it usually requires a good grasp of the language like through the use of innuendos, and at times it can also be hard to keep up.

"... of dolphin-kind, which was ironic considering what he just drank. In a fit of panic he..."

What about those who have been wrongly convicted, framed or are in for morally ambiguous reasons like protesting? I heard that too, I watched a documentary once on Siberian prisons and how other inmates beat molesters when they join the prison.

If I remember correctly, L was doing what he was doing because of a black and white concept of justice as well as wanting to test and prove himself. Light wanted to change something for the better in the world (at least at first, and in his eyes, even if we may call it misguided), but he used cold hard logic to achieve it and in the process (pretty much after he killed L) became what you mentioned. At least from what I thought.

Huh, guess I have to reassess my views on that then. Cases like this make me wonder about how many people remain locked up in cellars and don’t make it out though. But yeah, maybe it was because they weren’t alone, I’m glad to hear that they’re okay though.

For us technically chemistry was separate from physics, but to take the one you had to take the other and upon graduating, they both appear under ‘Physics’ in our national senior certificate. This can then be used in tertiary education to branch off into qualifications for specific fields. It's really backwards, but alas such is how it's laid out here. And yes, we also depend on a national standardised test, private schools being the exception, of course.

Ah cabbage, I don’t eat as much of it as I should, I’ll just keep eating lettuce and pretend to not know better, I think lettuce is cheaper too so that’s nice. For me it’s the reverse, I think I’ve become less pickier about food as I’ve grown older… weird. It might have something to do with my terrible cooking.

I suppose vague predictions are meant as a way for people to involve their own emotions. Both choosing a book and choosing a cereal are decisions, the ‘difficult’ part is based on opinion, in this way the prediction can’t be proven false and further the person making the predictions can’t be debunked. They weren’t ‘wrong’ they were just ambiguous, and so they get to keep their job, at least this is what I think. In the case of what you said, do you trust in the characteristics star signs outline for people or is is just for fun?

And if it is unrelated, they’ll find a way to relate it to their heightened IQ. Like how sour cream popcorn causes cancer while cheese flavoured popcorn doesn’t… or something (this has happened to me with someone when deciding between soft drinks). For the most part, yes, the internet seems more prone to people flaunting their IQ for me too, but I guess this is part of the side effect of people wanting a superior alternate persona online, but I am curious, why do you think people flaunt their IQ so much online?
The only thing I find more annoying are those people who claim to understand a person ‘perfectly’ just by asking them a few specific questions. You never know what a person has gone through simply by asking them if the glass is half full or half empty.

Good to know, I’ll just… tell this Minotaur which for some reason was just… conveniently standing here to go away…
xenofire Jan 29, 2016 4:21 PM
xenofire Dec 21, 2015 4:31 PM
I always wondered whether or not Victor would have been happier with Emily. When we’re introduced to him he’s a knot of stress, but by the end of the movie he seemed a lot more comfortable and happier, at least from what I thought.

Not quite, it was more me getting bitten, convincing myself that I’m ‘the chosen one’ having received super powers, going insane with an alternate identity, lurking in neighbours cellars and finally being violently beaten and taken to a mental asylum. I like your version better. Marvel you say? I think it would be better to contact… whoever makes famous horror movies.
I’ve got my speculations as to who this Overlord person is though… and I’m confident that person is…

Centipedes, maggots and kissing bugs (even though we don’t have them in my country, I’ve always been anxious about a blood sucking beetle that large even existing). Although aren’t tapeworms parasites?
I find it curious that pretty much everyone I know who leaves for England always (and I’m not exaggerating) comes back sick, from colds to pneumonia. I know it’s cold over there, but just… wow.

It can be if you confuse the milk with cyanide… because… that happens. Is Accel World any good? I didn’t find SAO as good as I hoped it would be. I’d say virtual reality looks promising, considering how Facebook and Google are investing in them. Have you heard of something called FaceRig? (there’s an anime version called Live2d), I’d like to think that the two of those could be combined, and people could socialise in that way.
Well, most zombies work on care bear tactics (run as fast as possible toward the target, hold out arms, and hug). It works out pretty well in movies, I think I’d have a good shot at surviving.

In that case you remembered to check my profile for my birthday, point is, you remembered. Out of interest, would you prefer to have a perfect memory over that of a selective one?

I think a lot of the time the Doctor wastes his time having to deal with the problems of his companions, whether it be their paltry relationships or when they genuinely hamper his progress (like the time Clara threw the keys to the Tardis into a volcano, even if it was an illusion). He clearly has bigger things to worry about.
I think it would be interesting for him to have a companion like Daniel Craig’s James Bond, someone who does things in an expedient manner and doesn’t look to the Doctor for help nor advice. I think the question is whether the Doctor would let an evil companion into the Tardis in the first place?
Really? What exactly happens at your assemblies? Executions? Those songs are really nice, I especially like ‘Donna Donna’ and ‘As Tears Go By’. In primary school we sang lots of Christian songs, I can’t remember the names. Now that I think of it, in secondary school, once awhile we had events like awards and the such where the school choir generally sung in native languages, the students were expected to join in for certain songs, usually I couldn’t exactly follow along so I spend those long awkward moments contemplating my existence.
I think it would be interesting if the ‘til death do you part’ line would be taken literally, the world would be a lot emptier.
I’d wish for the ability for interdimensional (and intergalactic) travel. And if it’s even viable, the ability to visit worlds which defy logic, like a world with boulders for clouds and land made of ‘unpoppable’ bubbles… or something.

Wait, why would someone burn books if it’s really boring? I mean, obviously, they would smell them instead.

QI makes me doubt myself way too often. It’s like my childhood watching ‘What’s the Pokemon?’, except I never answer because I know I’m probably wrong. Like seahorses being the only aquatic animal with a neck.

“… to make dolphin-fin (still attached) soup©, when our hero somehow learnt of this he… ”

I wonder if that’s how it works inside prisons right now? During the time inmates are given to socialise with each other, those who haven’t committed a crime on par with other inmates are treated harshly?

I think intuition is a culmination of experience and feelings. But I try to go with experience. Sure, the circumstances may change, but thinking only with my head excludes the opinions of others of which may be more correct than mine (think Lunge from Monster). Thinking with my heart may allow my fleeting emotions to let me down. Although I do think that acting with your heart can be a good thing at times.
This reminds me a lot of the characters from Death Note, ‘L’ always acting logically, Misa thinking with her heart and Light using both head and heart.

I see it as if a person was locked in a cupboard for years, every once in a while someone coming in to throw food in their face. Were that child to go into public, would they not be predisposed to hate everyone? Regardless of whether that person wronged them or not?

