My name is Bailey, age 15 (I acknowledge it's a girls name. Twat) and yes. I am male.
I live in London and have done so for all of my life, despite my cockney (look it up) upbringing, I have managed to obtain a rather posh accent.
My first experiences with Manga/anime was Yu-gi-oh!, Pokemon and DBZ. But I'd like to think my tastes have widened since then.
I reset my manga list so it will be updated more and will just be generally more consistent with my less refined manga tastes.
Ai Mai Mi
Wow, this show is odd. Some episodes start with a live action background with one of the character throwing up in the foreground, here-in lies the biggest problem. Ai Mai Mi isn't funny, not at all. It tries to throw its weight around trying to make as many jokes as possible, but doesn't have any quality none the less finesse from a comedy stand point. The animation hardly moves and the designs are as unrecognizable and bland as the backgrounds, is there even music? Do I even care? Avoid this one like the plague. [Red Light]
Cardfight!! Vanguard: Link Joker-hen
Well, I doubt anyone set very high expectations for this show so no one will be disappointed with the lack of stuff there is to say about it. Whilst not the plotless, tedious tournament fest that the second season was, far from really doing anything too great. I like how they weren't afraid to move some of the main characters back to side characters to introduce new ones, it at least spices it up, even if they are just as one note as the ones they are replacing. [Amber Light]
Hetalia: The Beautiful World
The thing that made the first season of Hetalia so funny was the fact that these "characters" were clearly just stereotypes of countries and not actual people, totally played for laughs. Now "The Beautiful World" whilst still utilizing some great jokes of that calibur tries to change a few things, first and foremost the animation looks a lot better and the score is more refine, however it tries to show the characters in a position only people would be in. School. It could potentially develop into something a little more funny, but with a much shorter run this is seeming quite unlikely. Either way it's a decent bit of fun for fans old and new. [Amber Light]
Inferno Cop
My God, you may as well call this show "Mars Of Destruction 2.0", seriously. It has the same so bad it's good charm, and trust me it's really bad, whilst seeming intentional. The dialouge and plot are so over the top, poorly written and out right stupid. I can almost guarantee that you will find something to laugh at in this show, despite the fact there is nothing good about it. A must watch, for all the wrong reasons. [Green Light]
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha
Being written by the same person who wrote "Spice and Wolf" and the nature of the plot, leads to some big comparisons between the two shows. That's a problem, it makes the flaws of the show that much easier to notice, for anyone who has seen "Spice and Wolf" at least. It has a similar set up, yes, however the character hardly even have personalities none the less names and I really don't see why you'd do this, at all. It makes the characters seem even less interesting and it's just a clear immersion breaker, the plot itself really isn't interesting and doesn't really develop either. On the up side, the music is decent and the animation is nice. The show has little bit of enjoyable character interaction however this is all wrecked by the lack of reality the relations have, thus it's quite average. Just watch Spice and Wolf. [Amber Light]
There is so little to say about this show, it's not that funny, well-animated, scored, so on and so forth. It kind of makes fun of fantasy stories and RPGs, but I can't say I laughed. Bloody hell, I wish I had something to say. [Red Light]
Vividred Operation
Anime/ Manga I Own:
-5cm Per Second (Manga Entertainment)
-Akira (Manga Entertainment)
-Bamboo Blade: The Complete Series (Manga Entertainment)
-Baccano! The Complete Series (Manga Entertainment)
-Bleach Season 1 (Manga Entertainment)
-Bleach Season 2 (Manga Entertainment)
-Cowboy Bebop Remix (Beez Entertainment)
-Cowboy Bebop The Movie (Sony Pictures)
-Darker Than Black Season 1 (Manga Entertainment)
-Darker Than Black Gemini of the Meteor (Manga Entertainment)
-Death Note: R Relight: Visions of a God (Manga Entertainment)
-Death Note: R Relight 2: L's Successors (Manga Entertainment)
-Eden of The East (Manga Entertainment)
-Evangelion 1.11 You Are (Not) Alone (Manga Entertainment)
-Evangelion 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance (Manga Entertainment)
-Fullmetal Alchemist Season 1 (Funimation)
-Fullmetal Alchemist Season 2 (Funimaton)
-Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Part 1 (Manga Entertainment)
-Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Part 2 (Manga Entertainment)
-Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Part 3 (Manga Entertainment)
-Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Part 4 (Manga Entertainment)
-Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Part 5 (Manga Entertainment)
-The Studio Ghibli Collection (Disney)
-[3] Porco Rosso
-[5] Kiki's Delivery Service
-[8] Princess Mononoke
-[9] My Neighbour Totoro
-[11] Whisper of the Heart
-[12] My Neighbours the Yamadas
-[14] Only Yesterday
-Ghost Hunt: The Complete Series (Manga Entertainment)
-Ghost in the Shell 2.0 (Manga Entertainment)
-Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Complete 1st Gig (Manga Entertainment)
-Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Complete 2nd Gig (Manga Entertainment)
-The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (Manga Entertainment)
-Hellsing Ultimate I (Manga Entertainment)
-Hellsing Ultimate II (Manga Entertainment)
-Hellsing Ultimate III (Manga Entertainment)
-Hellsing Ultimate IV (Manga Entertainment)
-Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Complete Series (Manga Entertainment)
-Ouran High School Host Club: The Complete Series (Manga Entertainment)
-Paprika (Sony Pictures)
-Paranoia Agent (MVM Entertainment)
-Pokemon All Stars (Viz Media)
-Pokemon Indigo League: Season 1 (Viz Media)
-Redline (Manga Entertainment)
-Samurai Champloo (MVM Entertainment)
-Serial Experiments Lain [DVD+BD] (Funimation)
-Tokyo Godfathers (Sony Pictures)
-Trigun (MVM Entertainment)
-The World God Only Knows Season1 (Manga Entertainment)
The plot has definitely kept me slightly confused the entire time. But it seems like its going to be good. Naruto will be over within 50 episodes. Probably ending with Naruto and Sauske's fight and the aftermath of the war. Yeah I struggled getting through Aizens arc which wss supposed to be the most climactic so I just dropped it. Deathnote eh? I have a very hard time getting into anything that doesn't have romance. So deathnote didn't really catch my eye.
Well, whenever I get it in my head, 'hey let's watch the last 16 episodes' I always have a different and better anime to watch. Like I can one amazing anime series and one movie, in the time that it would take me to finish Bleach.
Either way, it gets slightly better, but not by much, once it gets slightly better, it goes straight downhill into the deepest and most shit infested swamp. ;)
Pretty good. Broke my nose, but it's all good. Lol. I picked Eureka Seven up again and it's turning out to be really good. Gintama is funny as always. Shippuuden is getting awesome. And the new romances this season are looking great. It's all been going pretty good. Sakarasou especially. You?
I wont re-touch all the series because you seem to have explained yourself well enough. I rate rather high anyways, so I don't agree with most people. I like to rate on enjoy-ability, and I only watch things I think I will enjoy. Sorry about the insults, I get carried away easily. I throw little fits when people don't think the way I think they should. I just have to understand that some people just have a different thought process. Most of the insults were based off assumptions anyways. I saw that as well. I also think there was not a single score in which you gave a higher score than me.
GITS SAC SSS? Yes, that's really good too! Note that I use abbreviations, though. XD Psycho Pass is pretty similar to SAC, not quite as memorable, but still enjoyable. I hear there'll be a new GITS too. Here's hoping it'll be worth the wait.
I recently finished the anime version of Pandora Hearts, scored 7/10. Am currently watching Psycho-Pass, which as of right now, I would score 8/10. Am also currently watching the anime version of Little Busters, which I would also give 8/10. (P.S. I played the visual novel version of Little Busters, which I would say is as good as the anime, and vice versa.)
Just finished FMA Brotherhood. I'd say it's a little bit better than most mainstream anime but it's by no means a gem. There's nothing special about it. The original was a lot better
Sorry for the late response. By the look of the first episode Maoyuu is probably one of the better shows this season. The two leads probably need to be established a bit more but I guess the Demon King seems pretty likeable.
By the way, you've got to watch Kotoura-san. It looks like a generic High school romantic comedy on the cover but just give the first episode a try. I promise you won't regret it.
Haven't seen it yet but I'll get back to you on it once I do.
What I will talk about is this. How desperate are you to watch Eva 3.0? Desperate enough to watch a dodgy camrip with fansubs? I'm not. I downloaded it but the quality is so bad that I don't even want to watch it. I'll just wait until they screen the movie later this year. But if you're desperate enough, here's the download link
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Either way, it gets slightly better, but not by much, once it gets slightly better, it goes straight downhill into the deepest and most shit infested swamp. ;)
Pretty good. Broke my nose, but it's all good. Lol. I picked Eureka Seven up again and it's turning out to be really good. Gintama is funny as always. Shippuuden is getting awesome. And the new romances this season are looking great. It's all been going pretty good. Sakarasou especially. You?
And I doubt that I will ever finish it.
Planning to pick up FLCL when i have the time. What about you?
Anything you're currently watching?
By the way, you've got to watch Kotoura-san. It looks like a generic High school romantic comedy on the cover but just give the first episode a try. I promise you won't regret it.
What I will talk about is this. How desperate are you to watch Eva 3.0? Desperate enough to watch a dodgy camrip with fansubs? I'm not. I downloaded it but the quality is so bad that I don't even want to watch it. I'll just wait until they screen the movie later this year. But if you're desperate enough, here's the download link