Grew up in Utah. Have lived in Brazil and am fluent in Portuguese. I was a super active person as a teenager. Scaling mountains (Timpanogos), spelunking in caves (Nutty Putty), biking, fishing (Fish Lake and Otter Creek) etc. My favorite bike trip was biking from Mirror lake in the Uinta mountains down to Jordanelle reservoir. Honestly, never watched anime as teenager. Lack of cable TV or decent computer access probably were big factors. I spent tons of time outdoors. I lived at Thunder Ridge Scout Camp a number of summers. I was turned on to anime after I had a horrific car accident and tore my body to shreds. Needless to say, I had some down time and time to pass while I learned to walk again. Luckily my amnesia wore off and I am only missing about 6 months of memories.... If I met you then, I won't remember..lol. I avidly watch new anime shows and have seen everything from about year 1998 forward. Some of my first ever watched animes were bleach and inuyasha.
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