Yip, and the fact it’s concerned with quantum physics made it beyond our curriculum. I’m not sure how it is for you but for us Biology and Physics are separated. For Physics we did roughly six months of chemistry and the rest actual physics (like mechanics, light, etc.). For biology we did ecology, natural science, anatomy and in our final year, evolution, for two to four months each. I’d say I enjoyed chemistry over physics, but generally, biology over either of the latter two (especially anatomy and evolution). With physics I felt bogged down with the repetition of equations hammered into us simply to pass the exams, whereas in biology there was always new information.
Funnily complaints similar to these are voiced by pretty much everyone I know, regardless of career, so yeah, let me know if it’s any different for you, hopefully so.
What? NO! How can this be? I could have sworn you said you hated lettuce. What is it? Spinach? Cauliflower? I must know!

Blasphemy! How can you possess such abilities? It must be that vegetable. I shall find it… and eat it. ‘To use against people’? You truly are a… uh, good person. Glad I’m on your side. Nope, but I do enjoy reading them occasionally and being humoured over the horoscope ‘knowing’ me, like when it says, ‘You’re focussing on the future’. It just makes me laugh. It can apply to anyone, but because it’s got my star sign, it’s supposed to make me feel special.

It reminds me of that story, if a monkey, cheetah and rabbit were all judged on how well they can climb a tree, then the rabbit will live its whole life thinking it’s stupid. I think intelligence has more to do with understanding than being able to recite facts. Glad to see I’m not the only one, I get quite annoyed by people who flaunt their IQ test scores.
xenofire Dec 9, 2015 4:02 PM
Yip, you can use almost whatever you want so long as you have the 'onclick' function bound (written or 'attached') to it. I tested a div and it worked.

I'm glad to have been of assistance! Let me know how it goes and if you need any more help!
xenofire Dec 2, 2015 12:38 PM
Hey, I hope you don't mind, I figured it would be a waste of time to wait a whole month for me to get back to you on your questions about programming, so I’ll just answer them early here.

The slider thing can be daunting, but I don't think it's crucial to have to understand the whole thing inside out, just enough that you can repurpose it, or parts of it for your needs if you ever want to use it. If there’s any confusion, let me know and I’ll do my best to help :)
xenofire Oct 11, 2015 10:36 AM
You mean like Elizabeth Bathory? Imagine talking to her, it would probably be the most tense atmosphere since, well, the last person who talked to her.
Though I did find Oogie Boogie quite creepy, he was… too happy. What did you think about Emily from Corpse Bride? Relax, if what you say is true, then I should be able to become spiderman… or cellarman (trust me, it’s way cooler in my head). Then, just as the spider prepares to eat the mosquito, a raindrop fell and drowned the spider. I’m curious, which insect were you/are you least fond of?

I guess the way I’d summarise it would be that social networking puts someone’s achievements on the same level as a person’s breakfast, everyone gets their voice and opinion but it can also be toxic. The social networking scene evolved amazingly quickly, but what do you think will come next?
Wait, do care bears hug each other when they collide? Because if I hallucinated a care bear in place of a soldier, would I be… hugging them?

Decay depends greatly on the weather, a few months perhaps, a few days if maggots have anything to say about it. I suppose you’re right, not to mention if a person were to turn into a zombie at an airport, it would be quite… disasterous.

You seem to mention your memory quite a lot, but it can’t be that bad, I mean, you remembered my birthday. I was wondering, do you think the Doctor would do better with or without his companions? I mean he seems to socialise with enough characters to not lose his moral compass, and half the time they just seem to stress him. I think the first episode revealed him with the guitar but I must resist the temptation of watching it, I’m just going to binge watch the whole season when it’s done. Are there any aliens you are excited about from what we saw in the trailer?
That sounds great, it’s a good way to get students motivated to go to assembly. In high school we only sang for special occasions, our national anthem and the such, otherwise, not so much. Did you like singing in primary school? What sorts of songs did you sing?
I’m not sure what’s with the whole marriage things anyways, it’s an aged concept from the era where religion dictated laws. Do people have to marry in order to prove their love? You’d expect that if they did love each other, they wouldn’t be concerned about having the paperwork to back it up.
Exactly, people don’t value things which they haven’t worked to obtain. I hope so, but I’d guess it would depend on how suspicious a person is, those weary of getting things ‘too easily’, hesitant, while others used to getting their way, not caring at all what their partner feels. If you could have one wish granted, what would it be? (and more wishes isn’t an option).

On that note, did you know that scientists recently discovered a colour darker than black called Vantablack? Though, strictly, it’s still black.
But then why not just preserve only the essential. Buildings preserved are of historic importance, but inconvenient ones are razed. Also, the Nazi’s had their book burning which manipulated information available in their favour.

It is when the temptation of terrorising an animal by playing cat and mouse with the carrot and the animal exists.

Or, maybe a good excuse for covering up getting stung by a jellyfish by saying you were brave enough to stick your hand/arm/face into flaming spaghetti. That’s amazing, I always figured it would be a whale, or a giant squid. I can get lost just watching them sway about.

“... bring three dolphin fins, still attached, to the shark, but little did they know…”

Imagine a world where people with their brains predisposed for crime outnumbered those who we consider sane. Would the criminal system overlook the atrocities committed by these people, would the system even exist at all?
It must be some diabolical mastermind at a snowball company, with his ultimate plan to cause worldwide anarchy with ambiguous terms.

I think I know what you mean. helping them lets me simply get it out the way and forget about them quickly, whereas with refusing, they get stuck on my conscience, and I hate that. I feel that I owe them something. While a very vague question, do you think the choices we make are better done while considering our feelings, or without?

I did, she was forced into her actions by her circumstances, enduring the torture placed on her by others would have been foolish. I think anyone with powers such as hers would do the same, not out of choice, but necessity. Did you agree with Lucy’s actions?
Yeah, I read about it awhile ago. I wonder why we would create a simulation like this reality though, hopefully not for entertainment. I think it’s interesting to think that humans in the future have created this simulated reality in an experiment to see how they would have turned out were certain factors in their (and thus our) evolution altered.

I just found it disheartening that concepts like Schrödinger's cat were never explored where I studied. I liked chemistry the most, I know that’s pretty general but I was always interested in the lengths we have taken to repurpose elements for our own purposes. Light was also quite fascinating (though its perceived wave-particle duality annoyed me to no end).
Well, I did work with a guy who looked the picture of Moss and instead of me answering the phone saying ‘Did you try switching it off and on again?’, it’s ‘Have you tried closing and restarting it?’. The bickering over a better language, not factually but because a person will defend what they know, and shun what is unknown. The harassment programmers get when they ask a ‘simple’ question which elitists at the language mock them for, the list goes on.
Vegetables? You mean like… lettuce?

