All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 278.3
Mean Score:
- Watching140
- Completed841
- On-Hold44
- Dropped17
- Plan to Watch227
- Total Entries1,269
- Rewatched126
- Episodes16,387
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 44.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries108
- Reread0
- Chapters6,513
- Volumes258
All Comments (89) Comments
Sorry about the one year late reply -_-
Shigurui was awesome:D Though it took me a while to find it.
And guess I see why NHK is a fav for many people I know.
Yeah I'm not too excited this season either. Just watching at most 4 of them I think. So I finally finished GTO. Still trying to wrap my mind around it. It sort of was disappointing when a story arc ended without a proper ending through the episodes. The final ending, I wished he had some clue that he already found love and still not hoping for some young girl but I guess that was to be expected. XD Anyways, had some good laughs out of it. :)
I'm thinking of watching Working!!... eventually.
I'm also really excited for the fall season!
I think the next show I'll watch might be Needless, Fist of the North Star has a few too many episodes for me, but I will watch/read it soon.
It's too soon for me to say anything concrete about Inuyasha, sorry.