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ssjokg May 29, 2015 3:56 AM
Hi.Sorry for not replying sooner but I was away and the mobile version of the site is shit.

Avalon uses Saber's mana to heal its possessor.With Saber close to them,Avalon will begin its healing.

Remember in FZ when Iri was stabbed by Kirei and she was healed when Saber run over to her.

When Kiritsugu saved Shirou, Avalon could only keep him alive till he was sent to a hospital.Since Saber wasnt in their world anymore Avalon couldnt heal his wounds.That is why he is sent to a hospital after Kiritsugu put Avalon inside him.Till Saber was summoned Avalon didnt effect Shirou in anyway except from changing his Origin to "Sword"but this isnt explained in the anime, and isnt really needed to be.
ssjokg May 18, 2015 4:16 AM
Good question.

I was sure I read it somewhere but after searching at the two possible places it could be I found nothing.

But anyway.Abilities wise FSN Servants beat FZ's.
ssjokg May 17, 2015 9:31 AM
Well probably.

I dont count Gilgamesh in FSN
Saber-depends on what Master Saber has in FSN. HF>=UBW>Kiritusgu>Fate
Archer-FZ Gilgamesh(if serious,otherwise EMIYA wins)
Rider-FSN Rider
Assassin-Sasaki Kojirou

Nasu stated that he intentionally made FZ's Servants weaker.
ssjokg May 10, 2015 3:17 PM
Yes.And yes she was.That's why they run away.Nobody knows what they did,but in the world they are there the Wars of Fuyuki seem to have never took place.Even Ilya who is 18 years old is treated like grade schooler.The only thing we know is that they are always away from home tying to keep things as they are.

The power of Servant depends on the alignment with the Master and mana supply.Excluding Ilya who has near infinite amount of mana,Rin is the best Master for her.
Saber stats with different Masters:
Master: Shirou Emiya
Alignment: Lawful Good
Strength: B Mana: B
Endurance: C Luck: B
Agility: C N. Phantasm: C
Class skills:
Magic Resistance A
Riding B
Personal skills:
Charisma B
Instinct A
Prana Burst A
Noble Phantasms:
Avalon Barrier EX
Excalibur Anti-Fortress A++
Invisible Air Anti-Unit C

Master: Rin Tohsaka
Alignment: Lawful Good
Strength: A Mana: A
Endurance: B Luck: A+
Agility: B N. Phantasm: A++
Class skills:
Magic Resistance A
Riding B
Personal skills:
Charisma B
Instinct A
Prana Burst A
Noble Phantasms:
Excalibur Anti-Fortress A++
Invisible Air Anti-Unit C

Master: Kiritsugu Emiya
Alignment: Lawful Good
Strength: B Mana: A
Endurance: A Luck: D
Agility: A N. Phantasm: A++
Class skills:
Magic Resistance A
Riding A
Personal skills:
Charisma B
Instinct A
Prana Burst A
Noble Phantasms:
Avalon Barrier EX
Excalibur Anti-Fortress A++
Invisible Air Anti-Unit C

Her stats with Caster are unknown.
ssjokg May 7, 2015 12:48 PM
No, the timeline splits before the start of the 4th War,while Ilya is a few months old.The anime and manga show at some point Iri and Kiritsugu doing something to Ilya which is one of the reasons the world of Kaleid exists.
ssjokg Apr 28, 2015 7:23 AM
It has nothing to do with intelligence and Shirou was never shown to be stupid.

But Yeah I know it doesnt make sense in taht regard especially after reading the VN.
In Fate route Saber,Rin and Shirou cant figure out who he is even tho they saw a similar scene when he appeared.He has to almost spell it out to Saber and Shirou.

In UBW Rin and Shirou reach the conclusion that he is Gilgamesh out of nowhere.
Ufotable just animated that scene as it was.Some VN readers will claim that ufo did a bad job at making Shirou capable of figuring that out but no matter their intelligence they shouldt have reached the truth.The author contradicted himself and made them capable of figuring that out when even the biggest heroes wouldnt be able to know.

