In scoring anime/manga, I try to be as objective as possible. Some series I love are ranked lower than I'd like them to be because I know they aren't objectively as good as I feel they could be. The opposite is also true. A score of "7" is my general cutoff for recommending a show/series to someone. However, some "6's" are worth it if you love that genre, just like some "8's" aren't worth it if you hate that genre.
With that being said, this is a breakdown for how I score anime/manga:
10. masterpiece: as close to perfect as possible and fantastic in every way. nothing is lacking, and critiques are purely subjective.
9. great: objective enjoyment, consistent nuance, and excels on every level. top tier in anime/manga overall, but not quite perfect.
8. very good: nuanced and well-executed series in the top tier of their genre. any flaws are minor and/or outweighed by strengths.
7. good: enjoyable and entertaining but fails to excel. either brought down by flaws and/or lacking that next level edge.
6. nice: mostly enjoyable, but highly flawed. the potential was there, but the execution/substance didn't live up to it.
5. average: super generic, ruined potential, and/or glaring flaws. low-enjoyment, but may be redeemable/entertaining enough to finish.
4. poor: bad execution, flubbed endings, lack of substance, and overall low quality, though not without good moments.
3. bad: no matter your personal taste, these have severe flaws in writing/art/animation. practically no depth, if any.
2. horrible: not worth any amount of time invested. read the summary if you're curious.
1. garbage: time spent here is time you'll never get back.
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