Not very active these days but i'm always open for animanga discussions. Feel free to add me :D
Explanation Of How I Score:
10/10: A masterpiece that leaves a lasting impression and holds a special place in my heart. A perfect score reserved for anime that truly stands out.
9/10: Exceptional shows with fantastic ideas and brilliant execution. A minor flaw or two prevented it from reaching the perfect 10.
8/10: Very good or great anime with some shortcomings. Although it may not have fully resonated with me, it remains impressive and memorable.
7/10: Solid anime with notable flaws or aspects I didn't like, but the enjoyable elements far outweighed the negatives.
6/10: Generally engaging but with some issues that made it less captivating. Still, I found it enjoyable overall.
5/10: Neutral, neither particularly good nor bad. It neither impressed nor disappointed.
4/10: Disappointing with many aspects that I disliked, though it had some redeeming features.
3/10: Largely poor quality with a few redeeming elements.
2/10: Very poor; watching it would be more about completing it than enjoyment.
1/10: Nothing shows with no redeeming qualities.
All Comments (396) Comments
Yeah thats the ending I meant. I have only done 1 playthrough but im wanting to do it again and possibly 100% it on steam. Its a pain imo.
Speaking of 100%, I did try the DS series and already 100% DS1 and DS2 both in a week lool. DS2 is unnecessarily hated imo. Taking a break rn so DS3 ill play eventually.
Idk I just cant bring myself to play hollow knight despite knowing its a good game. Im just simple minded and prefer open world like ER, cyberpunk, DS etc.
Same havent watched much but you havent missed a banger to say the least. Maybe 1 or two but Rezero is great so far, unfortunately continuing in spring though.
Lately have been reading LNs more but also some manga. Im looking to get into manwha since its just on my tiktok 24/7 but some mangas I recommend:
- Kaoru Hana wa Rin to Saku = great romcom anime about teens but its realistic, wholesome and an easy read. Arts nice too and its getting an adaptation this year
- Frieren = a given recommendation, its just insane. I love the manga but theres a break/delay/hiatus every other week
- Ao Ashi = as a football fan, my favorite manga oat. Its the most realistic and fun sports manga ive read.
- Beck = already finished ages ago but still recommend if you havent. I love it, great music genre with some romance and realistic slice of life. Animes great too but only adapts a part of the story.
No problem. I just update or look at seasonals shows on mal now pretty much too. I just happened to get a lot of mails from MAL from people wishing me happy birthday. Hope ur doing great too. Also I finally got a full time job which I start in feburary.
Ye..for people or generations that grew up with GTA franchise this was definitely interesting and welcomed move but ye..1st Mafia had the mistakes that you couldn´t afford during the missions which could depending on the level of player increase the game lenght by 10 hours even if this was your first semi-open world game..
The funny thing and trivia is that HL2 ended up the same way regarding The Citadel entry and mainly the progression towards The Breen himself (ala let yourself be captured to speedrun to him that way lol) and that´s probably why I played this only 3 times and EP2 like 6 times since the combat,environtment progression and tempo I enjoyed the most there..even if we never got continuation due to the reasons that were specified in 20th Anniversary content..not to mention just like HL1,HL2 was reworked heavily like 1 year before release but this time due to the leak from september 2003 or when it couple months after E3 presentation.With that in mind when we got over the years the draft/beta version of the campaign from 2003 you could say some areas or plenty of them looked way better personality wise than in finalized and brigther HL2 as the artistic direction got changed and the only portion of game we´ve got closest to the beta feel is Ravenholm itself I would say..
Blue Shift did make it for 25th anniversary of Opposing Force and that was more suiting as Opposing Force was 1st released game content that Gearbox released..Still at the stage it is now Xen takes half of the campaign in there at the moment while CH1-4 are the 1st half and CH5 (whole Xen) is the 2nd half of the 2024 campaign xD
Ye..was definitely surprise but obviously on immersive front there were still some games that were closer to me immersiveness wise...Ghost on Tsushima on PC was awesome 4 years later since its PS release.Indie stuff like Selaco,Mullet Mad Jack and Anger Foot were great games but just hope with Selaco it doesn´t take ages to get 2nd EP like it is so far with Cultic :S Otherwise my fav triple-A release this year has to be Indiana Jones as one of the guys that did lead the game was involved and did the 1st Riddick game 20 years ago (the release day is exactly the same as well if you overlook the 1 day difference xD) and his DNA imprint is seen in it as well since it´s all about close combat and weapons are secondary as the protagonist is handling them in akward way and you get to wield the weapon with the ammo in has in mag only whne it drops from enemy like in old Riddick game.
