Yeah, but you're right, she died. It's a pitty. Who wants cookies?
I guess you have your own reasons and that's cool, don't get me wrong. It's better to give an honest rating, based on what we experienced, and rate it solely based on that, than looking at the anime, and give it a high rating so it doesn't fall short. because that's what a lot of people do.
I'm not that honest with ratings, so I've got nothing to be proud about.
No, she didn't! That's what they want us to think, because it's a conspiracy against tomoya! In the end everything goes back to normal, so it was an ilusion... Or maybe it's a conspiracy against us, because that's what they want us to think! They want us to think Nagisa is alive but she's dead.
You said Clannad was touching two times... I found kanon more touching than Clannad. Though, I think Clannad is a better anime. Because above all, it keeps a balance between comedy and drama. Kanon is funny at the beginning, and then, when IT happens to Makoto it's only drama from that point on. I enjoyed Clannad much more than kanon, but there's no doubt those two are astonishing in almost every aspect.
You have some intersting ratings for shows, I'll give you that. Seriously, I never met a person who gives Clannad a 4 and Clannad AS a 3. That's quite original and brave. You even justify your ratings, and that's really cool. Keep it up man, peace!
Okay, in the 'Anime you gave 10's to' topic, you said that anime is all about standards. I'm not sure I get what you men by that. Could you explain further?
personally, I really like the art stule
as for the second thing, hate the character not the voice actor
i also hate suzaku, but i LOVE kusuriuri, don't hate on takahiro
Umm fuck it... realizing youre just some arrogant troll i'll pass on that 'intelligent' explanation of you not liking anything... Enjoy 4chan Mr. Douchey Swede.
So you dont like Candy Boy? thats fine... but telling me i have bad taste is rude and childish. Although i wouldn't mind commenting on 124 of your titles, seeing that you think you're better than me is just arrogant and annoying. Learn some humility or at the very least treat others like you would be treated.
If you're going to disrepect other peoples tastes, at least do it intelligently and not the internet way.
So what parts of candy boy did you not like? Referencing it to bowel movements do not count as reasons since only thing that people find that funny are children and the english.
Jag tror nog du hakat dig lite för mycket på att det är en harem :P
Mot slutet av Clannad och hela AS så blir det ju bara Nagisa och Tomoya.
Animen är baserad på ett spel där man ska försöka gå ut med så många av tjejerna som möjligt, vilket leder till att man får After Story, men det visste du väl redan hehe
Jag såg det som att Tomoya ville hjälpa tjejerna med sina problem och att dom började gilla han bara var en bieffekt haha
Jag orkar dock inte argumentera för den, du får ju tycka som du vill :) fortfarande en av mina favoritserier
All Comments (50) Comments
I guess you have your own reasons and that's cool, don't get me wrong. It's better to give an honest rating, based on what we experienced, and rate it solely based on that, than looking at the anime, and give it a high rating so it doesn't fall short. because that's what a lot of people do.
I'm not that honest with ratings, so I've got nothing to be proud about.
You said Clannad was touching two times... I found kanon more touching than Clannad. Though, I think Clannad is a better anime. Because above all, it keeps a balance between comedy and drama. Kanon is funny at the beginning, and then, when IT happens to Makoto it's only drama from that point on. I enjoyed Clannad much more than kanon, but there's no doubt those two are astonishing in almost every aspect.
as for the second thing, hate the character not the voice actor
i also hate suzaku, but i LOVE kusuriuri, don't hate on takahiro
i can't guarantee you'll like it, but since you gave mushishi a 9, give it a try
If you're going to disrepect other peoples tastes, at least do it intelligently and not the internet way.
So what parts of candy boy did you not like? Referencing it to bowel movements do not count as reasons since only thing that people find that funny are children and the english.
Your list is complete crap except like 3 or 4 entries and u forced me to press ctr+A also.
You do realize that you had to comment on my history and not my list design, right?
PS: what kind of person hides their genre? Are you ashamed of something?
Mot slutet av Clannad och hela AS så blir det ju bara Nagisa och Tomoya.
Animen är baserad på ett spel där man ska försöka gå ut med så många av tjejerna som möjligt, vilket leder till att man får After Story, men det visste du väl redan hehe
Jag såg det som att Tomoya ville hjälpa tjejerna med sina problem och att dom började gilla han bara var en bieffekt haha
Jag orkar dock inte argumentera för den, du får ju tycka som du vill :) fortfarande en av mina favoritserier
lust å motivera? :P
Clannad är typ min favoritserie efter One Piece :D