Ok I know you fuck with the bible and all that but have you heard of umm Fortnite?? cmon man get with the times my g
Aint nobody tryin to get with Jesus it's all about the chug jugs and scars
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
A Spirit-filled life does not guarantee a trouble-free earthly life. What God does promise is that He will support you through these trials, and He will not give you more than you can bear. If your day was especially hectic or exhausting, this verse reminds you that Jesus is helping you, even though you might not realize it.
Oooooo Ohhh my god! Nghhhn! You and your god gosh dilly damn kids and your 'Symphogears' and your 'Arias'. GGGGGGGGGNNNK! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEGHHHHHHOOOOO! Bllrlblrblrlblrlbrlblrblrlbrlblrblrlblrblrlblrblrbllll.... OH my GOD, OH my CHRIST. Are you playing some kind of joke? Is this a game to you? GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGNNNNNNNNNNK! I'm going loopy! Ooooo-ooooo! Loopy! Strike witches? More like I'mma strike you in the nuts so hard they K-on out of your mouth! AAAAAAAGGGGGH! Blrlrlrlrlbrbrlbrrlbrlrbrbrllrbrlrbrlrblrb.
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Aint nobody tryin to get with Jesus it's all about the chug jugs and scars
Matthew 19:26
John 3:36
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
A Spirit-filled life does not guarantee a trouble-free earthly life. What God does promise is that He will support you through these trials, and He will not give you more than you can bear. If your day was especially hectic or exhausting, this verse reminds you that Jesus is helping you, even though you might not realize it.