Hmm..even in the quarters it felt like the ones who lost didn´t have a lot in tank either or to change it up or whatever so even if NaVi were at least in quarters they wouldn´t go further as well regarding the path they had to take just to get there if they won that one map.
FaZe did overall really good this year..even if it was only in the 1st 2 events and last events of the year (3 finals in total) so on average VITALITY sadly didn´t do well since Cologne since most of the 1st arena matches they lost right away..hard to say if it was fixed or not at this point or just the vibes inside the team were just that bad or not any at all.But hey..they got Ropz out of it for the next year since Spinx left as he indended like half year ago xD Well,Ropz role wise did the best he could even when taking Rain x Frozen role clashes into consideration being it T or CT sides roles on specific maps so there´s that.
They might keep it for Katowice at the very least but otherwise anyone besides Brollan and Torzsi is pretty grabable for other orgs..
And Falcons trying to get that HEROIC core now that it lost Nertz is pretty cool and all but it´s danes for bargain deal all over again (lol).Depending on what rosters they end up with it´s going to be hard road to keep the fans of the org regardless as G2 still can´t get Major and so does Falcons and any decent results in prestige events.
Magixx had amazing Majors in semis and finals itself..that's the kind of input that could have made Spirit go to finals in 2022 (it was already so close and they would win the semis back then with worse core you could say which makes the current Faze year better on paper but the fact they lost 1st final of the year and last final of the year to Spirit just made them go AFK mentality wise for majority of the year).
Hard to say since I didn´t follow the matches itself as anything besides first opening matches and semis and finals was sketchy as hell and could have faint smell of fixing..but if it were me I´m interested if VP can be stable T1 team and not just gatekeepers of it half of the time..Jame is out but he could go to HEROIC with other underused players if that 2024 core would go to Falcons..
LMAOOO The dlc was a struggle because I had that 4 week holiday break and I was all rusty again. I'm glad I can say I beat Radahn before the nerf xD. Sekiro is insane, want to 100% but cant bother doing 4.5 reruns. Oh yeah I had the good ending thankfully I did some research since I messed up getting the ending I wanted in my first souls game elden ring. Looking to try the dark souls series next. I bought Hollow Knight today by chance and after 15 min I refunded it icl. Its not for me but the soundtrack and game itself is sick. Damn, the anime airing rn and previous season are insane, hope ur not missing out. I been reading a lot of manga recently too, any recommendations?
I've been good, just rewatching some shows
Kinda..took a while before some came out but we can't argue that some of them started being developed in 2017 that came out the next year. at that time.I more think back about MAFIA remake that came out at the start of this decade as well since it turned raw shooter mechanic into cover shooter one which was questionable but welcomed change for the current generations of zoomers I suppose? With System Shock it's all about the weapons that you get to eventually experience all of them and have their use..even if the early ones won't have the same impact on the enemy encounters in the last third of the game,even if you upgrade them all completely (that have 2 stages of upgrading).Black Mesa even if it took too long in the end it made Xen have actual worldbuilding than the rushed state it looked in in the '98 release of HL1.Since the one year delay was mostly for switching for their GoldSrc engine and finalizing it and then starting the campaign from scractch progression wise in the game since the DM maps were done in the last quarter of the development anyway.Black Mesa Blue Shift is also soon to be finished,at least the Focal Point (Xen portion of Blue Shift) so that might be another great stuff to look forward to since it already missed 25th years deadline to HL1 but surely they can make it in time for 25th annoversary of Opposing Force which was Gearbox's first thing to play they've made since their first IP/franchise was Brothers in Arms trilogy.
That aside Wukong did amazingl well for SP only game regarding how many players were playing it at once at some point and how many copies it sold in 3 days.
