All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 191.9
Mean Score:
- Watching20
- Completed655
- On-Hold85
- Dropped140
- Plan to Watch48
- Total Entries948
- Rewatched73
- Episodes11,392
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 10.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries54
- Reread0
- Chapters1,793
- Volumes186
All Comments (52) Comments
its my pleasure ^^
*bows head*
and no need to say sorry its OK to me I'm used to that ^^
at least you reply ^^
but why?
Mr goresome ^^
hope you have a good day today and may you have
a good health this year ^^
its a little gift hope you like it ^^
I'm just at home because I don't have an extra money to do that
*sob sob sob*
but now summer is already end here and we're on the rainy season now
*sob sob sob*
why did you dropped it?
so how are you?
really its really normal?
sorry for that its just that he will be mad if that person read that T____T
I mean the word kinky
I search the word kinky and I found out the its about being pervert am I right?
I'm really sorry for that maybe after you read this you will get mad to me
*sob sob sob*
but I will understand you if you will get mad at me T___T
*kneel down bows head*
but I'm hoping that you will not get mad but I can't blame you if you will
it takes almost half a year
I'm not mad but for a little punishment
*hugs you so tight*
enough for you to choke ^^
but I hope you're not mad at me because of my punishment ^^
forgiveness granted ^^
its OK at least even its late you reply ^^
by the way how are you?
so how are u?
and chatting to my friends like u ^_____^
so what are u doing now?
sorry I really don't know that's why I'm asking T____T
so u love chemistry?