Hmm, good point, if it is indeed scientific fact, then who am I to argue? You can hear me thinking things? No ways! What am I thinking as I read your answer to this question? Also out of interest, how much trust do you put behind horoscopes?

Not really, I like to think that an uneducated person can be wise. They may not be able to solve a complicated calculus equation but they’d likely make up for it in life experience or practical skill, and I don’t think that fits the definition of stupid. I also think it’s worth reversing the question, is an educated person clever? Ignorance for me is a bit grey, depends on ignorance against what. For example, I view being ignorant towards celebrity ‘news’ as smart, yet ignorance to things within a person's control, as irresponsible.
xenofire Aug 10, 2015 4:39 PM
Yeah, I can’t imagine the monster who would strangle their significant other in their sleep, irrespective of amnesia , there are some strange people out there. I would prefer suffering from amnesia, but only if I would recover from it. I like to think that the person I’m… defending myself against would retaliate by slapping me, making me recall my memories, and then we’d have a good laugh about it and eat toast.
Imagine how ironic it would be if either of us were a torturer where you or I would have an idea of what would happen. But what about Jack’s bulbous looking eyes? It totally threw off his creepiness for me. Aren’t cellar spiders quite small and frail though? I tend to find tailless whiptail scorpions (but they’re really spiders) creepy, I’m not sure if you have them on your side of the world, but it’s like they have an identity crisis.

I think it’s a hunt for approval in an attempt to fuel their ego, to ‘show off’ how well people ‘like’ them, and that because fifty other strangers agree with their opinions, somehow you should too and that they’re right.
Well… that escalated quickly. But if I was hallucinating then I’d probably not notice their gas masks, I’d probably be more concerned about the giant pink care bear chasing me down.

Though with traditional zombies there’s always a lot of unanswered questions about how they would survive, like if they’re brain-dead, wouldn’t they be decaying? Maybe it would be better for people to just wait it out?

The Doctor did say that they were pure evil, ‘evil’ is a label we give to beings which are capable of making decisions (we don’t call a pillow evil), so wouldn’t that mean that they have consciousness? True, I especially hate it when they focus on the companions love lives, there are always bigger problems to worry about. I liked Tennant’s expressions, it takes skill to pull off those facial contortions, and trust me, I’ve tried. Yeah, it looks frantic to say the least… uh, why do you suppose the Doctor was playing a guitar?
I’ve no idea! They just replaced it with some forgettable show, but its fine. I can watch them now, so there’s no use dwelling.
I think of it as a modern evolution of the nursery rhyme ‘If You’re Happy and You Know it’, it’s even got the clapping part. Still, it’s still a lot better than some of the other songs people listen to nowadays, I know we’ve all got our tastes, but there’s a point where it becomes too much. Also, your school allows pop songs at assemblies?!
I guess that’s why people like it, by not having a choice, there’s no need to ‘think’, and not having to think is easier that considering what would happen if they one day separated, how their money would be split, who gets the property, etc.
If I lived in a gutter, I’m pretty sure no-one would be willing to love a person in my condition. Conversely, if no-one loves me, I can still make money, probably even more than I would if I were weighed down by a partner. Thus, money can always be earned, love is something priceless and harder to find, so I’d probably take unlimited money. You?
That would explain why cats are so hell bent on constantly getting to higher ground, to raise their chin above us mere mortals who only possess one life. It’s a cat. Piercing its tongue. How is that not sinister? But if it did do that, would that make it a Pokemon? You know, 'Mittens! Use Poisonous Cuddle!'
I saw it a while ago, I think it’s the poster for the movie. I’ll let you know when I catch up, I’m extremely anxious to see what the ending is.

I also know that there’s going to be a new manga on Naruto’s child… not as keen for that one.

Nothing gets lodged, it just caused an infuriatingly itchy ‘burn’, I suppose it’s a chemical atop the leaves. But yeah, those flat spiky plants were infernal growing up (at least I think we’re thinking of the same plant).
Excellent, it seems that you don’t suspect a thing, it’s times like this when I doubt if even I can measure my cunningness. WAIT! Probably?! Bah! And here I was being so… non-deceiving-like.
Unfortuntely, due to reasons beyond the scope of mortal thought, I can’t tell you anything more. Like trying to imagine a new colour, such is my existence, unfathomable, the alpha and omega of all things.
They would be inconvenient, why house thousands of books in a hall which has to be maintained when you can store them online so anyone, anywhere can access them?
Haha, I would like to, but the issue is how. I can just imagine myself imitating those words from behind a bush. I could, but I wouldn’t, because if I somehow misplace my commandeered ship, would that mean I’d have to temporarily captain a dinghy to retain my status as ‘pirate’?

The problem lies when your flying pig sees a puddle of mud from high up in the air, and does a dive for it, while still carrying you. I’d say they’re as reliable as your ability to hold a carrot before their eyes on a fishing rod. Disney didn’t know what they were doing and confused vultures with Hummingbirds, it was all a great big slip-up, now what do you have to say to THAT?
I’m sure it was shocking when people discovered that they managed to replicate the wondrous power of eels, it must have been electrifying. Yeah, their scars are very... twirly. It looks like people burnt themselves with hot spaghetti.
Nah, of course not. That would be mean and wrong of them. And even if they do, I’ll just defend myself by saying that it was your idea.

“… from the beverages aisle of Generic Store Number Three, but no coffee was in stock so…”

I always kind of thought that had something to do with their brain being structured differently to ours. I read that research showed that that’s true with serial killers. I’m not good at describing food but the snowballs I’ve had are sweeter, marshmallows are like edible pillows, so… polar opposites?

I don’t think the petition will succeed because if it does, wouldn’t it essentially mean that the students are now deciding on what they should and shouldn’t be tested on instead of qualified and experienced educators?
I… most probably wouldn’t do that. It’s perhaps my greatest fault, but if someone did something against me purposefully and then expects to get a free pass with my help, I couldn’t care less. But as you said depending on what kind of help is needed, if it’s something insignificant then why not?

I finished watching it, though I quite liked it. Lucy’s story was haunting, the music was beautiful, and it had a great ending. I also liked that they didn’t crowbar unnecessary relationships and fighting into the show. I found Lucy thought-provoking. She became who she was out of her environment. Who was more twisted, her or the people who tormented, lied and then tortured her? And then the reality that people like these exist in real life. Though I didn’t like that a lot of the characters seemed unnecessary, and at times the nudity seemed excessive.
I’d interpret it as that there never was a ‘physical’ Lain, the people’s lives became so intertwined with the wired that they confused things and people with those in the wired. Alice may have been confusing someone else for Lain. After all, Mika sure as hell wasn’t in a stable mental state either. But… this interpretation isn’t very good at all.

