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Seishun Buta Yarou wa Yumemiru Shoujo no Yume wo Minai
Jul 26, 2020 5:42 PM
· Scored

Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai
Jul 26, 2020 5:42 PM
· Scored
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 87.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries333
- Reread2
- Chapters12,110
- Volumes1,582
All Comments (9) Comments
Hell, no, God, no! Jesus!
That shit's close enough of a yaoi or yuri series than I ever wanted it to be!
That's why I was avoiding the manga so far... If the series is like that, I can't even imagine how the manga shown those scenes. XDD
Please do!
Found any 'gems' so far?
I've tried that Domestic na Kanojo that you started reading aswell, but it gets freaking annoying some chapters after 15. I thought it was going to be as cool as Good Ending was, but it's more like a psychological ecchi than anything else, I think.
I heard about Chikan Otoko but I didn't start it yet because it's a doujin from the same author of Onanie Master Kurosawa, which I disliked a lot. I don't know, I didn't like that whole 'creepy' atmosphere that it passed to me. I prefer mangas where the romance and the drama is shown a lot more frequently than it was in Onanie Master Kurosawa.
To be sincere, I'm in lack of good mangas to read and I gave up searching for them. Probably there will be good ones again only in 2 or 3 years, so I gave up and I'm currently only reading the ones I already started. xD
How is this one here: Shounen yo Taishi wo Dake!? Did you like it?
It may be some cool mangas out there, but most are not translated. You know Virgin na Kankei? I liked that one too, but its sequel was not totally transalted (only like 9 chapters were translated) and it has been completed like years ago.
The only problem about reading manga that I truly find annoying is this. There are so many cool series out there, but most of them are not translated or if they are they get dropped at some point.
I don't know why is there this huge lack of romances where the main couple actually gets somewhere. Maybe because the usual audience for mangas are kids, but that isn't actually true since Kouji Seo is so known and praised and whenever there is a good romance that somehow is close to his works it gets a lot of praise aswell (GE, Hetakoi, etc.).
As I said on my topic, I've been having a real hard time to find anything that suits me as good as his works do. I guess if I don't find anything in the next week, I'll be unfortunately starting to read Fuuka, even though I wanted to start it after it gets past 70 chapters or so.
I just heard what he did to Fuuka and damn... What a nice trick he did there, god damn it. He's always make people feel hard and, at the same time, get happy at the end of his series, so I wanna see how he's gonna manage to overcome what he did to her, haha.