I serve on #lurk, #yaoirulez, #eternal-blue, and #shoujomagic on irchighway. I'm sometimes on other channels, too, if I feel like it. Come leech from me!
lol, hopefully. I still need to finish off Kingdom Hearts 2. But i'm also planning to get Final Fantasy Crisis Core for the PSP but i gotta wait till March or something... which kinda sucks >_<
that kinda sucks. the only reason i'm not playing videogames now is cause i don't have much time due to homework and clubs i've joined. I've mangaed to squeeze some time for anime though.
wow, sounds cool. I've only played Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts as RPG games. I haven't really played anything else lately... I would wanna try out Tales of Symphonia but i've only own a PS2. :(
well your pretty lucky you get to go to advanced classes, i've only been noticed for an enrichment program. though i wasn't interested in that so i didn't join up.
I've heard of that game, but never played it. so what's it about and how do you play it?
well i pretty much like anything except mecha... somehow it just makes me feel sleepy ^_^U
so what else do you do instead of watching anime or reading manga? I usually end up playing my flute or play videogames. other times i watch cartoons on tv. >_<; i am not too old for it! never too old for cartoons! lol
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I've heard of that game, but never played it. so what's it about and how do you play it?
so what else do you do instead of watching anime or reading manga? I usually end up playing my flute or play videogames. other times i watch cartoons on tv. >_<; i am not too old for it! never too old for cartoons! lol