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Days: 194.8
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Days: 21.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries124
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- Chapters3,304
- Volumes410
All Comments (175) Comments
I agree even further with you on the genre of the anime. Racing is a completely opposite nature of skating. Even downhill longboarding, they ride in groups just to watch out for others and enjoy the ride together, never for a race.
I did recently see Amon Amarth, Cannibal Corpse, Lamb of God and Slayer live a couple weeks ago, it was fuckin' awesome! It was actually my first metal concert that I've been to, and I really enjoyed it. I even got a free beer from a fellow concert goer.
I'm in fucking love with this, dude.
How you been man?
Shaded really well too.
Awesome shirt!
I haven't heard of Necronomidol until now, are they like Babymetal?
I've been too busy with school projects to really go to any concerts or gigs lately. But now that I just recently graduated and fixed up my truck maybe I'll finally get to go to some!
Otherwise I've been doing pretty good. I did go to a few local anime conventions over the past 2 years and did a Freedom STALKER cosplay:
Next I'm thinking something LOTR related.
They may be a bit blurry as I was a bit drunk while taking the pictures
There was two more lives uploaded recently, and AND! You can officially purchase a song off of I-tunes/google now to send some support! I'm like shaking with hopes to see an LP available one day.
Band fucking rocks- like multiple times a day I hover over the youtube songs on my ipod and listen to the live shows. Funny how you happened to be at like the best one (imo) but the one on 3/17/2018 is my other go to!
New video in my youtube feed of a show from 4/20! First song sounds awesome, wonder if it's a new track!?
If that ends up being a thing I'll totally get a button, too! Artist is a buddy of mine.