I took maths, physics, biology and information technology, they were really interesting, although examinations kind of exhausted my enthusiasm for physics. Although your education is superior, so my experiences are probably incomparable. For the foreseeable future, yes, but working with others is not my strong suit, and programming is rife with condescending bigots. It gets aggravating, but I guess that’s the way it is with every career. I would like to try out graphics design one day, but for now I’m happy with what I’m doing.
Woo! Thanks! This living thing is a lot harder than I expected.

I never said you’re evil, you did.
xenofire Jun 20, 2015 10:49 AM
If you’re going to run away, wouldn’t kicking them out your bed be kind of unnecessary? I’d imagine strangling them in their sleep would be more efficient. Though who do you think would have it worse? The person suffering from amnesia, awakening only to be relentlessly interrogated by strangers, or the other witnessing the person they’ve known so well slowly slip further away from them?
Add high pitched screaming sounds and that scarecrow would be truly complete. Also, what would happen when it captures you? Not really, I actually found him quite amiable. I guess it was his eyes which conveyed his emotions so clearly, most of which weren’t evil natured. Were you creeped out by him?

Social media sites are a waste of time. It’s like a rat race to get approval from people just so more people can approve on what you approve of, why? So your post can become more popular to get more approval. It’s maddening.
It would be even creepier if the person starts reciting Dora, saying things like, ‘Where’s the monster?’ and then stares at you for ages before saying, ‘Behind you’. Kind of, but there are options. Considering I would still be cognisant enough to understand that there is a reason for the person wearing a gas mask it would give me enough time to escape the area.

Yet those were their girlfriends, they meant something to them. For soldiers, we could just be a number, a statistic used to gauge their success or failure. I’d say an Antarctic scientist. Not only are they isolated and few in number but they’ve also got basic survival training. A pilot would be a great profession for surviving an apocalypse, though how would they refuel when the airfields are overrun with zombies?

Yeah, and she did, but the question is, do you want to be capable of tricking them? I think it kind of dulls their creepiness. I like to think of it as Schrödinger's Cat, if your eyes are closed, how can you really know what’s happening around you when you have no visible proof? So I think they’d still get you, since them moving around is based on your perception of them and not the other way round. I haven’t gotten very far with Peter Capaldi’s episodes but so far I just sometimes find his Scottish accent quite hard to follow. Still, though I prefer Matt Smith, I quite like Peter Capaldi too, his broody disposition matches the events of the newer season well. You?
I can’t believe it! I remember that show, they only aired a few before cancelling it over here! Though I never found out as to why, and I could never recall the name of the show. Thank you so much for reminding me!
I get more of the impression that they can see the ‘light’ by the way of seeing each other, that they each illuminate the life of one another. I’d say ‘A Whole New World’ is probably my favourite, not too sure as to why though, I guess it’s just evocative. OH! That Happy song. Wait… you said the song was gloomy, how is that song gloomy? There’s clapping!
For the most part I think the idea of soul mates is absurd. It’s up to people to make relationships work, not fate. Not to mention there’s millions of people in the world, people aren’t as unique as they think they are. Although I kind of understand it fictionally.
I imagine it was quite a dramatic scene, cats always make it so. You, looking towards it in curiosity, the cat, capturing your gaze, looking away in vanity, secretly demanding your continued attention and worship. Seriously, its little wonder the Egyptians revered them so much. I hope it wasn’t trying to do that, actually, why would a cat pierce it’s tongue? Curiosity? Or something far more sinister?
I suppose reading books titled ‘Makeout Paradise’ could be thought provoking, perhaps a little too much. I know that Naruto cuts his hair and gets a bandaged arm. I know some things. Ha. Still, does the ending live up to expectations?

Where I grew up there were always these plants, which, if you touched the plant anywhere you’d get infernal itching for quite a while… it’s not fun, especially when you land into a bush full of them.
That’s just the thing… they didn’t, they just thought you coughed and so reacted accordingly. This can be tested the next time you cough. Instead of avoiding attention, cough really loud then walk up to a random person and ask, ‘What are you reacting to?’ They’ll be speechless, trust me. Why, I’m just as benevolent as you, it goes without saying that I wouldn’t dream of deceiving you, just as you would never even consider deceiving me, right?
You really want to know? Very well, but I must warn you, tell no one, doing so would put me in grave danger. I’m… a human.
I agree, especially with the ‘airy’ weight of books. I also find physical books to feel cozier compared to a metallic frame. I suppose with electronic books you can also find exactly the type of book you want, not just what bookshops have in stock. Do you think sooner or later physical books will become completely obsolete in the same way handwritten books are today?
I’d build an Easter Island head with a giant sign promising food and shelter for sailors. That way when they moor, I’ll sneak aboard their ship, hide their food until they starve and then commandeer their ship. You seem to have an interesting fascination with governmentally funded zombies, but why do you suppose they would put you specifically on an island with zombies?

I’ve heard the Land of Flying Pigs has a number of flying pigs, tis a mysterious land filled with grotesque beautiful creatures straight from your imagination. I highly doubt vultures count, they are scraggy beings, born from the prefix of vulgar (I… guess), flying pigs are glorious creatures, who fly upon wings of porky panache.
The first time I saw an angler fish in a book I thought the author was playing a joke on the readers. Jellyfish are quite mesmerizing. Were I to see one alive before me, I doubt I would be able to resist the temptation of poking it
Obviously… uh, I mean, no, of course not. So considering your last idea, why don’t we develop a pencil which has razor wire imbedded in a way which forces the user to hold it with a ‘correct’ posture so as not to lacerate themselves. Teachers everywhere will bow to our, I mean, your glorious innovation.

“… of the green tea. There was only one option left …”

Brilliant idea! Although I doubt the problem lies in whether custard goes well with marshmallows, and more if blood and guts go well with… well… anything. Also, you’ve never had marshmallows? This simply will not do! I’ll try to think of something. Excellent, with a eulogy like that I’m confident that I will forever be remembered as the forerunner for intergalactic flavouring.

True, though what I find the most appalling are their methods. They are armed with rifles yet resort to crude knives and machetes for executions, just to create an impression. I just find it hard to believe any group could be so one dimensional, they sound like the ideal enemy, they have no remorse and their justification for their actions is archaic. I read up on the ‘Hannah and Sweets’ question, it’s quite interesting. I suppose people want others to sympathise with them, to create so much noise that others are forced to pay attention to their problems. Social media is the perfect tool for this, with other media following suit, using this to gain traffic on their regurgitations of the situation.
I’m curious, if someone has hurt you before, but thereafter there comes a time where they need your help, would you help them? I’ve found the worst part to be that by telling you to be lively, they think they’re being helpful and considerate. If they really want to be considerate, why don’t they find a more interesting topic of conversation?