The fact they winning against teams that are mentally somewhere else isn't nothing special the question is how their roster is going to look like after China Major.I think the rifle core showed amazing stuff prior to the was mostly Wonderful just not showing up in semi and finals.As you said,iM might have been the reason why they won vs MOUZ and the finals was competetive on 3 out of 4 maps and could go either way.
They're taking turns on who is missing contribution by map but overall they're not all consistent enough and when they all have similar number of kills it looks good on paper but at the same time tells that there's no one with great clutching ability form wise.
Not to mention Brollan got the resurgence he needed but for me it's mostly about Xertion since if he performs it's easier time for everyone else on the team (despite only him performing in the loss against NaVi it was still really close and could go either way) since NaVi was at 80% in that semifinal?
The whole Spirit was apart mentally wise in Cologne as they barely got any round on board.
Oh yeah I quit genshin I just occasionally redownload for the free rolls lool. DLC was sick I grinded that in like a week. Playing Sekiro now its also insanely good. I had played DS3 the starter island but never continued cuz it was game shared through steam but got no longer access to that. wby? hows life
Criei um canal no YouTube recentemente, e seria incrível se você pudesse se inscrever e dar uma forcinha pra esse meu projeto, vou falar de animes e outros tópicos!! Estarei profundamente grata e agradeço, desde já!
DOOM [2016] kinda made the indie FPS field to rise in the end as couple years later Amid Evil,Ion Fury or Dusk came out but it was also year where immersive sims started to die or the quality of them started to decline even if we had some in the next several years.Prey [2017] was the last great one and then System Shock Remake [2023] is the recent one which had engine change couple times and turned out great in the end..especially with the recent update 11 months later improving the few boss encounters the game has.Tomb Raider Anniversary already showed that remake cane be great while TOMB RAIDER I-III Remaster that is more recent is probably the answer to the indie FPS games being in great form overall and estabilished.I still think the most popular remake is BLACK MESA at the moment,not only because BLUE SHIFT is also quite far into the development regarding the remake of that.
Well,that thing is almost irrevelant to me as I'm not fan of the current mainstream/3A or 4A games in general.Ghost of Tsushima PC port is hit apaprently though..even if the console version was on previous generation of PS,4th...4 years ago xD
Snappi is almost 34 and Dupreeh is almost well,they're great for Tier 2 tournament and as JOKER invite to some of the Tier 1 tournaments but that's about it can't rely your core trio always be effective against all opponents.
Hard to say..for now it feels like Gambit 2017 all over again when their players just peaked at the right time for the major with iM here being the Dosia of back then xD
n0rb3r7 became even more full package after that benched period while Kairon just wasn't it attitude and sportsmanship wise that the team was going for but elec isn't really good in CS:S2 and Mir wouldn't maintain the form from tournament to tournament either so it's hard to say..Hobbit would have been better choice as he can secondary AWP or be secondary caller as well - now they're average TOP15 team at best where they can get TOP8 with servicable draws that would allow that to happen.
You could almost say that they got few of the semi-finals by servicable match ups anyway since there are opponents at some point where m0nesy can be countered well like MOUZ does to most of the teams these days.
Ye..both seems not so mentally comfortable while NAF and Twistzz probably have time of their career once again.
FaZe is going for consistency rather than win one of the 3 or 4 biggest tournament of the year (2 Majors or Cologne,Katowice) but ye their core is really good but at the same time Frozen doesn't overperform on stage there yet like he did in MOUZ more over the years and then MOUZ got even better without Frozen as he was taking too much space for getting the cohesion ready between MOUZ NXT 2021 core which has now finalized and everyone in that team can top frag at the moment so you could say we have MOUZ NXT 2021 vs MOUZ 2019 cores in 2024 which is crazy xD Donk is amazing but can be countered by calculated chaos on the map at the right time while Sh1ro isn't as dominating as in CSGO basically but still is better than most of the AWPers on a good day in CS:S2.But ye..they didn't change much so far so only few teams can beat their style that is mostly gut based or whatever.