Rin never told him to pick it up.
Archer knows who he is since he was summoned.But he doesnt remember clearly his past life.If you go back and watch his reactions to Rin's name and Saber's appearance you will see it.
What he clearly remembers is winning the War,Saber and Kiritsugu.Everything else just comes back to him as time passes.
Archer never had amnesia.He just doesnt remember that much from his life due to being 20~ years older than Shirou.
ssjokg Apr 27, 2015 10:39 PM
I dont know if it was my fav but it certainly achieved what I wanted it to achieve.
They talked about Gil in order to determine his powers and what they can do about him.

Yeah.Shirou would keep the pendant he found next to him for his entire life so when he died and became Heroic Spirit it remained as his possession.So what Archer is giving back to Rin is his pendant from "the future".
ssjokg Apr 23, 2015 5:48 AM
ssjokg Apr 23, 2015 5:40 AM
He can.The problem is that the space inside the castle hall is small so he needs a good plan.
But his NP,the kind it is, is a big deal among magi so ANY magi,not only Ilya but everyone would be astonished.Deen's anime of the Fate route although ruined everything else did that correctly.They show the fight and Archer using his NP and Ilya reacts to seeing it.

Well you have been taking glimpses at Archer's NP since the first season and in every OP of the second season.;)
ssjokg Apr 23, 2015 5:10 AM
Well the creators call Berserker Herc,the most manly char in fate/ and I guess that would be even more true for Herc in any class where he is sane.But they have a thing about making fans speculate stuff and tease them as much as possible.For example Archer vs Berserker in fate route.Archer decides to buy time for Rin,Saber and Shirou so he stays back to fight Herc.We see nothing of the fight,since we follow the others' escape.This is the result:

But nobody knows how he did.There are speculations about Archer using his NP, but that contradicts Ilya's reaction since she should have been surprised by that kind of NP.
ssjokg Apr 22, 2015 10:10 AM
We have been waiting 10 years for that to happen....Yet when he appears in the same game that with Cu Chulainn(Caster) he is still a Berserker.

Yes you are right.
Well actually both can beat him if he isnt serious.But that Servant I am talking about is like a natural counter to his Gate of Babylon.I think I gave too many hints XD.
ssjokg Apr 22, 2015 5:46 AM
Some Heroic Spirits can be summoned in more than one classes.
Heracles can be summoned in any class except Caster.
Cu chulainn can be summoned in all classes.In Fate/Grand Order he is summoned as Caster.

Sasaki would be a beast in Saber class.

A Heroic Spirit isnt limited to one NP.Except God Hand,Heracles also has Nine Lives,which is a technique he can use with any weapon,bow,lance,sword,shield etc, to deliver nine blows that at great speed that they are almost overlapping.But since he is a Berserker he doesnt have the brains needed to use it.
ssjokg Apr 22, 2015 5:12 AM
Well... Herc if he doesnt have to protect Ilya.If he could be summoned as an Archer class it would be even better since as a Berserker he cant use his offensive NP.

Then there is Enkidu from another Fate/ series.He is the only person Gil considers an equal.

There is one Servant in FSN that can beat him but only if Gil doesnt take him seriously from the start.If he lets that Servant use his NP then he is in big trouble.
ssjokg Apr 21, 2015 9:00 AM
My inbox is full so I cant sent you a pm but I will answer here.You can reply in my wall as well if you want.

The difference is the rank of the weapons.Heracle's God Hand(GH)provides him with a body (more precisely skin) that will nullify any attack that is below A-rank.Ranks arent the same as power.For example B+ attacks have more power than A rank but are still B rank.Except that,GH also provides full resistance against attacks he already received.Saber for example wont be able to kill him again with that attack.
And then there areof course the 11 extra lifes he has by GH.

Archer's arrows are simply not high enough in rank to hurt him.In the beginning of the fight with Gil, Gil sents a few Noble Phantasms towards Herc but they simply bounce on his skin.Then he started using A rank NPs.Gil possesses the originals of all NPs that heroes have so he has access to hundreds of thousands different NPs.

ALso Archer hasnt shown his full powers yet.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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