I’ve only watched the first episode but I really like the sense of tension the show has and how questions develop, like the scene where Lucy spares what looks to be the head of the facility, yet slaughters everyone else.
One of my theories speculations is that Lain was essentially a piece of software which Masami developed who learned and developed over time. Her consciousness developed individually, one in the wired and another, 'copy', in reality until they eventually recognized each other, or at least became aware that they were both the same ‘person’. At which point she was so influential in both reality and The Wired that Masami became inconvenient.
So I take it you’re not fond of summer? You could try giving programming a whirl, you might like it. I’m no expert, but I can give you a few pointers. Which reminds me, I never asked what you plan on studying?

xenofire May 23, 2015 2:52 PM
Wha--? NO, NEVER! Look as these fine words, do you really think a person writing such lyrical words would ever even consider framing anyone? That makes sense, and if history has shown us anything, it’s that your plan has a decent chance to work. Still, I think I’d take the quick mode of death, since I think of it like pulling out a thorn. If I’m going to die painfully anyway, best to just get it over quickly, why prolong my suffering?

I think I would try to keep the same feelings I have for them, and hope that slowly over time they’ll be able to return to the state of reciprocating them. But ultimately they may be a different person and thus I’ll have to adapt my feelings to reciprocate theirs, after all, it’s not like I can force them to have the same feelings for me. I mean just imagine waking up one day and finding a total stranger sitting alongside your bed telling you that they’re your partner. If I were on that bed, I’d throw all my pillows at them… at the same time.
I could attach remote controlled cars to their bases, I’m thinking this could also give them the ability to chase down their prey.

Plain white masks reflect whatever the other person is feeling, which I think is quite appealing. If I wanted to scare someone though, I’d probably just wear a mask made from a dog’s skull, like so…

True, not to mention the whole ‘fight or flight’ impulse humans have. Flight usually only catering for the self. I doubt most soldiers would put the survival of a total stranger before their own, though an acquaintance or friend, perhaps. On that note, besides a soldier, which profession do you think would be the most useful in a zombie apocalypse?

As far as I know it wasn’t canon so that’s a relief. But yeah, the Weeping Angels were great, especially that episode where they kill the Doctor’s companions, I would hug them if it didn’t mean my eyes would be averted. Though I must say, what happens if you’re captured by them is quite hellish. I also really liked [i]THE Silence[/i] (and yes I do tend to get enthusiastic about dramatic titles like that).
I think it will teach kids everywhere the importance of keeping food in the fridge and to practise good hygiene… or else. There’s little doubt that what you’re saying is true, it’s for a reason that little girls are always used in horrors. I just find it quite strange to see how the design of the characters got simpler over the years, I wonder why there’s this trend in designs not only in SS but in pretty much everything.
Those are indeed wonderful songs, I find No Way Out especially beautiful. But yeah, they do seem quite gloomy as compared to the rest of the songs Disney creates, which is nice. But here’s a tough question, if you [b[had[/b] to choose one song from a cartoon as your favourite, which would it be? Well the only gloomy song titled Happy I know of is by Mudvayne. Um, otherwise there are a lot of songs with that title (not so gloomy though), might I know the artist?
Well, I guess. Maybe more like opposites which complement each other perfectly and more so than anyone else in that universe.
It may also be that you’re allergic to cats, thus the tears (I say this trying to be serious, but it’s really hard). They do that a lot with cacti too, except they sometimes try to lick them, I’m pretty sure it’s OCD.
The first time he said that I thought it was quite funny, later I found it incredibly grim. Given, he did seem to try to play therapist with Sasuke and it didn’t exactly work out. I agree, they would make great philosophers, and I bet a book written by them would be beyond thought-provoking… provided it’s nothing like what Kakasi reads.

Considering the world would have become insane, I’d think there would be a certain amount of time before we –too- would become insane, unless everyone sane bands together to build a rocket to fly into another planet. Also, I’d think people would start modifying the contents of the water guns with things like glue or diluted itchy powder… I know I would.
Maybe, maybe not, but like I always say, the only way to truly know is to find out yourself. Nope, trust me, your coughs are perfectly inconspicuous and normal. I’m pretty sure the only reason people start collapsing is because they can’t go on with their lives knowing that no matter how hard they try, they’ll never be as discreet at coughing as you, so they choose to end their torment quickly. Very well, considering you're such a nice person shouldn't it be because you’re so nice that you should rule the world? You know, to bring joy and torment happiness to the world?

Don't worry, it's a good thing no one suspects that under this disguise of a ninja… I’m actually… not a ninja (I know, this realization blew my mind too). I don’t mind electronic books, but for some reason I just prefer physical books, maybe it's the texture, or the smell, or the lack of light beaming in my face, burning into my retinas as I scream in agony, writhing in pain. You?
If I were alone, I think I’d enjoy it a lot but not too much. The dissolution of time is an attractive concept though at the cost of nothing noteworthy to do is a tall order. I guess I could build a monument or something though. If I went with someone I disliked, well, it would either have to end with both of us learning to get along, or one of us dying a very early death. Otherwise it would become a maddening squabble over who gets the bigger banana tree, then the better fishing areas, etc. If I went with someone I like, I think I’d enjoy it for the first few years but eventually I think we’d fall out of tune, disagreements would turn into arguments and so on.

My, how kind are you to offer so graciously, though unfortunately access to my will is located in a hidden chest in the town of Nopesville accessible only when pigs fly. If you are able to traverse this deadly land of improbability, then only shall you be granted access to my will.
I think it’s less of a case of whether the angler fish can resist eating the flounder and more of a case of whether the flounder can resist the allure of the angler fish’s lantern. On that note, isn’t it absolutely weird how angler fish have adapted so well? Most people tell me that I think about it too much, but still, it’s a lantern on a fish.
Haha, sure, why not? Just as long as the frogs aren’t psychoactive we’re cool. I’m pretty sure if you try to write with a pencil covered in barbed wir… oh right, rule number seven. In that case boss, what do you propose as our new product?

“… baby seal eye soup, seeing this the people proceeded to…”

I’m pretty sure if I concentrate reeeaaaallly hard I may be able to transcend space and time and simply ignore the pressure put on my body. At least that’s my best idea so far. But yeah, I’d probably end up being human marshmallow sauce. Hmm, a gallant death, wouldn’t you say?