Ye..I mean they kinda got resurected via remasters like Quake 1+2 or we've got DOOM 1+2 reboot (2016 + ETERNAL) and System Shock Remake which is like super approachable now for replay values due to it not having the controls of the original '94 releases but still feels like dungeon like crawler and immersive sim at the same time.Even Tomb Raider Trilogy got one recently and other platformer series as well few years ago and you could say the 2 Spongebob games they released was homage to that early 00s era as well.Where even some of the demos from REALMS DEEP tihs year like The Last Exterminator or Brutal John also gives that early 00s vibe (DNF if it came out in 2001 and had still the DN3D gameplay approach and the other one being character that is hybrid of Duke Nukem and Serious Sam lol).
Ahh ye..I forget to even think of the price tag since shoters that didn't have multiplayer or I wouldn't play I just DL them back in the way (others done as well that's why they declined,SP campaigns in military/Real-Life Conflict shooters).
I think we can see it so far with the results they've got in EPL which is just lukewarm so far since Dupreeh being the most consistent (probably because of perfect lore) is what keeps them slightly above averge team as Magisk might the 2nd most stable player in their system.
Ye..was kinda tilting see the result and post match interview losing both maps in overtime where it could've been 2-0 for NiP :S
I mean considering how anyone who isn't 3rd or 4th best team at the moment are just rather inconsistent in general I think they can on good day get to semi-finals due to how other team perform or are mentally out of it the given day..or can't beat NaVi yet since Aleksib was added to the roster since they know how to safe energy for the rounds when opponent gets impatient.
just like VIT even VP doesn't have the fire but the difference is one good day one can get into semifinals if they play teams within TOP10 and other can gets quarter finals max in the same scenario so I would say they might make one since VP changed Mir already.Well,they didn't play any EU team so far in EPL either struggling to win properly or getting onesided defeat xD I think the match they actually scrapped by the opponent won more rounds still ala Major winning NaVi xD
Ye..YEKI was very likeable in VP and early on in Liquid..while Electronic did nothing expectional so far in VP apart from being key player on Mirage or Ancient most likely.C9 getting revamped due to that is kinda meh since Hobbit was part of it and was Dupreeh of that team (could be good if he somehow gets to join Falcons if they lose patience in Snappi) or you could just make him go G2 since the core itself performs like on maternity leave.
Hmm..well,makes sense since Inferno is perfect punish map if you've mastered but can be boring for sure if the other team is mentaly not in it and keeeps repeating the same tactic for 5 or more rounds there xD FaZe at least won the Chinese event and that was again due to every other team not managing their mental or pacing of the energy enough so to say so even if they've got back to back semifinals it's more thanks to the opponent just having not enough polished protocols or added new things which makes you easy match up these days (like VP is often these days)
Ye..not to mention the meta in the terms of content that the current generation wants/have attention span towards to which games actually aren't that regarding the boomer shooters that were slowly returning and took over slowly in the past half decade since triple-A FPS Singleplayer stuff is practically dead after DOOM ETERNAL I would say..with exceptions of Resident Evil 8 maybe but the military shooters definitely died after the ultimate fail of Modern Warfare 3 remaster (lol).
Even Dupreeh was until recently kinda like that in Tier 2-3 realms regarding his matches in his team prior to the FALCONS just to reunite with Magisk and Zonic.With NiP it's hard..I think they were pretty good TOP10 with Aleksib but the weird thing that sealed the deal of him getting out was the weird back to back maps lost in overtime that decided if they go to play-offs (Paris 2023 Major) or fall just tiny bit short - might have been rigged by his teammates playing like ass which bite them in the end and got ever worse roster afterwards which would be TOP20 at best on a good day (lol).
Liquid so far doesn't have the consistency from the 3rd and 4th star of the team while the 5th (Cadian) can do it from time to time as well but ye,otherwise on paper it's full of potential.
Hmm ye..I've heard of him but regarding map's relative still the same since the newest addition of Anubis has been around for 17 months now I believe and then Vertigo is around for half decade and Ancient for 3 years - would be nice see Train or Cobble back or any other reworked CS 1.6 map would do :-) Nah I didn't really follow the recent Major as half of the teams under performed again (in Paris Major it might have been 60 or 70% of the top org teams).NaVi winning though happened because of how FaZe paced themselves again during the season/tournament itself while other teams just aren't consistent enough as NaVi has been in their costant rise and MOUZ or EF just disappointed its fans I one case in was one-sided game and in other case it was for EF's taking but the mental game just wasn't there..something that happens to G2/VIT at least half of the time these days.