Gah! Fifth or sixth was around when I was gonna quit, then it suddenly grabbed me, and I actually watched it all in one night. Anubituf and Guragief are the most well developed male characters in any anime I can think of. And, I have to say, taking a glance at your list it is nice to see someone without fifteen tens in there. Ten to me means perfect, that's why I only used it twice. Even though I'd like to have used it for Simoun, the art was just too jumpy. Why they were so under budgeted is beyond me, because every review for it on here is on the very high end of things.
haha thanks, most people just laugh and say I look like wolverine. And, I'd have to agree, it's hard to believe I almost dropped it in the beginning. And thanks for the artist name, I'm gonna have to look her up. It's very cool.
hey, happened to notice your a simoun fan; something a sadly, rarely find on MAL. Most underrated thing ever. and did you happen to draw your profile picture? It's extremely cool, either way.
haha that we do! didnt think too many people on mal would know her stuff, since its not anime/manga. tho it's certainly 'manga-inspired'.
looks like we have some series in common as well. glad to see another simoun fan<3 it's a bit of an under-appreciated yuri imo.
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looks like we have some series in common as well. glad to see another simoun fan<3 it's a bit of an under-appreciated yuri imo.