Countries everywhere have been arresting people suspected of wanting to join ISIS but are we even told what happens to them? And so what if they did want to, shouldn’t they be allowed to fight for what they believe? If ISIS really is the big bad wolf the media is portraying it as then I disagree with their motives and methods. But then, when has the media ever been honest in its portrayal of the opinions of anything which vaguely resembles a foreign opinion?
I’m more inclined to avoid people because from my experience most people are only interested in you if you have something they want. By avoiding social situations I don’t have to waste time fulfilling the wishes of others who, in time, will turn their back when I need them the most.
I think it is how you’ve written it, question mark then exclamation mark. Ye… I mean NO, geez, do you think I’m some sort of torturer? … oh wait.

Yip, I guess that’s also why I’ve delayed in watching shows like Monster and Elfen Lied, I find it even better when it rains. I found it great… if slightly confusing, mostly because I still can’t figure out which personality the ‘real’ Lain inhabited. And also what exactly happened to her sister. But it was very immersive. Thanks, I’ve been trying to write some styles myself but MAL is so finicky with how it handles them that eventually I just gave up and used someone else’s and just changed the background. Actually, the reason I changed mine was because I liked yours so much (with the little previews), I didn’t really give it much thought prior.
xenofire Apr 25, 2015 7:37 AM
Indeed, I find it most incomprehensible how I was able to survive in such a cold-hearted cage which was my mind before. Also, if that’s how you clear your throat then I’m terrified to think of what you do when you sneeze.

…Uh-huh… but you do realize that's exactly what a guilty person would say. Well then, let’s assume you struggle and you eventually really do get crushed, in the split second before you die, would you have regretted not taking the expedient path? I agree though what if they had to choose between dying from dehydration over several days as compared to an excruciatingly painful death which would only last a few seconds?

I’d say so, I mean if a child is abused and teased as they grown up and mature to be depressed, should they immediately forget their themselves (and thereby their past), they could be happy since they wouldn't carry the burden of their upbringing. This would then affect their interests (like the music they listen to). Yeah, that’s what I’m getting at. The physical self is just a bunch of organs held together by muscles, our mentality makes us who we are. If that dies, then what separates us from each other?
Good plan, I think a good way to implement it would be to use the pumpkin husks to create scarecrows all over my yard and propagate them during the night then use one as a helmet, blending with the scarecrows and striking fear into everyone. I’d say that would depend on my attitude when they see my face since I’m told I can be scary if I want to, not to mention purposely ignoring them with a frown (which is what I do normally anyways) would make me inconsiderate enough to make them fear me. Out of interest what mask would you wear if you decided to wear one on a whim?
On the other hand most soldiers have a duty to protect citizens, this will put them at greater risk than a person who barricades themselves in a basement. So yes, they may be better at extreme conditioning, but with having the freedom to make your own choices to survive, I’d say you’d have the upper hand.

I've heard people affectionately describe him as ‘goofy’ and ‘cute’, and on those appearances alone he is apparently deemed a great character. I remember there was a Dr Who special which was written by two children who won a competition in which they had him shoot and kill (I know) a Weeping Angel with his screwdriver, so I think you hit the mark. Nails? Seriously? There’s a world of characters who are named after fruits and confectioneries and they do an episode on nails? Ugh. There could be episodes done on way better things, like the day Strawberry Shortcake’s world went past its sell by date… on second thought I’d make a horrible storyteller. Still, I’m curious, from all of the designs over the years, which of the designs for the show did you like the most? Mulan's songs were great but I never got over the overall… jubilance. I mean, why are Disney’s songs so HAPPY? I've always related better to characters with problems but the merry singing just seems so incongruous given their circumstances and their supposed grief.
Interesting to think that if there were a male or female counterpart there could be an entirely new world and just as the two turtles are meant to be together, perhaps the inhabitants could also find their opposites on the opposing turtles.
… might turn into any manner of beast which is capable of unleashing charged kamehameha-like projectile fur balls and pounce attacks which create craters in their wake.
I’m not sure about therapists and/or counsellors but I can definitely say you’re sounding a lot like Ichigo and Naruto’s teachers. Come to think about it… does this mean that anime teachers would make good therapists?

Hopefully another governmental lackey would see that they were going insane and vie for power, to which everyone else should oblige. If not, then I predict that the leader would possibly use a bunch of unicycles as his ‘convoy’, arm the army with bright orange waterguns, make the country’s national anthem dubstep and throw paper planes during UN summits.
Well, not that I’m in a position to judge, but I’m glad you have that point of view. It’s nice to see some people still have enough of a character to think independently. Hmm… too much sighing might cause hiccups, perhaps you could try evil laughter clearing your throat instead? And if they raise their voice, you just drown out their voice with louder coughing and hacking. Bravo, I applaud your cunning craftiness, I could just imagine the look of bewilderment on the victim’s face when the adoption service rolls up to them and hands them a mini human. I’m pretty sure the perpetrators would get the silent treatment for at least a few weeks… and the victim foster an everlasting fear of signing things.

Very well, I shall then run away whenever they say anything to me, only to come back a few minutes later, repeating the process until I succeed in retrieving a book. The exception being the irrevocable request for my library card which I will perceive in bullet time, and shuriken it in their face.
Now that you mention it, why don’t we consider three situations, one in which you go to an abandoned island alone, another where you go with someone you really dislike and lastly one where you went with someone you like. In your eyes, would the negatives outweigh the positives?

You mentioned that you would journey to the bottom of the sea to use your masterful intellect, I mulled over it thinking about who would require such knowledge. Angelfish? Catfish? Minnow? No, only one kind of fish is capable of such bravery… flounders . Thus, flounders.
Uh… I was simply talking about extended research into felt-tip pens (‘markers’)… for writing. Unless you’re saying that these markers can be electrified… and, uh, I’m a bit lost.

“… waitress, who proceeded to… “

I shall now proceed to bask in the glory of victory.

It shall only be a new adventure, I’ll be sure to mount a giant feather to my ship, tickling the behemoth’s insides until they sneeze me out, I’d have discovered a mode of flying even faster than the speed of light, the speed of sneeze.
I suppose a kind of existentialist abyss which runs parallel to our dimension which we are unable to neither comprehend nor even imagine with our limited minds… or something. It’s silly to think and this is idea is pretty much made from scraps of wild imagination, dreams, craziness and a desperate urge to hypothesize answers to age old questions.

I've read that somewhere before too, and it doesn't surprise me considering how they believe every scrap of land belongs to them. Though what really aggravates me is how they keep touting that country X has nuclear weapons and so are a threat to international security, when the US is the only country which has ever used them with intent to kill. Indeed, it gets even worse when they consider everyone else ‘primitive’ or below themselves, as if meddling with the principles of others is their duty… which ironically sounds a lot like religion.
Someone who has reached the strata of such unreachable mastery of rumours will be nigh impossible to catch up to, but I must try for the sake of funsies. It’s like how people have a tendency of distorting what they hear to what they want to hear, since the truth is too scary, inconvenient or boring for them to accept. So regardless of whether it’s an individual or a group of people, if they fancy the idea, they will be disposed to believe it. Honestly, I too forgot what we were talking about, but I like that quote of yours and it more than warrants a discussion.
Well, I’m not exactly sure if it’s even possible. Let’s give it a try and find out. I think you've got a great personality and have a wittiness about which I have never seen before in anyone. Did it work? Are you dead yet?

Also I've just started watching Serial Experiments (I wanted to wait until colder weather arrived), and before I even get to the story, the opening music… I have no words, just thank you.
xenofire Apr 4, 2015 11:53 AM
Those words of yours made me feel painfully shameful, and just as I was about to apologise I clicked the button only to have the sickly grey shine of those growths pierce straight into my retinas… and the deepest recesses of my mind... it was nauseating. Your evil laughter only served to unnerved me further.

Master torturer? That’s quite severe, but let’s assume I am, then wouldn't that make you the Grandmaster Torturer? with your moths and… stuff. But to answer your question, I’d say the position in which I’m not between two walls. Or, if escape is not an option, to hug one wall as tightly as possible so as to take out my brain quickly and thus bring my demise about as hastily as possible.

I’d say it was a good thing that he was as innocent as he was, it made him special. Although it is quite a selfish thing for me to say considering it brought him nothing but pain. I’d say the current you is a product of not only your environment, but your experiences too. The lessons you learned from your mistakes, lessons which are irreplaceable. You’d essentially be losing your personality, which thus involves your interests, your friends and your opinions. Therefore, wouldn't you essentially be dead?
I’d grow… pumpkins, lots and lots of pumpkins. If I had to interact with the local populace I’d probably jab them away with a very pointy stick when they come within arm’s reach of me. When purchasing apparel, I would walk into the shop with a coat which doubles as a cape, being sure to make a scene flapping it about at every opportunity so as to ‘mistakenly’ whack anyone attempting communication.
They probably would be more prepared than the average person. That being said, a person sitting in front of a monitor gathering theoretical survival skills will cope differently from a person who already lives a life of hardship and has learned the practical skills needed for survival.

Exactly, what stung me was that the snowman from Frozen had a frighteningly similar personality and role to Donkey in Shrek. Yet somehow I found the latter amusing and the former annoying. I haven’t watched Strawberry Shortcake before (at least I don’t recall having done so) but I’ve seen the illustrations and I get what you’re saying. Characters seem interchangeable with those from other series, I’m guessing in an effort to capitalize and leech of the fame of a character concept which has proven to sell. Although one thing I don’t miss from the past animations are those musical scenes which Disney seems intent on bringing back.
Why do they care? I mean sure, for the sake of curiosity and understanding their universe it’s a valid question. But for what purpose will it serve?
And how, may I ask, can my life depend on a mutant rabbit? What’s she or he going to warm me about? Carnivorous carrots piloting potatoe bombers to drop nuclear mushrooms? Rabid kittens who can rapidly cough up projectile fur balls?
Haha, very witty, I must say. Though since you have such innate knowledge of the human mind, tell me, why do I enjoy watching the grass grow so? I have pondered it in many occasions (ironically, usually when watching it grow) and I have never concluded the reasoning behind my fascination with it.

Fear of the authority, and control over your disposition irrespective of whether they actually have the infrastructure in place to enforce their diabolical plans. But perhaps you’re onto something, maybe they indeed do it for giggles… but then, why don’t they just learn to become ventriloquists? All the control, none of the resistance.
She meant to just have children and be done with it, as in to check the little checkbox of life stating that she had children, and that it was a duty of some sort. If it was a second kettle, I'd be super jealous, because with two kettles I could make twice the amount of tea I currently make! Imagine!. If they did indeed fake your signature to grant you possession of a mini human, I believe it would be considered suitable grounds for overdramatic glares and theatrical displays of sighing when in their presence. Hard to imagine how someone can be forced to adopt though. Kick a puppy, salt a slug… show a picture of a monstrous moth, with a terrifying enough assailant, they’re conceivable to perform, but signing parental documentation?

Don’t worry I’ve got a balaclava, a fake library card and pre-recorded Naruto voice-overs on my phone (Well… ‘Believe it’ and that’s pretty much it, should be enough for the questions they ask, no?). I’m sure they’ll never suspect me of being a valid candidate for their sick quest or one of their society’s arch enemies.
Think about it, stranded on an island, forced to sleep amidst mosquitoes, no responsibilities and almost no awareness of time, wait, NO! My thoughts will not waver, nice try. I know you give good advice, that’s one of the reasons I enjoy conversing with you so much but imagine if I gave you the exact same advice?

*Cough* Oh dear, it seems it’s too late for me *cough*, it seems soon I’ll have to fake my death too. Please, put me out of my misery, the hyperbole is agonizing, I can’t fight it *cough* Just before you do, I beg of you, answer my last fake-dying plea… why? Why me?

And why the land under the sea? Have the Flounders intellect really evolved that far?
Bravo, an excellent plan if I do say so myself. With a vanguard of inspiration for the human race such as yourself, I suggest humanity should just fund research into even more permanent markers for you to write out your glorious notes. You’ll be like jigglypuff, just with paper instead of faces.

“… handed out fliers stating that he was innocent because he said so, people responded by…”

Just stay frosty out there, people can have very icy dispositions towards fridges, especially those with an open door policy towards bitter people (… I have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about anymore). I think it would be much more fun to just fly straight into a black hole. Imagine experiencing what some scientists hypothesise to be physics defying compression forces? Or being the first to crash land (or should I say bounce?) on a giant marshmallow planet?
True, and so are our thoughts. It’s as if they exist on an existential level to our existence but physically we’re the conduit for ‘bringing’ them into this plane… or some other gibberish which is just as silly. All we can do is hypothesize and imagine answers, but I think it’s quite fun. Imagine how boring life would be if everything was already answered.

Any country which displays their efficiency in taking the lives of people as an indication of how ‘great’ their country is, is one which I couldn't have the smallest iota of respect for, and that’s pretty much the definition of the US. I guess they tend to be arrogant because they’re used to seeing themselves across every piece of media, this media painting them as paragons of peace and freedom. Where everyone which isn't them is a threat. So, delusional? I’d say so.
I guess that’s also what can make a story memorable, the unexpected unravelling from what was expected. I’d say that since only you claim to have seen what happened, it’s a rumour. If someone else also reported seeing the exact same thing as you when not having heard the story from you or anyone you've spoken to, then it would be truth… I think.
I’m glad :)
If that were true you wouldn't have wondered how I knew, so I wouldn't say that you’re clueless at all. If it’s any consolation, should your positivity kill you, take comfort in knowing that I’ll be the first to say ‘At least she sort of saw it coming’.
xenofire Mar 21, 2015 3:28 PM
You wouldn’t… would you? I’ll answer that for you, no you wouldn’t. Why?… BEHIND YOU!!!

No, never. Obviously I’m such a pacifist that I’d never need to turn to such vicious methods to pacify someone, I wouldn't hurt a fly… unless… reasons…

That’s one thing which also bothers me. I figure that he was used like a tool by everyone simply because he had too much of a heart, she treated him no differently, so there really wasn't any reason he’d expect any different from her. A very interesting question, I’d have to say forgetting everyone, because if I forgot myself then not only I would be surrendering to the fact of having to adapt who I am to the lives and expectations of others, but I would also not really be ‘myself’ anymore. And I’d rather be me. Which would you choose?
Well assuming death and fleeing are not options I’d probably do as you do. Just with some spikes and really loud ghost wails from a radio during the night… and a butler who looks like Lurch from The Addams Family. Basically building an appearance of the polar opposite of the facade of the white picket fence dream.
True, hmm… maybe it comes down to upbringing? Context too. A soldier fighting terrorists for his country inspires a lot more admiration and appreciation than a schoolgirl killing for her crush. I doubt there really is any way of knowing without seeing their reactions and actions firsthand, not to mention other factors like their upbringing and emotional sensitivity will also play a part. Though I highly doubt they would act very similarly as in their games as there is the subconscious reminder that unlike a game, their consequences will have real consequences. How do you think they would react?

Nope, all I’ve heard is that will follow ‘9’s style (apostrophes be damned). I’m a bit worried about Beetlejuice 2 being pumped full of too much CGI though, as that seems to be the trend with every movie nowadays. Weird question, but do you think movies are taking the whole CGI thing too far? As in, trading creative ways to present new ideas to the audience for flashy graphics which get the idea across and that’s it. It’s quite a concept, although I’m quite curious as to how it was conceived, especially the elephant part. Don’t they age? Don’t they have to eat? Don’t they get tired? Don’t… maybe I’m analysing this too much.
I’d hate to know where you’d have been snooping around to come across such a document… scary stuff. That image actually made me laugh, me, experimenting in different languages to speak to a mutant rabbit, which can’t speak back (it’s funnier that way).
Indeed miss, I was just about to remark how observing grass grow is my grandest hobby next to watching paint dry.

Though what if the government wants you to think that they can control your mind, when they can’t but are controlling your mind anyways because you’re considering that they can?
Exactly, I’d also add the idea of fame by association for parents. Surely if at least one of their children becomes successful, then the whole neighbourhood will respect them for raising that child. The other day I was waiting in a queue when this young couple sat next to me with their toddler, the woman pregnant with another. Suddenly another woman (who had three children with her) greeted her, and said ‘You already having your second? That’s great, better to just get it over with now, right?’ The other woman agreed with a smile. This made me think, maybe we’re looking at this too deeply, maybe it’s just because people think that somehow ‘they have to’ have children, that it’s not a choice.

Unfair indeed, but that got me thinking, imagine a world with books compromising only of those teen, adult-type stories? Would there be any hope left for humanity? It’s this ‘something’ which worries and confounds me, what if they use these stolen fingerprints to implicate others in crimes, causing the concerned to flee for their lives in an epic adventure around the world, all in a sick attempt to recreate events from the librarians favourite action books?
That sounds… simultaneously scary and crafty, I think I’ll just nod understandingly to avoid thinking about it so much that it becomes feasible in my mind. Though you have helped greatly, I feel a lot less stressed about the whole thing. Thanks!

I find fighting scenes in books overrated anyways, who kicked who in who’s what is something which I usually drift over. So good on you. Besides, if it had gone the way of open warfare then in its conclusion, I’d have called it a tragedy rather than anticlimactic. By the way, it seems you have quite the cough over there, I’d have it checked out if I were you.
We can only hope, but if it is then your handwriting will be the only remaining proof of our legacy, that’s a lot of hypothetical pressure on your shoulders.

“… was that of growing a number of legs which were considered illegal, realizing this he…”

A. Shuffling. Fridge, think about it… think about it again. I would make a pun about telling you to keep your cool and freeze but that would only make me look cold hearted. And I’m unsure about this underground ‘Jinx’, it sounds like a subway where other transformer appliances mingle.
I’ve read about how there was a hypothesis about the idea of being able to somehow use angular momentum to redirect or remove the event horizon from a black hole and therefore not only destroy it, but also allow us to ‘see through’ it. Regarding whether this is true, and how we’d do it, your guess is as good as mine. If it does lead to another dimension I’d guess the best way would be to cause a contradiction which causes one dimension to be illogical, however, how can you refute reality? How can I disprove the fact that I’m writing to you, when I am?
Right until the point the oil tycoons get wind of it at which point they’ll simply buy out the technology allowing for the alternate dimension.

Then, after savouring a bite with an expression of absolute bliss he’ll enthusiastically hum and clap his hands in delight, declaring heartily, “Jolly good”. The whole spectacle leaving the other passengers completely flabbergasted. If they did indeed think that, it really wouldn’t surprise me. A few may deliberate the fact that a plague from such outlandish lands may enter and turn them all into monsters… or worse, foreigners.
I’d hazard a guess that it could be dirt on one of the inner lenses or something but honestly my knowledge of cameras is comparable to a lemming’s understanding of a cliff. Sorry I couldn't be more help, but yeah, that’s a pleasant way of thinking about it.
Hmm… I wonder, what do people in the rumours you create use for protection against rain then? Jane is subconsciously capable of telepathically persuading people around her to tend to her every comfort. The souls who yield eventually end up going mad, retiring to hide in treetops until they die from starvation or pneumonia.
Wha-? No, well... it’s just a way of me conveying my appreciation and that I enjoy having these conversations with you.
It's said that the quietest people have the most vibrant of imaginations, so there's that, but I'm not too sure how someone can think of sarcastic things without material though.
Also my apologies for not being timely about it, but nevertheless it must be said, I hope you had a great birthday. And I'm going to have to apologise again for being horrible with birthday wishes, so... simply, I wish you all the best for the coming year! I hope it will be your best yet!
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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